rvest wrapper for scraping sales data from AU House Prices website
First install realscrape
Scrape just one ad page (P) from one board (B) for each suburb (quick)
data <- scrape_sbc( STA3LM_suburbs_by_council, B = 1, P = 1 )
Take a look at the result
# A tibble: 81 x 18
address price type bed bath car CBD date agency images land med_h med_u school station suburb postcode
<chr> <int> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <chr> <int> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
1 1/9 Gl~ NA unit 2 1 2 27.6 2019-08-12 Harco~ 8 386 695250 516000 0.77 1.28 Baysw~ 3153
2 19 Gar~ NA house 3 1 2 29.9 2019-08-19 voglw~ 7 685 736000 552000 0.83 1.82 Croyd~ 3136
3 14 Bow~ 803000 house 4 2 2 27.5 2019-08-08 Carte~ 11 644 840000 860000 0.54 2.84 Croyd~ 3136
4 15 Kin~ 765200 house 3 1 0 29.0 2019-08-09 Rosie~ 12 1077 792500 599975 NA 2.81 Croyd~ 3136
5 22 Aza~ 682000 house 3 2 2 28.0 2019-08-15 Stock~ 10 594 727500 NA 0.37 2.44 Croyd~ 3136
6 63 Dic~ 1080000 house 3 2 2 25.2 2019-08-17 Wooda~ 14 1067 890000 600000 0.94 0.9 Heath~ 3135
7 29 Sno~ 632000 house 3 2 3 31.0 2019-07-19 Ray W~ 11 511 742000 NA 0.86 4.16 Kilsy~ 3137
8 209/42~ 660000 apar~ 3 2 2 22.7 2019-08-19 Carte~ 3 -1 823000 540000 0.99 0.84 Ringw~ 3134
9 25 Hum~ 791150 house 3 1 2 26.0 2019-08-19 Fletc~ 8 -1 816250 595000 0.63 1.33 Ringw~ 3135
10 649 Ri~ NA house 3 1 1 24.1 2019-08-07 Barry~ 7 5017 879500 NA NA 3.44 Ringw~ 3134
# ... with 71 more rows, and 1 more variable: council <chr>
Drop all rows containing NA
data_clean <- tidyr::drop_na( data )
nrow(data); nrow(data_clean)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.