
Defines functions wtadStock discnStock tdiscStock wtalStock tlandStock

Documented in tdiscStock tlandStock wtadStock wtalStock

#' @rdname landStock.f
#' @aliases tlandStock

#Total landings of a stock across fleets and metiers
#obj : an object of class FlFleetsExt
#stknm : character, the name of the stock

tlandStock <- function(obj, stknm){
    aux <- 0
    for(f in obj){
        for(m in f@metiers){
            if(!(stknm %in% catchNames(m)))
            if(aux == 0){
                aux <- 1
                res <- m@catches[[stknm]]@landings
                res[is.na(res)] <- 0
            resf <- m@catches[[stknm]]@landings
            resf[is.na(resf)] <- 0
            res <- res + resf

#landings in numbers at age across fleets and metiers
#function landStock already exists

#Mean weight at age in landings for a stock across fleets and metiers
#obj : an object of class FlFleetsExt
#stknm : character, the name of the stock

#' Mean weight at age in landings for a stock across fleets and metiers
#' @param obj An object of class FlFleetsExt.
#' @param stknm Character. The name of the stock for which we want to calculate mean weight-at-age.
#' @return A FLQuant with mean weight-at-age values. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{wtadStock}} 

wtalStock <- function(obj, stknm)
    aux <- 0
    cnt <- 1
    for(f in obj)
        for(m in f@metiers)
           if(!(stknm %in% catchNames(m)))
           if(aux == 0)
             aux <- 1
             res <- m@catches[[stknm]]@landings.wt
             res[is.na(res)] <- 0
           cnt <- cnt + 1
           resf <- m@catches[[stknm]]@landings.wt
           resf[is.na(resf)] <- 0
           res <- res + resf
    res <- res/cnt # This is a normal mean ant it should be weighted!!

#Total discards of a stock across fleets and metiers
#obj : an object of class FlFleetsExt
#stknm : character, the name of the stock
#' @rdname landStock.f
#' @aliases tdiscStock
tdiscStock <- function(obj, stknm){
    aux <- 0
    for(f in obj){
        for(m in f@metiers){
            if(!(stknm %in% catchNames(m)))
            if(aux == 0){
                aux <- 1
                res <- m@catches[[stknm]]@discards
                res[is.na(res)] <- 0
            resf <- m@catches[[stknm]]@discards 
            resf[is.na(resf)] <- 0
            res <- res + resf

#Discards in numbers at age of a stock across fleets and metiers
#obj : an object of class FlFleetsExt
#stknm : character, the name of the stock
discnStock <- function(obj, stknm){
    aux <- 0
    for(f in obj){
        for(m in f@metiers){
            if(!(stknm %in% catchNames(m)))
            if(aux == 0){
                aux <- 1
                res <- m@catches[[stknm]]@discards.n
                res[is.na(res)] <- 0
            resf <- m@catches[[stknm]]@discards.n
            resf[is.na(resf)] <- 0
            res <- res + resf

#Mean weight at age in landings for a stock across fleets and metiers
#obj : an object of class FlFleetsExt
#stknm : character, the name of the stock

#' Mean weight at age in discards for a stock across fleets and metiers
#' @param obj An object of class FlFleetsExt.
#' @param stknm Character. The name of the stock for which we want to calculate mean weight-at-age.
#' @return A FLQuant with mean weight-at-age values.
#' @seealso \code{\link{wtalStock}} 

wtadStock <- function(obj, stknm)
    aux <- 0
    cnt <- 1
    for(f in obj)
        for(m in f@metiers)
           if(!(stknm %in% catchNames(m)))
           if(aux == 0)
             aux <- 1
             res <- m@catches[[stknm]]@discards.wt
             res[is.na(res)] <- 0
           cnt <- cnt + 1
           resf <- m@catches[[stknm]]@discards.wt 
           resf[is.na(resf)] <- 0
           res <- res + resf
    res <- res/cnt
flr/FLBEIA documentation built on July 14, 2024, 11:36 a.m.