ProcessGraphArgument: ProcessGraphArgument

Description Value Methods Arguments See Also


Inheriting from Argument in order to represent a ProcessGraph (prior known as callback). The ProcessGraph operates on reduced data of a data cube. For example reducing the time dimension results in a time series that has to be reduced into a single value. The value of a ProcessGraph is usually a Graph with ProcessGraphParameter as injected data. Hints from the openeo api documention:


Object of R6Class which represents a ProcessGraph.



returns the available list ProcessGraphParameter


assigns a list of ProcessGraphParameter to the ProcessGraph



the list ProcessGraphParameter

See Also

Array, Integer, EPSGCode, String, Number, Date, RasterCube, VectorCube, ProcessGraphArgument, ProcessGraphParameter, OutputFormatOptions, GeoJson, Boolean, DateTime, Time, BoundingBox, Kernel, TemporalInterval, TemporalIntervals, CollectionId, OutputFormat, AnyOf, ProjDefinition, UdfCodeArgument, UdfRuntimeArgument and UdfRuntimeVersionArgument

flahn/openeo-r-client documentation built on Sept. 18, 2020, 5:16 a.m.