
Experimental ‘roxygen’ Tags and Extensions

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Experimental ‘roxygen’ Tags and Extensions


Once on CRAN, install the package with



Currently there is no official way to load a package when running devtools::document() or roxygen2::roxygenize(), but you can use a trick: put the package loading code into the Roxygen field in DESCRIPTION:

Roxygen: { library(roxygenlabs); list(markdown = TRUE) }

Conditional examples

The @examplesIf tag implements conditional examples, that do not run when running example() and R CMD check, unless some condition holds. You can use this mechanism to avoid running some examples on CRAN and/or during R CMD check, without adding boilerplate code to the examples themselves. The following example only runs if the computer is online:

#' @examplesIf curl::has_internet()
#' curl::curl_fetch_memory("")

If you never want to run an example, use FALSE as the condition. This makes sense for examples that take a very long time to run:

#' @examplesIf FALSE
#' some very long running computation...

To support @examplesIf in R6 classes you need to use the roxygenlabs_rd roclet. E.g. add this to DESCRIPTION:

Roxygen: { library(roxygenlabs); list(markdown = TRUE,
    roclets = c("collate", "namespace", "roxygenlabs_rd")) }

CSS and Javascript themes

The @theme tag allows adding CSS and JS files to the HTML version of the manual pages.

To support @theme, you need to use the roxygenlabs_rd roclet. E.g. add this to DESCRIPTION:

Roxygen: { library(roxygenlabs); list(markdown = TRUE,
    roclets = c("collate", "namespace", "roxygenlabs_rd")) }

and then use the @theme tag to add CSS/JS files to all manual pages. Multiple file names can be specicified in a single @theme tag, and file names are relative to the inst/doc directory, within the package:

#' @theme assets/extra.css assets/rd.js

See the assets/extra.css and assets/rd.js files, included in the package, for an example CSS/JS theme that has the following changes compared to plain Rd documentation:


MIT © RStudio

gaborcsardi/roxygenlabs documentation built on July 12, 2020, 9:41 p.m.