Man pages for flr/mse
Tools for Running Management Strategy Evaluations using FLR

bisectBisection search for a forecast target providing a given...
catchSSB.hcrA HCR to set total catch based on SSB depletion level
computeFp05Calculates the Fbar value giving a maximum probability of ssb...
dbCreates a single table of output from an FLmse object
debug-mseDebugging mse modules
effort.iseffort implementation function
fixedC.hcrA fixed catch HCR
fixedF.hcrA fixed target f
FLiem-classS4 class 'FLiem'
FLmse-classS4 class 'FLmse'
FLoem-classSpecification for the observation error model (OEM).
FLom-classA class for an operating model (OM)
fwd.omA method to project the operating model (OM)
gridFunctions to create grids and lists of model and simulation...
ices.hcrThe typical HCR used by ICES
index.hat-FLIndexBiomass-FLStock-methodPredicted index of abundance from abundance estimates
indicator.hcrAn indicator-based HCR
indicator.isindicator implementation function
initiateInitializes a population for a given virgin biomass.
kobestatisticsKobe statistics
mcNCompute number of necessary Monte Carlo runs
mpmp executes a single run of a Management Procedure
mpCtrl-classS4 class 'mpCtrl'
mseCtrl-classS4 class 'mseCtrl'
p4omFLom object for North sea plaice
perfect.oemA perfect observation of catch and abundances-at-age.
perfect.saA perfect 'estimate' of abundances, catches and harvest.
performanceCompute performance statistics
sampling.oemSamples from an operating model to obtain catch, biology and...
statisticsExample set of performance statistics
tac.isTAC implementation system module
target.hcrTarget-based harvest control rule to adjust input or output...
flr/mse documentation built on Nov. 3, 2024, 2:08 p.m.