
#' Get SchoolInformation (Edubase)
#' @description Access to the Edubase Dataset that describes all UK state schools and their Links/Relationships along with key statistics.
#' @param dataset which Get Schools Information Data ("All Data", "All Data Links", "All Open State Schools")
#' @param refresh force a refresh of the data
#' @param ... addtional parameters to pass into subsequent functions
#' @return a tibble that has Edubase All Data in it
#' @export
#' @examples myDataFrame <- getSchoolInformation()
getSchoolInformation <- function(dataset = "All Data",refresh = FALSE,...)
  dataOptions <- tibble::data_frame(datasetName = c("All Data","All Data Links","All Open State Schools") , relative_uri = c( "edubasealldata","links_edubasealldata",NA))

  if(dataset %!in% dataOptions$datasetName)
    stop(glue::glue("This is not a vaild dataset choice. Choices are {dataOptions}"))
  if (refresh | is.null(.Edubase))
      dataOptions %>%
          dplyr::filter(datasetName %in% dataset) %>%
          dplyr::pull(relative_uri)-> dataset
      edubaseResponse <- generateURIforData(dataset = dataset) %>%

      failures <- purrr::map(edubaseResponse, httr::http_error) %>%

          stop("An unexpected Error has occured")
      .Edubase <<- edubaseResponse %>% purrr::map(.f = httr::content)# %>% dplyr::select(columnstoReturn)# Handle not NULL Case and pass for filter....


fusionet24/UKEducationData documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11:42 a.m.