verify: Verifies that a given isvariable is valid.

View source: R/rutils.R

verifyR Documentation

Verifies that a given isvariable is valid.


Verifies that a given isvariable is valid.


  allowed = NULL,
  domain = NULL,
  lengths = NULL,
  dims = NULL,
  null_allowed = T,
  names_domain = NULL,
  rownames_domain = NULL,
  names_include = NULL,
  names_identical = NULL,
  rownames_include = NULL,
  rownames_identical = NULL,
  fix = F,
  err_src = paste(deparse(sys.calls()[[max(sys.nframe() - 1, 1)]]), collapse = ""),
  err_msg = "Error in Operation!",
  default = NULL,
  varname = deparse(substitute(var))



Any variable


Vector of characters containing valid classes. For example: c('numeric', 'integer')


Valid domain for the given variable. If var is numeric or integer, domain must be a numeric vector of two elements specifying the lower and upper bounds. If var is character or factor, domain is a list of valid values. If domain is NULL (default), domain compliance will not be chacked.


Valid lengths for the given variable. Only used for vectors or classes for which generic function length() is defined.


Valid dimensions for the given variable. Only used for data.frames and matrices. or classes for which generic function dim() is defined.


A logical True if NULL values can be passed to argument var


Vector of characters specifying valid domain for the names of the given variable. Only used for classes for which generic function names() is defined, like vectors, data.frames and matrices.


Vector of characters specifying valid domain for the rownames of the given variable. Only used for classes for which generic function rownames() is defined, like data.frames and matrices.


Vector of characters specifying names that the given variable must include. Only used for classes for which generic function names() is defined, like vectors, data.frames and matrices.


Vector of characters. Names of the given variable is checked to be identical to this vector. Only used for classes for which generic function names() is defined, like vectors, data.frames and matrices.


Vector of characters specifying rownames that the given variable must include. Only used for classes for which generic function rownames() is defined, like data.frames and matrices.


Vector of characters. Row names of the given variable is checked to be identical to this vector. Only used for classes for which generic function rownames() is defined, like data.frames and matrices.


A character string specifying the source generating the error if verification fails.


A character string specifying the error message if input if the input variable is the result of a failed operation.

genpack/gener documentation built on March 14, 2023, 9:52 a.m.