Man pages for feiyoung/DR.SC
Joint Dimension Reduction and Spatial Clustering

DR.SCJoint dimension reduction and spatial clustering
DR.SC.fitJoint dimension reduction and spatial clustering
drscPlottNSE or UMAP plot visualization
FindSVGsFind spatially variable genes
genspatialdataGenerate simulated data
getAdjCalculate the adjacency matrix given the spatial coordinates
getAdj_autoCalculate adjacency matrix by automatically choosing radius
getAdj_manualCalculate adjacency matrix by user-specified radius
HCC1A human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex data
mbicPlotMBIC plot visualization
read10XVisiumRead the spatial transcriptomics data measured on 10X Visium...
readscRNAseqRead the scRNAseq data measured on scRNA sequencing platform
RunWPCARun Weighted Principal Component Analysis
selectModelSelect the number of clusters
spatialPlotClustersSpatial coordinates plot visualization
sp_means_RcppCalculate column-wise or row-wise mean
sp_sums_RcppCalculate column-wise or row-wise sum
topSVGsReturn the top n SVGs
feiyoung/DR.SC documentation built on March 23, 2024, 6:31 p.m.