
strrep: Duplicate Strings


Concatenate a number of copies of each string.


strrep(x, times)

e1 %x*% e2


| | | |----|----| | e1, x | character vector (or an object coercible to) whose elements are to be duplicated | | e2, times | numeric vector giving the number of times to repeat the corresponding strings |


Both arguments are recycled if necessary.

The `%x*%` operator mimics a vectorised version of Python\'s `*` for strings (str.__mul__).


A character vector (in UTF-8).

`%x*%` and strrep preserve object attributes in a similar way as other Arithmetic operators.

Differences from Base R

Replacement for base strrep implemented with stri_dup.


Marek Gagolewski

See Also

The official online manual of stringx at https://stringx.gagolewski.com/

Related function(s): paste, sprintf


x <- structure(c(A="a", B=NA, C="c"), attrib1="value1")
x %x*% 3
##     A     B     C 
## "aaa"    NA "ccc" 
## attr(,"attrib1")
## [1] "value1"
x %x*% 1:3
##     A     B     C 
##   "a"    NA "ccc" 
## attr(,"attrib1")
## [1] "value1"
"a" %x*% 1:3
## [1] "a"   "aa"  "aaa"
stringx::strrep(x, 3)
##     A     B     C 
## "aaa"    NA "ccc" 
## attr(,"attrib1")
## [1] "value1"
base::strrep(x, 3)
##     A     B     C 
## "aaa"    NA "ccc"
y <- matrix(1:6, nrow=2, dimnames=list(c("A", "B"), NULL))
y %x*% 1:2
## [1] "1"  "22" "3"  "44" "5"  "66"
stringx::strrep(y, 1:2)
## [1] "1"  "22" "3"  "44" "5"  "66"
base::strrep(y, 1:2)
## [1] "1"  "22" "3"  "44" "5"  "66"

gagolews/stringx documentation built on Jan. 15, 2025, 9:46 p.m.