Man pages for frabas/displaceplot
A suite of R routines to treat DISPLACE simulation output files

addLogbookVarsLikeEffort2PopAnnualIndicLink annual indic to effort
barplotTotLandingsPerSceMaking an overview barplot for total landings per scenario...
boxplotAggLoglikeFilesIndicatorsMake a boxplot for fisheries indicators from previous...
callCompareSimSimPlotsCall compareSimSimPlot to generate a wealth of graphics...
comparePieplotStressPerPortProduce pie plots centered on ports with proportion affected...
compareSimSimIndividualVidCumTrajGenerate individual vessels time series on output variables...
compareSimSimPlotsThis function produces a wealth of raw graphics for...
expressAggLoglikeFilesIndicatorsRelativeToBaselineSceProduce a table relative to the baseline scenario
getAggLoglikeFilesProcessing the loglike.dat files (maybe better for you to use...
getAggNodeBenthosLayerFilesProduce an average spatial layer as first step to do a map
getAggNodeLayerFilesProduce an average spatial layer as first step to do a map
getAggPoplikeFilesProcessing the popdyn.dat files
loadLoglikeFilesRe-load outcome files of getAggLoglikeFiles() in the global...
mapNodeAverageLayerFilesGenerate maps from averaging stochastic DISPLACE spatial...
polygonPlotsFromAggLoglikeFilesProduce polygon plots of time series for aggregated loglike...
polygonPlotsFromAggNodeBenthosFilesProduce polygons time series plots for Benthos indicators and...
polygonPlotsFromAnnualIndicFilesProduce polygon plots of time series for annual indicators
polygonPlotsFromPopStatsFilesProduce polygon plots of time series for pop monthly...
setGeneralOverallVariableSetting the general variable to use across other routines
stressBarplotstress barplots in percentage of affected vessels
frabas/displaceplot documentation built on May 3, 2019, 4:06 p.m.