#' test_theme_base
#' @export
test_theme_base <- function() {
colors <- list(
minimal = list(
black = "black",
white = "white"
rebase = list(
rebase03 = "#fdf6e3",
rebase02 = "#eee8d5",
rebase01 = "#93a1a1",
rebase00 = "#839496",
rebase0 = "#657b83",
rebase1 = "#586e75",
rebase2 = "#073642",
rebase3 = "#002b36"
main = list(
background = "#131516",
well = "#242638",
code = "#1D1F21",
link = "#2B79A2"
fonts <- list(
primary = "Arial",
size = list(
h0 = 40, h1 = 32, h2 = 26, h3 = 22, h4 = 20, h5 = 12, p1 = 13, p2 = 11, em = 11
base <- list(
colors = colors,
fonts = fonts,
ndexr = list(
font = fonts$primary,
primary = colors$rebase$rebase03,
background = "white",
text = "black",
title = colors$rebase$rebase0,
line = colors$rebase$rebase01,
well = "white",
code = "white",
link = colors$main$link,
li = "white"
#' headers
#' @export
headers <- function() {
# sass(
# sass_file("www/styles.scss"),
# output = "www/styles.css"
# )
theme <- test_theme_base()
# mycss <- make_css(
# list(
# "body",
# c("font-family", "color", "background", "font-size"),
# c(theme$ndexr$font, theme$ndexr$text, theme$ndexr$background, "1.4rem")
# ),
# list(
# ".background-primary", "background", theme$ndexr$background
# ),
# list(
# ".well",
# c("color", "background"),
# c(theme$ndexr$text, theme$ndexr$well)
# ),
# list(".footer", c("color"), theme$ndexr$text),
# list("a", c("color", "text-decoration"), c(theme$ndexr$link, "none")),
# list(".btn", c("color", "background"), c(theme$ndexr$text, theme$ndexr$code)),
# list("ul", "background-color", theme$ndexr$code),
# list(".selected", "background-color", theme$ndexr$background),
# list("ul li", "color", theme$ndexr$text),
# list("a:visited a:hover a:active a:selected", c("color", "text-decoration"), c(theme$ndexr$text, "none")),
# list(".dataTable", c("background-color", "color"), c(theme$ndexr$well, theme$ndexr$text)),
# list("tr td", c("background-color", "color"), c(theme$ndexr$background, theme$ndexr$text)),
# list(".form-control", c("background-color", "color"), c(theme$ndexr$background, theme$ndexr$text)),
# list(".items", c("background-color", "color"), c(theme$ndexr$background, theme$ndexr$text)),
# list(".item", c("background-color", "color"), c(theme$ndexr$background, theme$ndexr$text)),
# list(".selectize-dropdown-content", c("background-color", "color"), c(theme$ndexr$background, theme$ndexr$text)),
# list(".selectize-input.full", c("background-color", "color"), c(theme$ndexr$background, theme$ndexr$text)),
# list(".option", c("background-color", "color"), c(theme$ndexr$background, theme$ndexr$text))
# list(" .tabbable > .nav > li > a", c("background-color", 'color'), c(theme$ndexr$background, theme$ndexr$text)),
# list(" .tabbable > .nav > li[class=active] > a", c("background-color", 'color'), c(theme$ndexr$well, theme$ndexr$text))
# )
extendShinyjs(text = "shinyjs.reset_app = function() {history.go(0)}", functions = "reset_app"),
# style(mycss),
link(rel = "icon", type = "image/png", href = "images/icons/dumpsterfire.jpg"),
style(".shiny-output-error:after{contentsr: 'sorry, I guess I broke it.'; visibility: visible}"),
style(".shiny-output-error{visibility: hidden}"),
style(type = "text/css", "#statistics-current_plot.recalculating { opacity: 1; }"),
src = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.1.3/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha384-ka7Sk0Gln4gmtz2MlQnikT1wXgYsOg+OMhuP+IlRH9sENBO0LRn5q+8nbTov4+1p'
'Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("changetitle", function(x) {document.title=x});'
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.