Man pages for fgcz/rawrr
Direct Access to Orbitrap Data and Beyond

auc.rawrrChromatogramderiving area under the curve (AUC)
basePeakBase peak of a spectrum
buildRawrrExeBuild 'rawrr.exe' console application.
dependentScanRetrieve dependent scan(s) of a scan listed in scan index
dot-benchmarkBenchmark spectra per second
dot-downloadNupkgsDownload and install the Thermo Fisher Scientific .NET 8.0...
dot-thermofisherlsmsUrlURL for Thermo Fisher .NET assemblies
faimsVoltageOnIs FAIMS Voltage on?
filterdetermine scan numbers which match a specified filter
installRawFileReaderDLLsinstallRawFileReaderDLLs (deprecated)
installRawrrExeDownload 'rawrr' assembly
is.rawrrChromatogramFunction to check if an object is an instance of class...
is.rawrrSpectrumFunction to check if an object is an instance of class...
is.rawrrSpectrumSetFunction to check if an object is an instance of class...
makeAccessorMake accessor function for key value pair returned by...
massRangeAcquisition/scan range of spectrum
masterScanRetrieve master scan of scan listed in scan index
new_rawrrSpectrumCreate instances of class 'rawrrSpectrum'
plot.rawrrChromatogramPlot 'rawrrChromatogram' objects
plot.rawrrChromatogramSetPlot 'rawrrChromatogramSet' objects
plot.rawrrSpectrumBasic plotting function for instances of 'rawrrSpectrum'
print.rawrrSpectrumPrint method imitate the look and feel of Thermo Fisher...
rawrrAssemblyPathDerives the path where all .NET assemblies are stored.
rawrr-packagerawrr: Direct Access to Orbitrap Data and Beyond
rawrrSpectrumCreate 'rawrrSpectrum' objects
readChromatogramExtracts chromatographic data from a raw file.
readFileHeaderread file header Information
readIndexRead scan index
readSpectrumReads spectral data from a raw file.
readTrailerRead and extract scan trailer from TFS raw files.
sampleFilePathA small file size 'sample.raw' BLOB
scanNumberAccessor function for scan number of 'rawrrSpectrum' objects
summary.rawrrChromatogramText summary of chromatogram
summary.rawrrSpectrumBasic summary function
ticTotal ion current of a spectrum
validate_rawrrIndexValidate output of the readIndex function
validate_rawrrSpectrumValidate instance of class rawrrSpectrum
fgcz/rawrr documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 2:10 a.m.