list_cond_R: Conditions for regional assessment under certain budget and...

View source: R/utility.R

list_cond_RR Documentation

Conditions for regional assessment under certain budget and cost values.


list_cond_R() constructs a list of possible regional species diversity assessment conditions under the specified budget and cost values.


list_cond_R(budget, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, J = NULL, K = NULL)



A numeric specifying budget amount. The currency unit is arbitrary but must be consistent with that of lambda1, lambda2, and lambda3.


A numeric specifying the cost per sequence read for high-throughput sequencing. The currency unit is arbitrary but must be consistent with that of budget, lambda2, and lambda3.


A numeric specifying the cost per replicate for library preparation. The currency unit is arbitrary but must be consistent with that of budget, lambda1, and lambda3.


A numeric specifying the visiting cost per site. The currency unit is arbitrary but must be consistent with that of budget, lambda1, and lambda2.


An optional vector for manually specifying the number of sites


An optional vector used to specify the number of replicates manually. For computational convenience, the K values must be in ascending order.


This function can generate a data frame object to be given to the settings argument of eval_util_R(); see Examples of eval_util_R(). By default, it outputs a list of all feasible combinations of values for the number of sites J, number of replicates per site K, and sequencing depth per replicate N based on the given budget and cost values. The resulting N can be a non-integer because it is calculated simply by assuming that the maximum value can be obtained. If one wants to obtain a list for only a subset of the possible values of J and K under a given budget and cost value, use the J and/or K arguments (in fact, it is recommended that a relatively small number of K values be specified using the K argument because the list of all conditions achievable under moderate budget and cost values can be large, and it is rarely practical to have a vast number of replicates per site). If a given combination of J and K values is not feasible under the specified budget and cost values, the combination will be ignored and excluded from the output.


A data frame containing columns named budget, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, J, K, and N.

fukayak/occumb documentation built on Jan. 20, 2025, 1:09 p.m.