Man pages for gavinsimpson/gratia
Graceful 'ggplot'-Based Graphics and Other Functions for GAMs Fitted Using 'mgcv'

add_confintAdd a confidence interval to an existing object
add_constantAdd a constant to estimated values
add_fittedAdd fitted values from a model to a data frame
add_fitted.gamAdd fitted values from a GAM to a data frame
add_fitted_samplesAdd posterior draws from a model to a data object
add_partial_residualsAdd partial residuals
add_residualsAdd residuals from a model to a data frame
add_residuals.gamAdd residuals from a GAM to a data frame
add_sizerAdd indicators of significant change after SiZeR
appraiseModel diagnostic plots
basisBasis expansions for smooths
basis_sizeExtract basis dimension of a smooth
bird_moveSimulated bird migration data
boundaryExtract the boundary of a soap film smooth
check_user_select_smoothsSelect smooths based on user's choices
coef.scamExtract coefficients from a fitted 'scam' model.
compare_smoothsCompare smooths across models
confint.fderivPoint-wise and simultaneous confidence intervals for...
confint.gamPoint-wise and simultaneous confidence intervals for smooths
data_combosAll combinations of factor levels plus typical values of...
datagenGenerate data over the range of variables used in smooths
data_simSimulate example data for fitting GAMs
data_slicePrepare a data slice through model covariates
derivativesDerivatives of estimated smooths via finite differences
derivative_samplesPosterior expectations of derivatives from an estimated model
difference_smoothsDifferences of factor smooth interactions
dispersionDispersion parameter for fitted model
drawGeneric plotting via 'ggplot2'
draw.basisPlot basis functions
draw.compare_smoothsPlot comparisons of smooths
draw.derivativesPlot derivatives of smooths
draw.difference_smoothPlot differences of smooths
draw.evaluated_parametric_termPlot estimated parametric effects
draw.gamPlot estimated smooths from a fitted GAM
draw.gamlssPlot smooths of a GAMLSS model estimated by 'GJRM::gamlss'
draw.mgcv_smoothPlot basis functions
draw.pairwise_concurvityPlot concurvity measures
draw_parametric_effectInternal function to draw an individual parametric effect
draw.parametric_effectsPlot estimated effects for model parametric terms
draw.penalty_dfDisplay penalty matrices of smooths using 'ggplot'
draw.rootogramDraw a rootogram
draw.smooth_estimatesPlot the result of a call to 'smooth_estimates()'
draw.smooth_samplesPlot posterior smooths
edfEffective degrees of freedom for smooths and GAMs
eval_smoothS3 methods to evaluate individual smooths
evaluate_parametric_termEvaluate parametric model terms
evaluate_smoothEvaluate a smooth
evenlyCreate a sequence of evenly-spaced values
factor_combosAll combinations of factor levels
family.gamExtract family objects from models
family_nameName of family used to fit model
family_typeExtracts the type of family in a consistent way
fderivFirst derivatives of fitted GAM functions
fitted_samplesDraw fitted values from the posterior distribution
fitted_valuesGenerate fitted values from a estimated GAM
fixefExtract fixed effects estimates
fixef.gamExtract fixed effects estimates from a fitted GAM
fix_offsetFix the names of a data frame containing an offset variable.
gaussian_drawsPosterior samples using a simple Metropolis Hastings sampler
get_by_smoothExtract an factor-by smooth by name
get_smoothExtract an mgcv smooth by name
get_smooths_by_idExtract an mgcv smooth given its position in the model object
gratia-packagegratia: Graceful 'ggplot'-Based Graphics and Other Functions...
gss_vocabData from the General Social Survey (GSS) from the National...
gw_functionsGu and Wabha test functions
has_thetaAre additional parameters available for a GAM?
is_by_smoothTests for by variable smooths
is_factor_termIs a model term a factor (categorical)?
is_mgcv_smoothCheck if objects are smooths or are a particular type of...
is_offsetIs a model term an offset?
linkExtract link and inverse link functions from models
load_mgcvLoad mgcv quietly
lp_matrixReturn the linear prediction matrix of a fitted GAM
lss_parametersGeneral names of LSS parameters for each GAM family
mh_drawsPosterior samples using a Gaussian approximation to the...
model_concurvityConcurvity of an estimated GAM
model_constantExtract the model constant term
model_varsList the variables involved in a model fitted with a formula
nb_thetaNegative binomial parameter theta
nested_partial_residualsPartial residuals in nested form
nested_rug_valuesValues for rug plot in nested form
n_etaThe Number of linear predictors in model
n_smoothsHow many smooths in a fitted model
null_devianceExtract the null deviance of a fitted model
observed_fitted_plotPlot of fitted against observed response values
overviewProvides an overview of a model and the terms in that model
parametric_effectsEstimated values for parametric model terms
parametric_termsNames of any parametric terms in a GAM
partial_derivativesPartial derivatives of estimated multivariate smooths via...
partial_residualsPartial residuals
penaltyExtract and tidy penalty matrices
post_drawsLow-level Functions to generate draws from the posterior...
posterior_samplesDraw samples from the posterior distribution of an estimated...
post_link_funsA list of transformation functions named for LSS parameters...
predicted_samplesDraw new response values from the conditional distribution of...
qq_plotQuantile-quantile plot of model residuals
ref_levelReturn the reference or specific level of a factor
ref_simsReference simulation data
reorder_fs_smooth_termsReorder random factor smooth terms to place factor last
reorder_tensor_smooth_termsReorder tensor product terms for nicer plotting
rep_first_factor_valueRepeat the first level of a factor n times
residuals_hist_plotHistogram of model residuals
residuals_linpred_plotPlot of residuals versus linear predictor values
response_derivativesDerivatives on the response scale from an estimated GAM
rootogramRootograms to assess goodness of model fit
seq_min_max_epsCreate a sequence of evenly-spaced values adjusted to...
shift_valuesShift numeric values in a data frame by an amount 'eps'
simulateSimulate from the posterior distribution of a GAM
smallAgesLead-210 age-depth measurements for Small Water
smooth_coef_indicesIndices of the parametric terms for a particular smooth
smooth_coefsCoefficients for a particular smooth
smooth_dataGenerate regular data over the covariates of a smooth
smooth_dimDimension of a smooth
smooth_estimatesEvaluate smooths at covariate values
smooth_labelExtract the label for a smooth used by 'mgcv'
smoothsNames of smooths in a GAM
smooth_samplesPosterior draws for individual smooths
smooth_termsList the variables involved in smooths
smooth_typeDetermine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable...
spline_valuesEvaluate a spline at provided covariate values
spline_values2Evaluate a spline at provided covariate values
term_namesExtract names of all variables needed to fit a GAM or a...
term_variablesNames of variables involved in a specified model term
thetaGeneral extractor for additional parameters in mgcv models
tidy_basisA tidy basis representation of a smooth object
to_naSets the elements of vector to 'NA'
too_farExclude values that lie too far from the support of data
too_far_to_naSet rows of data to 'NA' if the lie too far from a reference...
transform_funTransform estimated values and confidence intervals by...
typical_valuesTypical values of model covariates
user_drawsHandle user-supplied posterior draws
variance_compVariance components of smooths from smoothness estimates
vars_from_labelReturns names of variables from a smooth label
which_smoothsIdentify a smooth term by its label
worm_plotWorm plot of model residuals
zooplanktonMadison lakes zooplankton data
gavinsimpson/gratia documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 3:35 p.m.