gvar2019: Global VAR Database (1979Q2-2019Q4)

gvar2019R Documentation

Global VAR Database (1979Q2-2019Q4)


The data set of Mohaddes and Raissi (2020) contains economic time series for 33 countries and 3 commodities from 1979Q2 to 2019Q4.




A named list containing the following elements:


A named list of 33 time-series objects with 163 quarterly observations from 1979Q2 to 2019Q4 of the following variables:

  • y: log real GDP

  • Dp: rate of inflation

  • r: short-term interest rate

  • lr: long-term interest rate

  • ep: log deflated exchange rate

  • eq: log real equity prices

The variables are available for the following countries

Country Code y Dp r lr ep eq
Argentina AR x x x x x
Australia AU x x x x x x
Austria AT x x x x x x
Belgium BE x x x x x x
Brazil BR x x x x
Canada CA x x x x x x
China CN x x x x
Chile CL x x x x x
Finland FI x x x x x
France FR x x x x x x
Germany DE x x x x x x
India IN x x x x x x
Indonesia ID x x x x
Italy IT x x x x x x
Japan JP x x x x x x
Korea KR x x x x x x
Malaysia MY x x x x x
Mexico MX x x x x
Netherlands NL x x x x x x
Norway NO x x x x x x
New Zealand NZ x x x x x x
Peru PE x x x x
Philippines PH x x x x x
South Africa ZA x x x x x x
Saudi Arabia SA x x x
Singapore SG x x x x x
Spain ES x x x x x x
Sweden SE x x x x x x
Switzerland CH x x x x x x
Thailand TH x x x x x
Turkey TR x x x x
United Kingdom GB x x x x x x
USA US x x x x x

A time-series object containing 163 quarterly observations from 1979Q2 to 2019Q4 of the following variables

  • poil: log of oil prices

  • pmat: log of agricultural raw material prices

  • pmetal: log of metals prices


A time-series object containing annual data on PPP-GDP from 1990 to 2018 for the countries listed above.


A named list of time-series objects containing annual data on trade flows from 1980 to 2016 for the countries listed above.


The variables in country_data were constructed as

  • y: y_{it} = ln(GDP_{it})

  • Dp: Dp_{it} = p_{it} - p_{it-1} with p_{it} = ln(CPI_{it})

  • r: r_{it} = 0.25 ln(1 + R_{it}^{S} / 100)

  • lr: r_{it} = 0.25 ln(1 + R_{it}^{L} / 100)

  • ep: ep_{it} = ln(E_{it} / CPI_{it})

  • eq: eq_{it} = ln(EQ_{it} / CPI_{it})

where GDP_{it} is real gross domestic product at time t for country i, CPI_{it} is the consumer price index, E_{it} is the nominal exchange rate in terms of US dollar, EQ_{it} is the nominal equity price index, and R_{it}^{S} and R_{it}^{L} are short-term and long-term interest rates, respectively.

See Mohaddes and Raissi (2020) for further details on the sources and compilation of the data set.


Mohaddes, K., & Raissi, M. (2020). Compilation, revision and updating of the global VAR (GVAR) database, 1979Q2–2019Q4 (mimeo). University of Cambridge: Judge Business School. The paper and dataset can be downloaded from https://www.mohaddes.org/gvar.

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