
Defines functions variance_test_basic

# This function checks that variance of the groups in the basic model is similar
# This corresponds to box three in the flow chart
variance_test_basic <- function(transformed_data, variable) {
  orig_data <- transformed_data
  # First find the variance for each TreatmentNew and week combination,
  # then take the average of these variances to estimate the variance
  # for each group
  variances <- transformed_data %>%
    filter(basic_model) %>%
    group_by(TreatmentNew, Time) %>%
    summarize(var = var(get(variable))) %>%
    group_by(TreatmentNew) %>%
    summarize(mean_var = mean(var))

  pooled_var <- variances %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    summarize(pooled = mean(mean_var))

  # We really want to make sure that the variance for the groups in the basic model
  # is similar. So we compare their variances to the mean (pooled) variance of these
  # groups. There will be two conditions to indicate that variances are not similar
  # 1. larger than three fold change from the pooled variance of the basic_model, or
  # 2. larger than two fold change and a significant p-value from the log likelihood

  # Log liklihood test, comparing a model with a one overall variance for the basic
  # model (reduceed model) and a model estimating the variances separately (full model)

  full_model <- gls(
    model = as.formula(paste(variable, "~ TreatmentNew * Time")),
    data = transformed_data %>%
    weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | TreatmentNew)

  restricted_model <- gls(
    model = as.formula(paste(variable, "~ TreatmentNew * Time")),
    data = transformed_data %>%

  loglik_diff <- -2 * (restricted_model$logLik - full_model$logLik)
  df_diff <- attributes(loglik_diff)
  p_value <- 1 - pchisq(as.numeric(loglik_diff), df_diff$df)

  if (p_value < 0.05) {
    variances <- variances %>%
        var_ratio = mean_var / pooled_var$pooled,
        fold_change = log(var_ratio, base = 2),
        diff_group = if_else(abs(fold_change) > 1, "Yes", "Pooled")
  } else {
    variances <- variances %>%
        var_ratio = mean_var / pooled_var$pooled,
        fold_change = log(var_ratio, base = 3),
        diff_group = if_else(abs(fold_change) > 1, "Yes", "Pooled")

  transformed_data <- transformed_data %>%

  if (any(variances$diff_group == "Yes")) {
    stop("Consult Statistician: The within group Variances are not
         similar in the basic model")
  } else {
    message("The within group Variances are similar in the basic model")
fdrennan/test documentation built on April 23, 2022, 12:37 a.m.