buildRawrrExe: Build 'rawrr.exe' console application.

View source: R/dotNetAssembly.R

buildRawrrExeR Documentation

Build rawrr.exe console application.


builds rawrr.exe file from C# source code requiring xbuild or msbuild tools. The console application rawrr.exe is used by the package's reader functions through a system2 call.




The rawrr package implementation consists of two language layers, the top R layer and the hidden C# layer. Specifically, R functions requesting access to data stored in binary raw files invoke compiled C# wrapper methods using a system2 call. Calling a wrapper method typically results in the execution of methods defined in the RawFileReader dynamic link library provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific. Our precompiled wrapper methods are bundled in the rawrr.exe executable file (.NET assembly) and shipped with the released R package. Running rawrr.exe requires the environment on non-Microsoft operating systems. Mono is a cross platform, open source .NET framework. On Microsoft Windows the Microsoft .NET framework is typically already installed and sufficient. Our package also contains the C# source code rawrr.cs. In order to return extracted data back to the R layer we use file I/O. More specifically, the extracted information is written to a temporary location on the harddrive, read back into memory and parsed into R objects.


the return value of the system2 command.


Tobias Kockmann, Christian Panse <>, 2021


See Also

installRawrrExe and installRawFileReaderDLLs

fgcz/rawrr documentation built on May 5, 2024, 3:47 p.m.