scale_xaringan: Themed ggplot2 Scales

scale_xaringanR Documentation

Themed ggplot2 Scales



Color and fill single-color scales for discrete and continuous values, created using the primary accent color of the xaringanthemer styles. See vignette("ggplot2-themes") for more information and examples of xaringanthemer's ggplot2-related functions.


  aes_type = c("color", "colour", "fill"),
  color = NULL,
  direction = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

scale_xaringan_fill_discrete(..., color = NULL, direction = 1, inverse = FALSE)

  color = NULL,
  direction = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

  color = NULL,
  direction = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

  aes_type = c("color", "colour", "fill"),
  color = NULL,
  begin = 0,
  end = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

  color = NULL,
  begin = 0,
  end = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

  color = NULL,
  begin = 0,
  end = 1,
  inverse = FALSE

  color = NULL,
  begin = 0,
  end = 1,
  inverse = FALSE



The type of aesthetic to which the scale is being applied. One of "color", "colour", or "fill".


Arguments passed on to either the colorspace scale functions — one of colorspace::scale_color_discrete_sequential(), colorspace::scale_color_continuous_sequential(), colorspace::scale_fill_discrete_sequential(), or colorspace::scale_fill_continuous_sequential() — or to ggplot2::continuous_scale or ggplot2::discrete_scale.


A color value, in hex, to override the default color. Otherwise, the primary color of the resulting scale is chosen from the xaringanthemer slide styles.


Direction of the discrete scale. Use values less than 0 to reverse the direction, e.g. direction = -1.


If color is not supplied and inverse = TRUE, a primary color is chosen to work well with the inverse slide styles, namely the value of inverse_header_color


Number in the range of [0, 1] indicating to which point in the color scale the smallest data value should be mapped.


Number in the range of [0, 1] indicating to which point in the color scale the largest data value should be mapped.


# Requires ggplot2
has_ggplot2 <- requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)

if (has_ggplot2) {
  # Saving the theme to a temp file because this is an example
  path_to_css_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".css")

  # Create the xaringan theme: dark blue background with teal green accents
    primary_color = "#002b36",
    secondary_color = "#31b09e",
    # Using basic fonts for this example, but the plot theme will
    # automatically use your theme font if you use Google fonts
    text_font_family = "sans",
    header_font_family = "serif",
    outfile = path_to_css_file

  # Here's some very basic example data
  ex <- data.frame(
    name = c("Couple", "Few", "Lots", "Many"),
    n = c(2, 3, 5, 7)

  # Fill color scales demo
  ggplot(ex) +
    aes(name, n, fill = n) +
    geom_col() +
    ggtitle("Matching fill scales") +
    # themed to match the slides: dark blue background with teal text
    theme_xaringan() +
    # Fill color matches teal text

  # Color scales demo
  ggplot(ex) +
    aes(name, y = 1, color = name) +
    geom_point(size = 10) +
    ggtitle("Matching color scales") +
    # themed to match the slides: dark blue background with teal text
    theme_xaringan() +
    # Fill color matches teal text
    scale_xaringan_color_discrete(direction = -1)

gadenbuie/xaringanthemer documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 12:14 p.m.