
How to link to help files in R package vignettes and pkgdown

I'm trying to classify datasets in an R package according to methods of analysis and present these in a table organized by method, with links to dataset documentation, e.g., help(dataset) that will work with a pkgdown site, https://friendly.github.io/vcdExtra/

The method I'm using and the current result is shown as a vignette: https://friendly.github.io/vcdExtra/articles/datasets.html

However, the links to the datasets do not work. E.g., the link to the Abortion data appears as https://friendly.github.io/vcdExtra/articles/help(Abortion), but the actual documentation is in https://friendly.github.io/vcdExtra/reference/Abortion.html

I was following the pkgdown documentation for auto-linking but it seems that auto-linking only works in text, not in a table, at least the way I've set this up.

friendly/vcdExtra documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 6:21 a.m.