Man pages for fchuffar/ptlmapper
Useful genetic tool allowing to discriminate individuals by comparing the distribution of their phenotype and to map the genetic loci responsible for specific distributions

build_kd_matrixA Function That Builds Kantorivitch Distance Matrix
build_mmoments_matrixA Function That Builds Multivariate Moment Matrix
build_pheno_histsA Function That Builds Histograms From Single Cell Data
check_marker_allele_propA Function That Checks Proportion of Allele for each Marker
extract_axis_infoA Function That Extracts Axis Information from a...
get_best_markers_rptlA Function That Returns Best Markers Obtained in the PTL...
get_best_markers_rqtlA Function That Returns Best Markers Obtained in the...
get_wilks_scoreA Function That Compute the Wilks Score
kantorovichA Function That Computes Kantorovich Distance
kantorovich2DA Function That Computes Kantorovich Distance between two 2D...
marker2colA Function That Converts Marker Names Into Color Index
plot_canA Function That Plots the Linear Disciminant Analysis
plot_distA Function Distribution of the Phenotypes
plot_empirical_testA Function That Plots Empirical P-Values
plot_noiseA Function That Plots Noise
plot_orth_transA Function That Plots Orthogonal Transformation
plot_rqtlA Function That Plots Encapsulated RQTL Outputs
plot_wilksA Function That Plots Encapsulated Wilks Scores
plot_wilks_kA Function That Plots Encapsulated Wilks Scores for...
plot_wilks_mmA Function That Plots Encapsulated Wilks Scores for...
preprocess_data_rqtlA Function That Preprocesses Genotypes and Phenotypes of...
preprocess_genodataA Function That Preprocesses Genotype of Individuals
preprocess_phenodata_rqtlA Function That Preprocesses Phenotypes of Individuals for R...
ptl_mappingA Workflow That Maps PTLs, QTLs, Returns involved Objects,...
ptl_scanA Function That Scans Genome to Detect PTLs
rqtl_launchA Function That Scans Genome to Detect QTLs (based on R...
zscoreA Function That Computes Z-Score
fchuffar/ptlmapper documentation built on March 27, 2024, 3:28 p.m.