Man pages for fmannhardt/pm4py
Interface to the 'PM4py' Process Mining Library

as_pm4py_markingConvert to a PM4Py marking
conformanceConformance between an Event Log and a Petri net
deprecatedDeprecated functions
diagnostics_alignmentsApply the alignments algorithm between a log and a process...
diagnostics_token_based_replayApply *the token-based replay* algorithm between a log and a...
discover_alphaDiscover petrinet using Alpha Algorithm
discover_alpha_plusDiscover petrinet using Alpha plus Algorithm
discover_inductivePetri net discovery algorithms
discover_inductive_bpmnDiscover BPMN models using Inductive Miner
evaluationCalculates evaluation measures for a Petri nets and an Event...
fitness_alignmentsApply the *fitness* alignments algorithm between a log and a...
fitness_token_based_replayMeasure Token-Based Replay Fitness
install_pm4pyInstall PM4PY library
parametersPM4Py parameter keys
petrinet_check_relaxed_soundnessCheck Relaxed soundness property
petrinet_check_wfnetCheck Workflow net property
petrinet_synchronous_productSynchronous product Petri net
pm4pyPM4PY for R
pm4py_availableIs the PM4Py module available
pm4py_versionReturns PM4Py version used
precision_alignmentsApply the *precision* alignments algorithm between a log and...
precision_token_based_replayMeasure Token-Based Replay Precision
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
versionThis function is deprecated, please use 'pm4py_version'.
write_pnmlWrite Petri net as PNML
fmannhardt/pm4py documentation built on July 21, 2023, 10:55 p.m.