Man pages for franzmohr/bgvars
Bayesian Inference of Global Vector Autoregressive and Gloal Vector Error Correction Models

add_priors.gvarsubmodelsAdd Priors to Country-Specific VARX Models of a GVAR Model
add_priors.gvecsubmodelsAdd Priors to Country-Specific VECX Models of a GVAR Model
bgvars-packagebgvars: Bayesian Inference of Global Vector Autoregressive...
bvarxpostPosterior Simulation Country-Specific VARX Models of a GVAR...
bvecxpostPosterior Simulation Country-Specific VECX Models of a GVAR...
combine_submodelsGenerate a GVAR Model
create_modelsCreate Country Models
create_regionsCreate Regional Series
create_specificationsCreate Country Model Specifications
create_weightsCreate Weight Matrices
ctryvec_to_ctryvarTransform the BVEC Submodels of a BGVAR model to a BVAR...
dees2007Dees, di Mauro, Pesaran & Smith data set
diff_variablesDifferences of Variables
draw_posterior.gvarsubmodelsPosterior simulation
draw_posterior.gvecsubmodelsPosterior simulation
get_submodel_specificationsSpecifications of the Submodels of a GVAR Model
gfevdGeneralised Forecast Error Variance Decomposition
girfGernalised Impulse Response Function
gvar2019Global VAR Database (1979Q2-2019Q4)
irfPlotting Impulse Responses of Bayesian Vector Autoregression
irf.bgvarestImpulse Response Function for a GVAR Submodel
irf.ctryvarestImpulse Response Function for a GVAR Submodel
plot.bgvarestPlotting Draws of a Bayesian Global VAR Models
plot.bgvecestPlotting Draws of a VECX Submodel of a GVAR Model
plot.ctryvarestPlotting Draws of a VARX Submodel of a GVAR Model
plot.ctryvecestPlotting Draws of a VECX Submodel of a GVAR Model
plot.teststats.bgvarestPlotting Submodel Test Statistics
predict.bgvarPlotting Forecasts of BVAR Models
select_submodelsSubmodel Selection
submodel_test_statisticsTest Statistics for the Selection of Submodels of GVAR Model
summary.bgvarestSummarising Country-Specific VARX Submodels of a GVAR Model
summary.bgvecestSummarising Country-Specific VECX Submodels of a GVAR Model
summary.ctryvarestSummarising Country-Specific VARX Submodels of a GVAR Model
summary.ctryvecestSummarising Country-Specific VECX Submodels of a GVAR Model
thin.bgvarThinning Posterior Draws
thin.bgvarestThinning Posterior Draws
thin.bgvecestThinning Posterior Draws
franzmohr/bgvars documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 12:45 p.m.