pls_major_axis: Major axis predictions for partial least squares (PLS)...

View source: R/PLS_fit.R

pls_major_axisR Documentation

Major axis predictions for partial least squares (PLS) analysis


Project data on the major axis of PLS scores and obtain associated predictions


  new_data_x = NULL,
  new_data_y = NULL,
  axes_to_use = 1,
  scale_PLS = TRUE



object of class "pls_fit" obtained from the function pls

new_data_x, new_data_y

(optional) matrices or data frames containing new data


number of pairs of PLS axes to use in the computation (by default, this is performed only on the first axis)


logical indicating whether PLS scores for different blocks should be scaled prior to computing the major axis


This function acts on a pls_fit object obtained from the function pls. More in detail, the function:

  • Projects the original data onto the major axis for each pair of PLS axes (obtaining for each observation of the original data a score along this axis)

  • For each observation (specimen) of the original data, obtains the shape predicted by its score along the major axis

  • (optionally) If new data is provided, these data is first projected in the original PLS space and then the two operations above are performed on the new data

A more in-depth explanation with a figure which allows for a more intuitive understanding is provided in Fruciano et al 2020 The idea is to obtain individual-level estimates of the shape predicted by a PLS model. This can be useful, for instance, to quantify to which extent the shape of a given individual from one group resembles the shape that individual would have according to the model computed in another group. This can be done by obtaining predictions with this function and then computing the distance between the actual shape observed for each individual and its prediction obtained from this function. This is, indeed, how this approach has been used in Fruciano et al 2020.

The function returns a list with two or three main elements which are themselves lists. The most useful elements for the final user are highlighted in boldface.

original_major_axis_projection is a list containing as many elements as specified in axes_to_use (default 1). Each of this elements contains the details of the computation of the major axis (as a PCA of PLS scores for a pair of axes), and in particular:

  • major_axis_rotation: eigenvector

  • mean_pls_scores: the mean scores for that axis pair used in the computation

  • pls_scale: the scaling factor used

  • original_data_PLS_projection: scores of the original data on the major axis

original_major_axis_predictions_reversed contains the predictions of the PLS model for the original data, back-transformed to the original space (i.e., if the original data was shape, this will be shape). If axes_to_use > 1, these predictions will be based on the major axis computed for all pairs of axes considered. This element has two sub-elements:

  • Block1: prediction for block 1

  • Block2: prediction for block 2

new_data_results is only returned when new data is provided and contains the results of the analyses obtained using a previous PLS model on new data and, in particular:

  • new_data_Xscores: PLS scores of the new data using the old model for the first block

  • new_data_Yscores: PLS scores of the new data using the old model for the second block

  • new_data_major_axis_proj: Scores of the new data on the major axis computed using the PLS model provided in pls_object. If axes_to_use > 1, each column correspond to a separate major axis

  • new_data_Block1_proj_prediction_revert: Predictions for the Block1 of the new data obtained by first computing the major axis projections for the new data (as found in element new_data_major_axis_proj) and then back-transforming these projection to the original space (e.g., shape)

  • new_data_Block2_proj_prediction_revert: Predictions for the Block2 of the new data obtained by first computing the major axis projections for the new data (as found in element new_data_major_axis_proj) and then back-transforming these projection to the original space (e.g., shape)


The function outputs a list with the following elements (please, see the Details section for explanations on their sub-elements):


For each PLS axis pair, results of the computation of major axis and projection of the original data on each axis


Data obtained back-transforming the scores on the major axis into the original space (e.g., shape)


(only if new data has been provided) PLS scores for the new data, scores of the new data on the major axis, preditions for the new data back-transformed into the original space (e.g., shape)


If you use this function, please cite Fruciano et al. 2020.


  • If new data is provided, this is first centered to the same average as in the original analysis, then it is translated back to the original scale


Fruciano C, Colangelo P, Castiglia R, Franchini P. 2020. Does divergence from normal patterns of integration increase as chromosomal fusions increase in number? A test on a house mouse hybrid zone. Current Zoology 66:527–538.

See Also



### Example using the classical    ###
### iris data set as a toy example ###

# Import the iris dataset
# Select only the specimens belonging to the species Iris versicolor
versicolor_sepal=versicolor_data[,grep("Sepal", colnames(versicolor_data))]
versicolor_petal=versicolor_data[,grep("Petal", colnames(versicolor_data))]
# Separate sepal and petal data for I. versicolor

PLS_sepal_petal_versicolor=pls(versicolor_sepal, versicolor_petal, perm=99)
# Compute the PLS for I. versicolor

     asp = 1,
     xlab = "PLS 1 Block 1 scores",
     ylab = "PLS 1 Block 2 scores")
# Plot the scores for the original data on the first pair of PLS axes (one axis per block)
# This is the data based on which we will compute the major axis direction
# Imagine fitting a line through those point, that is the major axis

Pred_major_axis_versicolor=pls_major_axis(PLS_sepal_petal_versicolor, axes_to_use=1)
# Compute for I. versicolor the projections to the major axis
# using only the first pair of PLS axes (and scaling the scores prior to the computation)

     main="Original data - projections on the major axis - based on the first pair of PLS axes",
     xlab="Major axis score")
# Plot distribution of PLS scores for each individual in the original data
# (I. versicolor)
# projected on the major axis for the first pair of PLS axis

# Shape for each individual of the original data (I. versicolor)
# predicted by its position along the major axis

# Now we will use the data from new species (I. setosa and I virginica)
# and obtain predictions from the PLS model obtained for I. versicolor

# The easiest is to use the data for all three species
# as if they were both new data
# (using versicolor as new data is not going to affect the model)

all_sepal=iris[,grep("Sepal", colnames(iris))]
all_petal=iris[,grep("Petal", colnames(iris))]
# Separate sepals and petals (they are the two blocks)

                                          new_data_x = all_sepal,
                                          new_data_y = all_petal,
# Perform the major axis computation using new data
# Notice that:
# - we are using the old PLS model (computed on versicolor only)
# - we are adding the new data in the same order as in the original model
#   (i.e., new_data_x is sepal data, new_data_y is petal data)

     col=iris$Species, asp=1,
     xlab = "Old PLS, Axis 1, Block 1",
     ylab = "Old PLS, Axis 1, Block 2")
# Plot the new data (both versicolor and setosa)
# in the space of the first pair of PLS axes computed only on versicolor
# The three species follow a quite similar trajectories
# but they have different average value on the major axis

# To visualize this better, we can plot the scores along the major axis
# for the three species
iris$Species, xlab="Species", ylab="Score on the major axis")

# We can also visualize the deviations from the major axis
# For instance by putting the predictions of the two blocks together
# Computing differences and then performing a PCA
# Get the predictions for the two blocks (sepals and petals)
# and put them back together

Euc_dist_from_predictions=unlist(lapply(seq(nrow(iris)), function(i)
# for each flower, compute the Euclidean distance between
# the original values and what is predicted by the model

        xlab="Species", ylab="Euclidean distance from prediction")
# I. setosa is the one which deviates the most from the prediction

fruciano/GeometricMorphometricsMix documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 6:24 a.m.