
  f = "getEstimates", 
  signature = "nplr", 
  definition = function(object, targets, B, conf.level=.95){
        stop("Target values have to be numeric.")

    pars <- getPar(object)
      targets[which(targets<=pars$params$bottom)] <- min(getFitValues(object))
      warning("One (or more) of the provided values were less or equal to the estimated bottom asymptote.",
              call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
      message("These values have been replaced by the minimal possible value the model can estimate.")
      targets[which(targets>=pars$params$top)] <- max(getFitValues(object))
      warning("One (or more) of the values were greater or equal to the estimated top asymptote.",
              call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
      message("These values have been replaced by the maximal possible value the model can estimate.")
    estim <- lapply(targets, function(target)
      .estimateRange(target, getStdErr(object), pars$params, B, object@useLog, conf.level)
    estim <- cbind.data.frame(y=targets, do.call(rbind, estim))
    xlower <- sprintf("x.%s", substr((1-conf.level)/2, 3, 5))
    xupper <- sprintf("x.%s", substr(1-(1-conf.level)/2, 3, 5))
    colnames(estim)[-1] <- c(xlower, 'x', xupper)
fredcommo/nplr documentation built on May 16, 2019, 2:41 p.m.