eval_util_L: Expected utility for local species diversity assessments.

View source: R/utility.R

eval_util_LR Documentation

Expected utility for local species diversity assessments.


eval_util_L() evaluates the expected utility of a local species diversity assessment by using Monte Carlo integration.


  fit = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  theta = NULL,
  phi = NULL,
  N_rep = 1,
  cores = 1L



A data frame that specifies a set of conditions under which utility is evaluated. It must include columns named K and N, which specify the number of replicates per site and the sequencing depth per replicate, respectively. K and N must be numeric vectors greater than 0. When K contains a decimal value, it is discarded and treated as an integer. Additional columns are ignored, but may be included.


An occumbFit object.


Sample values of site occupancy status of species stored in an array with sample \times species \times site dimensions.


Sample values of sequence capture probabilities of species stored in a matrix with sample \times species dimensions or an array with sample \times species \times site dimensions.


Sample values of sequence relative dominance of species stored in a matrix with sample \times species dimensions or an array with sample \times species \times site dimensions.


Controls the sample size for the Monte Carlo integration. The integral is evaluated using N_sample * N_rep random samples, where N_sample is the maximum size of the MCMC sample in the fit argument and the parameter sample in the z, theta, and phi arguments.


The number of cores to use for parallelization.


The utility of local species diversity assessment for a given set of sites can be defined as the expected number of detected species per site (Fukaya et al. 2022). eval_util_L() evaluates this utility for arbitrary sets of sites that can potentially have different values for site occupancy status of species, z, sequence capture probabilities of species, \theta, and sequence relative dominance of species, \phi, for the combination of K and N values specified in the conditions argument. Such evaluations can be used to balance K and N to maximize the utility under a constant budget (possible combinations of K and N under a specified budget and cost values are easily obtained using list_cond_L(); see the example below). It is also possible to examine how the utility varies with different K and N values without setting a budget level, which may be useful for determining a satisfactory level of K and N from a purely technical point of view. The expected utility is defined as the expected value of the conditional utility in the form:

U(K, N \mid \boldsymbol{r}, \boldsymbol{u}) = \frac{1}{J}\sum_{j = 1}^{J}\sum_{i = 1}^{I}\left\{1 - \prod_{k = 1}^{K}\left(1 - \frac{u_{ijk}r_{ijk}}{\sum_{m = 1}^{I}u_{mjk}r_{mjk}} \right)^N \right\}

where u_{ijk} is a latent indicator variable representing the inclusion of the sequence of species i in replicate k at site j, and r_{ijk} is a latent variable that is proportional to the relative frequency of the sequence of species i, conditional on its presence in replicate k at site j (Fukaya et al. 2022). Expectations are taken with respect to the posterior (or possibly prior) predictive distributions of \boldsymbol{r} = \{r_{ijk}\} and \boldsymbol{u} = \{u_{ijk}\}, which are evaluated numerically using Monte Carlo integration. The predictive distributions of \boldsymbol{r} and \boldsymbol{u} depend on the model parameters z, \theta, and \phi values. Their posterior (or prior) distribution is specified by supplying an occumbFit object containing their posterior samples via the fit argument, or by supplying a matrix or array of posterior (or prior) samples of parameter values via the z, theta, and phi arguments. Higher approximation accuracy can be obtained by increasing the value of N_rep.

The eval_util_L() function can be executed by supplying the fit argument without specifying the z, theta, and phi arguments, by supplying the three z, theta, and phi arguments without the fit argument, or by supplying the fit argument and any or all of the z, theta, and phi arguments. If z, theta, or phi arguments are specified in addition to the fit, the parameter values given in these arguments are used preferentially to evaluate the expected utility. If the sample sizes differ among parameters, parameters with smaller sample sizes are resampled with replacements to align the sample sizes across parameters.

The expected utility is evaluated assuming homogeneity of replicates, in the sense that \theta and \phi, the model parameters associated with the species detection process, are constant across replicates within a site. For this reason, eval_util_L() does not accept replicate-specific \theta and \phi. If the occumbFit object supplied in the fit argument has a replicate-specific parameter, the parameter samples to be used in the utility evaluation must be provided explicitly via the theta or phi arguments.

The Monte Carlo integration is executed in parallel on multiple CPU cores, where the cores argument controls the degree of parallelization.


A data frame with a column named Utility in which the estimates of the expected utility are stored. This is obtained by adding the Utility column to the data frame provided in the settings argument.


K. Fukaya, N. I. Kondo, S. S. Matsuzaki and T. Kadoya (2022) Multispecies site occupancy modelling and study design for spatially replicated environmental DNA metabarcoding. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13:183–193. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/2041-210X.13732")}



# Generate a random dataset (20 species * 2 sites * 2 reps)
I <- 20 # Number of species
J <- 2  # Number of sites
K <- 2  # Number of replicates
data <- occumbData(
    y = array(sample.int(I * J * K), dim = c(I, J, K)))

# Fitting a null model
fit <- occumb(data = data)

## Estimate expected utility
# Arbitrary K and N values
(util1 <- eval_util_L(expand.grid(K = 1:3, N = c(1E3, 1E4, 1E5)),

# K and N values under specified budget and cost
(util2 <- eval_util_L(list_cond_L(budget = 1E5,
                                  lambda1 = 0.01,
                                  lambda2 = 5000,

# K values restricted
(util3 <- eval_util_L(list_cond_L(budget = 1E5,
                                  lambda1 = 0.01,
                                  lambda2 = 5000,
                                  K = 1:5),

# theta and phi values supplied
(util4 <- eval_util_L(list_cond_L(budget = 1E5,
                                  lambda1 = 0.01,
                                  lambda2 = 5000,
                                  K = 1:5),
                      theta = array(0.5, dim = c(4000, I, J)),
                      phi = array(1, dim = c(4000, I, J))))

# z, theta, and phi values, but no fit object supplied
(util5 <- eval_util_L(list_cond_L(budget = 1E5,
                                  lambda1 = 0.01,
                                  lambda2 = 5000,
                                  K = 1:5),
                      fit = NULL,
                      z = array(1, dim = c(4000, I, J)),
                      theta = array(0.5, dim = c(4000, I, J)),
                      phi = array(1, dim = c(4000, I, J))))

fukayak/occumb documentation built on Jan. 20, 2025, 1:09 p.m.