
#' neatStats: an R Package for Neat and Painless Statistical Reporting
#' This package focuses on user-friendly, simple functions to produce clear but
#' comprehensive statistics, primarily for publication in psychological science.
#' Most functions are wrappers for base R functions and other packages, but
#' there are various additions as well. Highlights are the
#' \code{\link[=t_neat]{t-test}}, and the \code{\link[=anova_neat]{ANOVA}} (both
#' including appropriate effect sizes with confidence intervals, and Bayes
#' factors, all printed in APA style), as well as the
#' \code{\link[=table_neat]{aggregate table}}.
#' @keywords internal
#> [1] "_PACKAGE"
gasparl/neatstats documentation built on Jan. 10, 2023, 6:23 a.m.