Man pages for gdlc/dMatrix
Memory Mapped Matrices and Data Structures for Genomic Data

apply-dMatrix-methodApply function for 'rDMatrix' or 'cDMatrix' objects.
cDMatrix-classAn S4 class to represent a column-distributed 'dMatrix'.
chunksProvides information about how data is distributed into...
colindexesFinds the position of a set of columns in a cDMatrix object.
genData-classAn S4 class to represent GWAS data.
GWASConducts an association study (GWAS) using a 'genData'...
rDMatrix-classAn S4 class to represent a row-distributed 'dMatrix'
rowindexesFinds the position of a set of rows in an rDMatrix object.
setGenDataCreates a 'genData' object from a plaintext file.
gdlc/dMatrix documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:12 a.m.