
Todo list:

Technical consideration

With the CLR loaded a .Net AppDomain is also loaded, so all constraints linked to it are kept. The main constraint is that an AppDomain can't unload an assembly. It can't also load an assembly a second time. So if you want to update an assembly loaded you have to restart your R process and reload all assemblies.

You can load a .Net core application which has been published with self-contained without this step.

How compile sources

You can build the package by running the Build.cmd script file from windows.

or by executing this 2 following steps:

rscript -e devtools::document()
r CMD INSTALL . --build --clean


Compile with Visual Studio

Before the first compilation you need to run this script: src\prepare-vs-build.cmd and be sure that the variable at the begin of the script are valid with your machine setup.

SET RTOOLS=C:\Program Files\R\Rtools
SET VS_VC_BUILD="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\VC\Auxiliary\Build"

fdieulle/sharper documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 4:19 p.m.