
Defines functions GetIndCEScores GetMuPhiSig GetCEScores

# obsGrid: supports fittedCov and phi. May be a truncated version.
# Assumes each tVec in t are all supported on obsGrid.
# return: ret is a 3 by n array, with the first row containing the xiEst, second row containing the xiVar, and the third 
# row containing the fitted values. 
GetCEScores <- function(y, t, optns, mu, obsGrid, fittedCov, lambda, phi, sigma2) {
  if (length(lambda) != ncol(phi))
    stop('No of eigenvalues is not the same as the no of eigenfunctions.')
  if (is.null(sigma2))
    sigma2 <- 0
  Sigma_Y <- fittedCov + diag(sigma2, nrow(phi))
  MuPhiSig <- GetMuPhiSig(t, obsGrid, mu, phi, Sigma_Y)
  ret <- mapply(function(yVec, muphisig){
    rst = GetIndCEScores(yVec, muphisig$muVec, lambda, muphisig$phiMat, muphisig$Sigma_Yi, verbose=optns$verbose)
  y, MuPhiSig)

GetMuPhiSig <- function(t, obsGrid, mu, phi, Sigma_Y) {
  #obsGrid <- signif(obsGrid, 14)
  ret <- lapply(t, function(tvec) {
    #ind <- match(signif(tvec, 14), obsGrid)
      return(list(muVec=approx(obsGrid,mu,tvec)$y, phiMat=matrix(apply(phi,2,function(phivec){return(approx(obsGrid,phivec,tvec)$y)}),nrow = length(tvec)), 
                  Sigma_Yi=ConvertSupport(obsGrid, tvec, Cov=Sigma_Y)

GetIndCEScores <- function(yVec, muVec, lamVec, phiMat, Sigma_Yi, newyInd=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
  if (length(yVec) == 0) {
    if (verbose) {
      warning('Empty observation found, possibly due to truncation')
    return(list(xiEst=matrix(NA, length(lamVec)), xiVar=matrix(NA, length(lamVec), length(lamVec)), fittedY=matrix(NA, 0, 0)))
  ## When an individual has only one observation, the leave-one-out predicted Y is NA.
  #  if (length(yVec) == 1 && !is.null(newyInd)) {
  #    newPhi <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(lamVec))
  #    newMu <- NA
  #  }
  #  if (!is.null(newyInd) && length(yVec) != 1) {
  #    # newy <- yVec[newyInd]
  #    newPhi <- phiMat[newyInd, , drop=FALSE]
  #    newMu <- muVec[newyInd]
  #    yVec <- yVec[-newyInd]
  #    muVec <- muVec[-newyInd]
  #    phiMat <- phiMat[-newyInd, , drop=FALSE]
  #    Sigma_Yi <- Sigma_Yi[-newyInd, -newyInd, drop=FALSE]
  #  }
  #  Lam <- diag(x=lamVec, nrow = length(lamVec))
  #  LamPhi <- Lam %*% t(phiMat)
  #  LamPhiSig <- LamPhi %*% solve(Sigma_Yi)
  #  xiEst <- LamPhiSig %*% matrix(yVec - muVec, ncol=1)
  #  xiVar <- Lam - LamPhi %*% t(LamPhiSig)
  #  fittedY <- if(is.null(newyInd)) 
  #    muVec + phiMat %*% xiEst else 
  #      newMu + newPhi %*% xiEst
  #  ret <- list(xiEst=xiEst, xiVar=xiVar, fittedY=fittedY)
  #  return(ret)
  # Do all subscripting stuff in R
  if (!is.null(newyInd)) {    
    if (length(yVec) != 1){ 
      newPhi <- phiMat[newyInd, , drop=FALSE]
      newMu <- muVec[newyInd]
      yVec <- yVec[-newyInd]
      muVec <- muVec[-newyInd]
      phiMat <- phiMat[-newyInd, , drop=FALSE]
      Sigma_Yi <- Sigma_Yi[-newyInd, -newyInd, drop=FALSE]  
      return ( GetIndCEScoresCPPnewInd( yVec, muVec, lamVec, phiMat, Sigma_Yi, newPhi, newMu) )
    } else {   
      # This should be an uncommon scenario
      Lam <- diag(x=lamVec, nrow = length(lamVec))
      LamPhi <- Lam %*% t(phiMat)
      LamPhiSig <- LamPhi %*% solve(Sigma_Yi)
      xiEst <- LamPhiSig %*% matrix(yVec - muVec, ncol=1)
      xiVar <- Lam - LamPhi %*% t(LamPhiSig) 
      return( list(xiEst=xiEst, xiVar = xiVar, fittedY=NA) )
  return( GetIndCEScoresCPP( yVec, muVec, lamVec, phiMat, Sigma_Yi) )
  # Unfortunately function overloading is not yet available in Rcpp
  # GetIndCEScoresCPPnewInd and GetIndCEScoresCPP are nearly identical.
functionaldata/tPACE documentation built on July 4, 2024, 5:09 a.m.