bmm.plot.2d: bmm.plot.2d: Plot data highlighted according to clustering

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bmm.plot.2dR Documentation

bmm.plot.2d: Plot data highlighted according to clustering


Plot the data with each item's respective color/symbol indicating its cluster. Also display "1-sigma" contour intervals for the standard error of the mean for the standard error.


  bmm.plot.2d(X, mu, alpha, nu, beta, E.pi, r, title, xlab, ylab)



an N x D matrix with rows being the items to cluster. All entries are assumed to be proportions (i.e., between 0 and 1). Notice that there are no summation restrictions–i.e., proportions do not sum to unity across an item's dimensions.


a D x N.c matrix holding the values of the shape parameters for the gamma prior distributions over the u parameters. i.e., mu[d,n] is the shape parameter governing u[d,n]. Introduced in eqn (15).


a D x N.c matrix holding the values of the rate (i.e., inverse scale) parameters for the gamma prior distributions over the u parameters. i.e., mu[d,n] is the rate parameter governing u[d,n]. Introduced in eqn (15).


a D x N.c matrix holding the values of the shape parameters for the gamma prior distributions over the v parameters. i.e., nu[d,n] is the shape parameter governing v[d,n]. Introduced in eqn (16).


a D x N.c matrix holding the values of the rate (i.e., inverse scale) parameters for the gamma prior distributions over the v parameters. i.e., beta[d,n] is the rate parameter governing v[d,n]. Introduced in eqn (16).


the D-vector holding the values E[pi], i.e., the expected values of the mixing coefficients, defined in eqn (53).


the N x N.c matrix of responsibilities, with r[n, nc] giving the probability that item n belongs to component nc


plot title


x label


y label


ggplot object displaying the clustered data and "1-sigma" contour intervals for the standard error of the mean and for the standard error

genome/bmm documentation built on Aug. 4, 2022, 8:01 a.m.