subS2Btrack: S2B auxiliary function

Description Usage Arguments Value


This function computes S2B scores, without specificity scores, and keeps track of wich shortest paths were used during the computation.


subS2Btrack(seed_graph, index1, index2, meandist)



igraph object of the network to be searched.


vector with integer node identifiers.


vector with integer node identifiers.


length threshold above which shortest paths are not included in S2B computation


allcount - vector with S2B scores for each node in the graph

smat1 - matrix with one row for each node in the network and a column for each seed in index1. If the matrix element (i,j) is 1, then index1[j] was connected to the other seed set through a shortest path going through node i, and shorter than meandist

smat2 - matrix similar to smat1 but reffering to index 2 seeds

maxS2B - theoretical maximum of absolute S2B scores for this network and seed sets

trackpath - list composed of two vectors with the ids of the shortest path extremes and a list with the shortest path members

frpinto/S2B documentation built on May 8, 2019, 2:33 a.m.