pm4py: PM4PY for R

pm4pyR Documentation

PM4PY for R


This package provides access to the Python Process Mining library PM4PY in R and provides conversion between bupaR and PM4PY data structures.




An object of class python.builtin.module (inherits from python.builtin.object) of length 1.


To use this package, you need to have a Python environment (Conda or virtualenv) installed and install the PM4PY package and its dependencies. You can use the convenience function install_pm4py to let reticulate take care of install the right version. See the documentation of this function for further information.

When loaded, the object pm4py provides the low-level interface to the main PM4PY module. Use $ to access sub modules of PM4PY as described in the reticulate documentation:

vignette("calling_python", package = "reticulate")

For parts of PM4PY wrapper functions are provided to transparently convert parameters and results to and from the corresponding bupaR S3 classes.

fmannhardt/pm4py documentation built on May 12, 2024, 8:19 p.m.