
Defines functions annexIVHCR

Documented in annexIVHCR

#                               annexIVHCR
#   HCR that implements the HCR described in Annex IV of (EC COM 2010 241)
#       ICES categories 6 - 9
#   Bnow = (Iy-1 + Iy-2)/2
#   Bref = (Iy-3 + Iy-4 + Iy-5)/3
#   TAC[y+1] = gamma*TAC[y]
#                   | 1 + beta      Bnow/Bref > 1 + alpha
#           gamma = | f(Bnow/Bref)  1-alpha < Bnow/Bref < 1 + alpha
#                   | 1 - beta      Bnow/Bref < 1 - alpha
#   Base Case: alpha = 0.2 and beta = 0.15
#   HCR 2 => f(Bnow/Bref) = 1
#   HCR 4 => f(Bnow/Bref) = beta/alpha * (Bnow/Bref - 1) + 1
#   Note: HCR names from De Oliveira et al. 2010. Technical Background Evaluation of Annex IV Rules. 
#         ICES CM 2010/ACOM:5828 pp.
# * A single biomass index per stock.
# 13/09/2011 09:47:24
# Changed: Dorleta Garcia 15/04/2013 14:23:06 generalized to work with any of 
#                the index contained in FLIndices objetct as it was it only  
#                worked with the first in the list.
#' @rdname annualTAC
#' @aliases annexIVHCR
annexIVHCR <- function(indices, advice, advice.ctrl, year, stknm,...){

    Idnm <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['index']]  # either the name or the position of the index in FLIndices object.
    Id <- indices[[stknm]][[Idnm]]@index
    ni <- dim(Id)[6]
    # Year  => Character, because the year dimension in indices does not coincide with year dimension in biol.
    year.or <- year
    yrnm    <- dimnames(advice$TAC)[[2]][year]
    year    <- which(yrnm == dimnames(Id)[[2]])
    Bnow <- (yearSums(Id[,(year-1):(year-2)])/2)[drop=T] # [it]
    Bref <- (yearSums(Id[,(year-3):(year-5)])/3)[drop=T] # [it]
    Brat <- Bnow/Bref  [drop=T] # [it]
    alpha <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['ref.pts']]['alpha',] #[it]
    beta  <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['ref.pts']]['beta',] #[it]
    type  <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['type']]
    # if(Brat > rep(1+alpha,ni))
    #     gamma <- 1 + beta
    # else{
    #     if(Brat < rep(1-alpha,ni))
    #         gamma <- 1 - beta
    #     else{
    #         if(type == 2) gamma <- 1
    #         else{ # type == 4
    #             gamma <- beta/alpha * (Brat - 1) + 1
    #         }
    #     }
    # }
    if(type == 2){
      gamma <- ifelse(Brat > 1+alpha, 1 + beta, 
                ifelse(Brat < 1-alpha,  1 - beta, 1))
    if(type == 4){
      gamma <- ifelse(Brat > 1+alpha, 1 + beta, 
                      ifelse(Brat < 1-alpha,  1 - beta, beta/alpha * (Brat - 1) + 1))
    advice$TAC[stknm,year.or+1,] <- advice$TAC[stknm,year.or,]*gamma
flr/FLBEIA documentation built on July 14, 2024, 11:36 a.m.