
Defines functions alpha.hull.poly

Documented in alpha.hull.poly

#' Internal function
#' Alpha hull process
#' @param XY data.frame coordinates
#' @param alpha integer if mode planar, in kilometers, if mode spheroid in
#'   decimal degrees
#' @param buff numeric
#' @param mode character string either 'spheroid' or 'planar'. By default
#'   'spheroid'
#' @param proj_type crs
#' @details The functions ahull_to_SPLDF and alpha.hull.poly were originally
#' posted in the website
#' https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/software/r-advanced-statistical-package/working-spatial-data/converting-alpha-shapes-sp-objects/
#' in a now broken link. It is also used in functions written by David Bucklin,
#' see https://github.com/dnbucklin/r_movement_homerange
#' @import sf
#' @importFrom stats median quantile dist
#' @importFrom methods slot
alpha.hull.poly <-
           alpha = 1,
           buff = 0.1,
           mode = "spheroid",
           proj_type = "cea")
    if (!try(requireNamespace("alphahull", quietly = F), silent = TRUE))
      stop("The package alphahull is required for this procedure, please install it")
    # if (!try(requireNamespace("rgeos", quietly = F), silent = TRUE))
    #   stop("The package rgeos is required for this procedure, please install it")
    # requireNamespace("rgeos")

    if (mode == "planar") {
      # projEAC <- proj_crs(proj_type = proj_type)
      # XY <-
      #   sf_project(
      #     from = sf::st_crs(4326),
      #     to =
      #       sf::st_crs(projEAC),
      #     pts = XY[, c(1, 2)]
      #   )
      if (alpha < median(dist(XY,  upper = F))/1000/10) {
        warning("alpha value is defined in kilometer given planar estimation and might be too small to get any polygon")

      if (buff < quantile(dist(XY,  upper = F), probs = 0.01)/1000/5) {
        warning("buff value is defined in kilometer given planar estimation and might be too small to get any polygon")
      buff <-

      alpha <-

    Used_data <- XY
    run_alpha <- TRUE
    while (run_alpha) {
      ahull.obj <-
        try(alphahull::ahull(Used_data[, c(1, 2)], alpha = alpha), silent = T)
      if (inherits(ahull.obj, "ahull")) {
        run_alpha <- FALSE
      } else {
        Used_data <- apply(Used_data, 2, jitter)
    y.as.spldf_sf <- ahull_to_SPLDF(ahull.obj)
    # y.as.spldf_sf <- st_as_sf(y.as.spldf)
    NZfill <- st_buffer(y.as.spldf_sf, buff)
    if (mode == "planar")
      st_crs(NZfill) <- proj_type
    if (mode == "spheroid")
      st_crs(NZfill) <- 4326
      # # y.as.spldf_buff <- rgeos::gBuffer(y.as.spldf, width = buff)
      # NZp <- slot(y.as.spldf_buff, "polygons")
      # holes <-
      #   lapply(NZp, function(x)
      #     sapply(slot(x, "Polygons"), slot,
      #            "hole"))
      # res <- lapply(1:length(NZp), function(i)
      #   slot(NZp[[i]],
      #                 "Polygons")[!holes[[i]]])
      # IDs <- row.names(y.as.spldf_buff)
      # NZfill <- sp::SpatialPolygons(
      #   lapply(1:length(res), function(i)
      #     sp::Polygons(res[[i]], ID = IDs[i])),
      #   proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(y.as.spldf_buff), doCheckCRSArgs = TRUE)
      # )
      # crs <- sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84", doCheckCRSArgs = TRUE)
      # raster::crs(NZfill) <- crs
      # NZfill <-
      #   suppressWarnings(rgeos::gBuffer(NZfill, byid = TRUE, width = 0))
      # if (exclude.area) {
      #   if (mode == "planar") {
      #     poly_exclude_proj <-
      #       st_transform(st_make_valid(poly_exclude), crs = projEAC)
      #     NZfill <-
      #       suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(st_union(
      #         st_intersection(st_make_valid(NZfill), poly_exclude_proj)
      #       )))
      #     if(length(NZfill) == 0) {
      #       warning("After excluding areas, the alpha hull is empty. EOO is NA.")
      #       NZfill <- NA
      #     }
      #   }
      #   if (mode == "spheroid") {
      #     NZfill <-
      #       suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(st_union(
      #         st_intersection(st_make_valid(NZfill), poly_exclude)
      #       )))
      #     if(length(NZfill) == 0) {
      #       warning("After excluding areas, the alpha hull is empty. EOO is set to NA.")
      #       NZfill <- NA
      #     } 
      #   }
      # }
      # NZfill <- st_sf(geom = NZfill)

gdauby/ConR documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 11:10 p.m.