#' Master MCMC function
#' Simulates hyperparameters from the posterior distribution of a gaussian process that uses a Gaussian correlation function.
#' Currently, the only prior available is an Exponential prior and the only regression model is a constant one.
#' There exist a number of options for the Metropolis algorithm proposal density, which can be univariate uniform, univariate normal, multivariate normal, or multivariate normal with a specialized covariance matrix
#' The specialized covariance requires initial point inference of the hyper-parameters and also some assumptions need to be checked, such as positive definiteness of the covariance matrix, obtained via a fisher approximation using the HessFBI function.
#' @param nsamp  number of MCMC samples to be generated
#' @param burn  number of samples to be burned, must be less than nsamp
#' @param thin  only include one of every 'thin' samples.  If thin is 10, only include one in every 10 samples
#' @param x  covariate matrix/ vector x
#' @param y  response vector
#' @param reg  regression model, defaults to "constant"
#' @param step  step length for MCMC, defaults to 1
#' @param priortheta  prior, defaults to Exponential prior
#' @param method  proposal distribution, defaults to "mvrnorm2", other options include "normal", "mvrnorm", and "uniform"
#' @param plot  defaults to FALSE, whether or not to plot simulated points against pairs of hyperparameters
#' @return returns a list containing the mcmc samples (mcmc_samples) and the acceptance rates for each covariate (acceptance)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nsamp <- 100
#' burn <- 200
#' thin <- 10
#' n <- 10
#' x1 <- seq(-5,10,length.out = n)
#' x2 <- seq(0,15,length.out = n)
#' x <- expand.grid(x1,x2)
#' d2 <- c(0.01,0.2,0,0) #here we set the theta parameters to be 0.01 and 0.2.
#' #These are the modes of the distribution that we will sample from using MCMC
#' cor.par <- data.frame(matrix(data = d2,nrow = dim(x)[2],ncol = 2))
#' names(cor.par) <- c("Theta.y","Alpha.y")
#' R <- cor.matrix(x,cor.par) # obtain covariance matrix
#' L <- chol(R)
#' z <- as.matrix(rnorm(n^2))
#' y <- L%*%z
#' gp <- gpMCMC(nsamp,burn,thin,x,y,step = 1)
#' mean(gp$samples[,2]) #these means should be similar to the theta parameters set above
#' mean(gp$samples[,1])
gpMCMC <-function(nsamp,burn,thin,x,y,reg = "constant",step = 1, priortheta = "Exp", method = "mvrnorm", plot = FALSE){

  if(thin <= 0){
    nmcmc <- nsamp + burn
    nmcmc <- nsamp*thin + burn

  mcmc_samples <- data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = nsamp, ncol = dim(x)[2]))
  acceptance <- 0

  if(reg == "constant"){
    if(priortheta == "Exp" || priortheta == "exp"){
       if(method == "uniform"){
         re <- bceMCMC(nmcmc,burn,thin,x,y,reg="constant",step = step, priortheta="Exp")
         mcmc_samples <- re$mcmc.ma
         acceptance <- re$accept
       else if(method == "normal"){
         re <- bceMCMC_norm(nmcmc,burn,thin,x,y,reg="constant",step = step, priortheta="Exp")
         mcmc_samples <- re$mcmc.ma
         acceptance <- re$accept
       else if(method == "mvrnorm"){
         re <- bceMCMC_mvrnorm(nmcmc,burn,thin,x,y,reg="constant",step = step, priortheta="Exp")
         mcmc_samples <- re$mcmc.ma
         acceptance <- re$accept
       else if(method == "mvrnorm2"){
         re<-bceMCMC_mvrnorm_2(nmcmc,burn,thin,x,y,reg="constant",step = step, priortheta="Exp")
         mcmc_samples <- re$mcmc.ma
         acceptance <- re$accept
#     if(priortheta == "Gem"){
#       break
#     }
#     if(priortheta == "Jeffreys"){
#       break
#     }
names(mcmc_samples) <- names(x)
if(plot == FALSE){
 m <- list(samples = mcmc_samples, acceptance = acceptance)
  m <- list(samples = mcmc_samples, acceptance = acceptance)
#   t1s <- mat.or.vec(200,dim(x)[2])
#   for(j in 1:dim(x)[2]){
#     t1s[,j] <-   seq(log(cor.par[j,1]) - 2*0.50*abs(log(cor.par[j,1])),log(cor.par[j,1]) + 2*0.495*abs(log(cor.par[j,1])),10^(-2)*abs(log(cor.par[j,1])))
#   }
#   cor.par2 <- cor.par
#   corpar <- cor.par
#   names1 <- colnames(x)

  #LL1 to LL6 are obviously specific to the g-protein dataset and this functionality won't be applicable for other problems
#   c <- contour(t1s[,2],t1s[,1],LL1,xlab = names1[2], ylab = names1[1],main = "log-posterior contour with mcmc samples")
#   points(log(mcmc_samples[,2]),log(mcmc_samples[,1]),pch = 20)
#   show(c)
#   c <- contour(t1s[,3],t1s[,1],LL2,xlab = names1[3], ylab = names1[1],main = "log-posterior contour with mcmc samples")
#   points(log(mcmc_samples[,3]),log(mcmc_samples[,1]),pch = 20)
#   show(c)
#   c <- contour(t1s[,4],t1s[,1],LL3,xlab = names1[4], ylab = names1[1],main = "log-posterior contour with mcmc samples")
#   points(log(mcmc_samples[,4]),log(mcmc_samples[,1]),pch = 20)
#   show(c)
#   c <- contour(t1s[,3],t1s[,2],LL4,xlab = names1[3], ylab = names1[2],main = "log-posterior contour with mcmc samples")
#   points(log(mcmc_samples[,3]),log(mcmc_samples[,2]),pch = 20)
#   show(c)
#   c <- contour(t1s[,4],t1s[,2],LL5,xlab = names1[4], ylab = names1[2],main = "log-posterior contour with mcmc samples")
#   points(log(mcmc_samples[,4]),log(mcmc_samples[,2]),pch = 20)
#   show(c)
#   c <- contour(t1s[,4],t1s[,3],LL6,xlab = names1[4], ylab = names1[3],main = "log-posterior contour with mcmc samples")
#   points(log(mcmc_samples[,4]),log(mcmc_samples[,3]),pch = 20)
#   show(c)
galotalp/gpMCMC documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:36 p.m.