SepVPA-methods: Separable Virtual Population Analysis in FLR

SepVPA-methodsR Documentation

Separable Virtual Population Analysis in FLR


Performs Separable Virtual Population Analysis. Methods for function SepVPA in package in Package ‘FLAssess’. Requires an object of class FLSepVPA.control to be created.


SepVPA<-function(stock, control=FLSepVPA.control(), ref.harvest="missing", fratio="missing", fit.plusgroup=TRUE, desc="",...)

, where stock is of type FLStock, control is of type FLSepVPA.control(), ref.harvest and fratio are numeric and fit.plusgroup is Boolean.


# Example based on ple4 dataset
# Set up stock with correct dimensions
my.stock <- FLStock(catch.n(ple4))
my.stock@range["plusgroup"] <- 15
#load catch data and mortality
my.stock@catch.n <- ple4@catch.n
my.stock@catch.n[my.stock@catch.n==0] <- 1
my.stock@m <- ple4@m
my.control <- FLSepVPA.control(sep.age = 5)
# Set up in final year
my.stock@stock.n[,"2001"] <- ple4@stock.n[,"2001"]
# Run SepVPA
my.stock.SepVPA <- SepVPA(my.stock, my.control, fit.plusgroup=TRUE)

flr/FLAssess documentation built on Sept. 9, 2022, 9:54 p.m.