Man pages for genomaths/MethylIT.utils
MethylIT utility

classPerformClassification performance based on divergences of...
colorBarColor bar for heatmaps
countSignalCount the Sites Carrying an Arbitrary Signal Inside Genomic...
divTestGroup Comparisons of Information Divergences Based on...
dmpClusteringDMP Clustering
dmpDensityLinear density of DMPs at a given genomic region
dot-colorBarColor bar for heatmaps
evalDetectionEvaluate detection performance of a signal detector
evaluateModelEvaluate a model using the Akaike information criterion (AIC)
findCutpointFind a cutoff of divergences of methylation level values
GeneUpDownStreamGet Genes plus Up and Down Stream Regions
getGRegionsStatStatistic of Genomic Regions
getGRegionsStat2Statistic of Genomic Regions
getMethContextGet Methylation Context from a chromosome DNA sequence
GRMatrixSimulated matrix of arbitrary methylation signal used in the...
hclust_rectDraw Rectangles with Background Colors Around Hierarchical...
heatmapChrHeatmap of GRanges Object
jensenSDivCompute Jensen-Shannon Divergence
ksTestKolmogorov-Smirnov statistics
predict.ProbDistrPredict function for probability distributions in Methyl-IT
propTestBeta Regression for methylation levels and rates
rmstGRRoot Mean Square Test for Methylation Analysis
shannonEntrCompute Shannon Entropy
signal2binsGenomic Signal to Summarized Bins
signals2binsGenomic Signals to Summarized Bins
simulateCountsSimulate read counts of methylated and unmethylated cytosines
slidingGRangesGenerates intervals for a GRanges objects
genomaths/MethylIT.utils documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:05 a.m.