
Defines functions list.default applyFunctionList df2List nameColumns addTime addDate diffTime diffDate is.holiday col2Hex list.flatten add_year add_month setTZ compareTables toVectorList breaksum_p2 offset2GMT factor2Character removeRownames trim zero2na na2zero na2value unname sandwich swapNamesAndContents zero.omit rownames2Column column2Rownames rename.items reorder.tbc aggr list.edit list.clean ladd list.add coerce swap chif appendCol color.mean vec2Col colorise smartMap delib sample.time is.clean datetimes nominals numerics prettyDate no.missing today.char yesterday today list2Script list2Json script.list.fields time2Date time2Char char2Time char2Time.old char2Date extract.seasonality as.time.new as.time repeat.col repeat.row add_narm distribute.seasonality check add.equivalent make.unique data.frame.na last.feasible first.feasible feasible date.adjust list.extend list.remove list.extract.field list.extract vect.extend fortday fday div_mod.seq div_mod list.replace expmean table2text setup_multicore divisors operate argscr most_frequent dplyr.aggregate column_classes pick list.pull rize table.unlist as_date logical2integer integer2numeric numeric2time factor2integer string2factor gen.random.highpass gen.random cdf.inv cdf pdf partition charFilter clear.workspace floorto.precision low.pass.sd low.pass.mean high.pass.sd high.pass.moving.sd high.pass.moving.mean high.pass.prod colSums_narm rowSums_narm prod_narm sum_narm sd_narm mean_narm high.pass.mean mat.dim.equal vect.dim.equal equal tab.top.cumulative tab.top tab.cumulative cumulative mat.unclean mat.clean vect.unclean vect.clean vect.map repeat.char lfeed verify.new verify findChainParts contrastColor contrastColors getCallingFunctionName make.err.msg warnif assert inc roundto.multiple is.empty support

Documented in add_month add_year assert datetimes feasible fortday high.pass.mean high.pass.moving.mean is.empty make.err.msg most_frequent nameColumns nominals no.missing numerics repeat.char roundto.multiple toVectorList vect.clean vect.extend vect.map verify

# Header
# Filename:     rutils.R
# Description:  Contains some general functions useful for R programming
# Author:       Nima Ramezani
# Email :       nima.ramezani@gmail.com
# Start Date:   21 October 2013
# Last change:  07 March 2023
# Version:      3.2.6

# Version   Date               Action
# -----------------------------------
# 1.2.3     18 July 2016       Function no.missing() added
# 1.2.4     18 July 2016       Function prettyDate() added
# 1.2.5     19 July 2016       Function yesterday() added
# 1.3.0     26 August 2016     Argument 'centralize' added to function extract.seasonality()
# 1.3.1     07 September 2016  Function verify() modified: Checks class inheritance rather than being exactly the same class specified by argument 'allowed'
# 1.3.2     08 September 2016  Action operators: %-%, %U% and %^% created for difference, union and intersect of sets
# 1.3.3     15 September 2016  Action operator: %<% created for subset
# 1.3.4     29 September 2016  Functions numerics() and nominals() added
# 1.3.5     29 September 2016  Library 'visgen.R' transferred to package viser
# 1.3.6     29 September 2016  Documentation for functions high.pass.mean() and high.pass.moving.mean() added
# 1.3.7     06 October 2016    Documentation added for functions nominals() and numerics()
# 1.3.8     14 October 2016    Some time formats added to valid.time.formats
# 1.4.0     27 October 2016    function fortday modified: given time argument is converted to timeDate
# 1.4.1     27 October 2016    function is.clean() added
# 1.4.2     24 November 2016   function datetimes() added
# 1.4.3     25 November 2016   function verify() modified: Logical argument 'null_allowed' added, defaulted by TRUE, set to FALSE if you want the verification to fail if argument 'var' passed to the function is NULL.
# 1.5.0     01 December 2016   File io.R (ver 1.2.2) added to the package
# 1.5.1     08 December 2016   Function sample.time() added
# 1.5.2     20 December 2016   Function numerics() modified: class 'difftime' added as a numeric type
# 1.5.3     20 December 2016   Function delib() added. delib() is used to de-library or detach a loaded package.
# 1.5.4     03 February 2017   Comperative operator %==% added which checks equality for sets
# 1.5.6     08 February 2017   Function smartMap() added
# 1.5.7     13 March 2017      Function vec2Col() added
# 1.5.8     13 March 2017      Small modifications to function verify()
# 1.5.9     16 March 2017      Function high.pass.prod() addded.
# 1.6.0     16 March 2017      Six functions added: mean.narm(), sd.narm(), sum.narm(), prod.narm(), rowSums.narm() and colSums.narm() added.
# 1.6.1     26 March 2017      Functions list.extend() and list.extract() added
# 1.6.2     26 March 2017      Functions coerce() added
# 1.6.3     27 March 2017      Function list.edit() added
# 1.6.4     27 March 2017      Action merge %<==>% added
# 1.6.5     30 March 2017      Functions extend.char() and repeat.char() modified: Now support for vector arguments
# 1.6.6     31 March 2017      Function chooseif() renamed to chif() and a small update: returns NULL if first argument is NULL or empty
# 1.6.7     31 March 2017      Function is.empty() modified: code improved
# 1.6.8     31 March 2017      Function colorise() added.
# 1.7.0     14 April 2017      Function color.mean() added.
# 1.7.1     14 April 2017      Function verify() modified: stops silent
# 1.7.2     19 April 2017      Function rename.items() added
# 1.7.3     22 April 2017      Function is.empty() modified: Returns TRUE if a list of NULLs or NAs is given
# 1.7.4     10 May 2017        Function column2Rownames() added. Works better than column_to_rownames from tibble package (makes unique, overwitres previous rownames, returns a data.frame)
# 1.7.5     21 May 2017        Function coerce() modified: retains names in the output
# 1.7.6     26 May 2017        Function zero.omit() added
# 1.7.7     26 May 2017        Function sandwich() added
# 1.7.8     26 May 2017        Function unname() added
# 1.7.9     26 May 2017        Function na2zero() added
# 1.7.10    26 May 2017        Function column2Rownames() modified: Default value for argument 'column'
# 1.8.0     01 June 2017       Function list.extract.field() added. If L is a named list of lists, instead of x = c('name', 'address'); L[[x]]$jojo, use: L %>% list.extract.field(x, field_name = 'jojo')
# 1.8.1     06 June 2017       Fixed the bug for factors in function vect.extend()
# 1.8.2     09 June 2017       Function vect.map() modified: Fixed the bug when input is a vector with equal values
# 1.8.3     12 July 2017       Function support() added
# 1.8.4     20 July 2017       Bug in function support() fixed!
# 1.8.5     03 August 2017     Small bug in function appendCol() fixed!
# 1.8.6     03 August 2017     'difftime' added to valid.numeric.classes
# 1.8.7     22 August 2017     Function toVectorList() added
# 1.8.9     28 August 2017     nibetree.R updated to version 0.0.2
# 2.2.2     21 September 2017  clust.R added to the package
# 2.2.3     27 October 2017    Function compareTables() added to rutils.R
# 2.2.4     30 October 2017    Function compareTables() modified: small bugs fixed regarding notrig flag
# 2.2.5     31 October 2017    Function check() modified: You can pass any argument to this function
# 2.2.6     01 November 2017   Function swap() modified: Works for data.frame and matrix as well as list
# 2.2.7     08 November 2017   Function as.time() modified: Calls function coerce() instead of as()
# 2.2.8     08 November 2017   Function as.time() modified. calls char2Time() when input is character or factor
# 2.2.9     08 November 2017   Function setTZ() added and exported. Changes the time value by changing the time zone
# 2.3.0     10 November 2017   Function list.flatten() added and exported.
# 2.3.1     13 November 2017   Function time2Char() modifed: Returns time with desired format.
# 2.3.2     22 November 2017   Function col2Hex() added
# 2.3.4     28 November 2017   Functions diffDate() and diffTime() added
# 2.3.5     30 November 2017   Small bug in function diffDate() rectified: Did not work for empty input arguments
# 2.3.6     30 November 2017   Small bug in function as.time() rectified: returned error when given arguments is NA
# 2.3.7     11 December 2017   Small modification in function diffDate(): extends both d1 and d2 to max(length(d1), length(d2))
# 2.3.8     05 January 2018    Bug fixed in function diffTime(): t2 and t1 swapped
# 2.4.0     05 January 2018    Functions addDate() and addTime() added.
# 2.4.1     08 January 2018    Functions addDate() and addTime() modified: A smarter method used
# 2.4.2     16 January 2018    Functions addDate() and addTime() modified
# 2.4.3     06 Febryary 2018   package timeDate is not imported and is no more a dependency
# 2.4.4     12 Febryary 2018   Functions assert() and verify() modified: Detects varname and err_src arguments by itself if these arguments are null
# 2.4.5     21 Febryary 2018   Functions assert() and verify() modified: concatenates err_src to a single character if deparse returns multiple lables
# 2.4.6     21 Febryary 2018   Function nameColumns() added
# 2.4.7     27 Febryary 2018   Function column2Rownames() modified: Argument remove added. Option whether or not remove the original column
# 2.4.8     09 March 2018      Function is.empty() modified: Bug rectified: When a character verctor of NA was passed, would return NA
# 2.4.9     03 May 2018        Function nameColumns() modified: Argument classes can be NULL
# 2.5.0     03 May 2018        Documentation added for function nameColumns()
# 2.5.1     15 May 2018        io.R changed to version 1.3.2
# 2.5.2     21 May 2018        Function verify modified: Argument 'fix' added to fix the input variable to meet required conditions. Currently Only works for arguments domain, names_identical and rownames_identical
# 2.5.3     21 May 2018        Action function '%<==>%' modified: works with left side object to be NULL
# 2.5.4     25 May 2018        Function equal() modified: Does not call all.equal() any more. returns TRUE if the absolute difference is higher than given tolerance
# 2.5.6     01 June 2018       Functions diffTime() and diffDate() modified. Bugs rectified!
# 2.5.7     05 June 2018       Functions diffTime() modified. Bug rectified!
# 2.5.9     13 June 2018       Functions getCallingFunctionName() and contrastColor() added and exported.
# 2.6.0     13 June 2018       Action function merge '%<==>%' modified.
# 2.6.1     13 June 2018       Function verify() modified: calls getCallingFunctionName() to get a default value for argument err_src
# 2.6.2     15 June 2018       Function contrastColors() added. Finds contrasting color (black or white) for a vector of colors: todo: need to write a better function
# 2.6.3     20 June 2018       More formats added to global variable valid.time.formats, formats with '/' seperators eliminated.
# 2.6.4     20 June 2018       Function char2Time() modified: Converts all '/' to '-' before searching for correct format.
# 2.6.5     20 June 2018       Function as.time() modified: does not return error if all the timeset can not be converted
# 2.6.6     22 June 2018       Function findChainParts() added.
# 2.6.7     22 June 2018       Function verify() modified: Finds varname and err_src even if called via magrittr pipe
# 2.6.8     22 June 2018       Function verify() modified: error messages changed. varname and err_src are built only if verifucation failed.
# 2.6.9     25 June 2018       Function vect.extend() modified: returns input vector with no change if N = length(v)
# 2.7.0     25 June 2018       Global variable valid.date.formats added and exported.
# 2.7.1     25 June 2018       Function char2Date() modified: converts '/' to '-' before reading formats
# 2.7.2     26 June 2018       Functions numerics() and nominals() modified: A faster and more professional code. integer is now only included in numerics
# 2.7.3     02 July 2018       Functions nameColumns() modified: now works well for tibbles too.
# 2.7.5     03 July 2018       Functions na2zero() and cumulative() modified: does not change integer columns to double
# 2.7.7     05 July 2018       linalg.R updated to ver 1.2.3
# 2.7.8     24 July 2018       Functions list.edit() and list.add() modified: works with NULL as the first input argument
# 2.7.9     10 October 2018    Function appendCol() modified. Small change to rectify a bug
# 2.8.0     24 February 2019   Functions assert() and verify() modified: default value for argument err_src updated.
# 2.8.1     14 March 2019      Function list.default() added.
# 2.8.2     26 March 2019      Function charFilter() added. Test it and see how it works.
# 2.8.3     11 April 2019      Function partition() added. 
# 3.0.0     26 June 2019       io.r changes to version 2.0.0 
# 3.0.1     17 July 2019       io.r changes to version 2.0.1 
# 3.0.9     05 August 2019     Functions pdf(), cdf(), cdf.inv() and gen.random() plus 4 type conversion functions added.
# 3.1.0     10 October 2020    io.R transferred to rbig package
# 3.1.2     13 October 2020    Functions add_month() and add_year() exported.
# 3.1.3     01 December 2020   Function operate() added and exported.
# 3.1.4     15 February 2021   Function operate() modified. Function argscr() added
# 3.1.5     11 March 2021      Function column.cumulative.forward() exported
# 3.1.6     24 March 2021      Function divisors() added and exported.
# 3.1.9     29 March 2021      Function elbow modified: Argument max.num.clusters changed to num.clusters specifying a set of values for number of clusters to be tested
# 3.2.0     26 April 2021      clust.R moved to rutils. No longer in this package.
# 3.2.1     05 May 2021        Function setup_multicore() added.
# 3.2.2     02 Jul 2021        Function list.edit() modified.
# 3.2.3     05 April 2022      Function get.random.cond() renamed to get.random.highpass().
# 3.2.4     14 June 2022       Function expmean() added.
# 3.2.5     16 June 2022       Function list.replace() added.
# 3.2.6     07 March 2023      Function backsum_p2() added.
# --------------------------------------------

## Name space standard for my all R code written and developed by Nima Ramezani:
# - Class name: TimeSeries, TransitionSystem, OptimalTaskAllocator, ...
# - Argument name: words are seperated by _
# - Aunction/Method names: seperated by "_" or "."
#   dot is used mainly in hierarchical structures like:
#     plot.status.bar, plot.trace.sunburst, get.metric.volume, get.metric.e2e_time
#   underline is to separate words like
#     get.best_model
# - Global Variables: all capital, separated by "." or "_". Similarly, dot is for hierarchical structures:
#   examples:
# - Internal Variables:
#   Example: 
#   bestNumebr, toBeDeleted, casesToRemove, ...

#' @import magrittr
#' @include linalg.R
#' @include tree.R

#' @export
support = function(...){
  packages = as.character(c(...))
  # verify(assert, 'character')
  if (length(packages) < 1){return(NULL)}
  if (length(packages) > 1){lapply(packages, support)}
  else {
    if (!require(packages, character.only = T)){
      res = try(install.packages(packages))
      if(inherits(res, 'try-error')){
        stop(paste("\n","\n", "Package", packages , "is not available and cannot be installed from cran! Please install it manually!", "\n", "\n"))
      library(packages, character.only = T)


#' @export
wdlabel  = c(Mon = 'Monday', Tue = 'Tuesday', Wed = 'Wednesday', Thu = 'Thursday', Fri = 'Friday', Sat = 'Saturday', Sun = 'Sunday')

#' @export
fdlabel  = c(Mon.1 = 'Monday.1'  , Tue.1 = 'Tuesday.1', Wed.1 = 'Wednesday.1', Thu.1 = 'Thursday.1', Fri.1 = 'Friday.1',
             Sat.2 = 'Saturday.2', Sun.2 = 'Sunday.2' , Mon.2 = 'Monday.2'   , Tue.2 = 'Tuesday.2' , Wed.2 = 'Wednesday.2',
             Thu.2 = 'Thursday.2', Fri.2 = 'Friday.2' , Sat.1 = 'Saturday.1' , Sun.1 = 'Sunday.1')

#' @export
mntlabel = c(Jan = 'January', Feb = 'February' , Mar = 'March',   Apr = 'April',    May = 'May', Jun = 'June', Jul = 'July',
             Aug = 'August' , Sep = 'September', Oct = 'October', Nov = 'November', Dec = 'December')

#' @export
valid.colors = c('green', 'purple', 'aqua', 'blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'black', 'grey', 'orange')

#' @export
valid.time.classes = c("character", "factor", "Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt", "timeDate")

#' @export
valid.numeric.classes = c('numeric', 'integer', 'difftime')

#' @export
valid.nominal.classes = c('character', 'factor', 'logical')

#' @export
valid.ordinal.classes = c('integer')

#' @export
valid.classes = c(valid.nominal.classes, valid.time.classes, valid.numeric.classes) %>% unique

#' @export
valid.date.formats = c(
  "%Y-%m-%d", "%d-%m-%Y", "%d-%m-%y", "%B %d, %Y", "%B %d, %y", "%d%b%Y", "%d%b%y", "%A, %d %B %Y", "%A, %d %B %y", "%d%m%Y", "%d%m%y", "%m-%d-%Y", "%m-%d-%y", "%d-%b-%Y", "%d-%b-%y")

#' @export
valid.time.formats = c(
  "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p", "%d-%m-%y %I:%M:%S %p", "%d-%m-%Y %I:%M:%S %p", "%d-%m-%y %I:%M %p", "%d-%m-%Y %I:%M %p", "%d-%b-%y %I:%M:%S %p", "%d-%b-%Y %I:%M:%S %p",
  "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S", "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", "%d-%m-%y %H:%M", "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M", "%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S", "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S",

valid.time.formats.old = c("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", "%d/%m/%Y", "%B %d, %Y", "%d%b%y", "%A, %d %B %Y", "%d%m%y", "%m/%d/%Y", "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S", "%d/%b/%Y", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d", '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y/%m/%d')

#' @export
valid.time.periods = c('sec' = 1, 'min' = 60, 'hour' = 3600, 'day' = 86400, 'week' = 7*86400, 'fortnight' = 14*86400, 'month' = 86400*365/12, 'quarter' = 86400*365/4, 'year' = 86400*365)

#' Use this function to check if a variable is empty or not
#' @param x A variable. Can be a vector,matrix,list or data.frame
#' @return A boolean: TRUE if argument \code{x} is empty, FALSE otherwise
#' @examples
#' a = matrix()
#' is.empty(a)
#' [1] TRUE
#' a = c(2, 4)
#' is.empty(a)
#' [1] FALSE
#' @export
is.empty = function(x){
  if (is.null(x)) {return(T)}
  # x %<>% na.omit causes great problems
  if      (inherits(x, c('matrix', 'data.frame', 'tibble', 'data.table'))){flag = (dim(x)[1] == 0) | (dim(x)[2] == 0) | (sum(!is.na(x)) == 0)}
  else if (inherits(x, 'list')){
    #y = x %>% unlist
    #if(inherits(y, 'list')){flag = y %>% list.clean %>% is.empty} else (flag = length(x) == 0)
    flag = (length(x) == 0)
  else if (inherits(x, 'character')){flag = (sum(x != '', na.rm = T) == 0) | (sum(!is.na(x)) == 0)}
  else if (length(x) == 0){flag = T}
  else if (inherits(x, 'function')){flag = F} else {flag = sum(!is.na(x)) == 0}

#' Rounds \code{x} to the nearest multiple of \code{N}
#' @param x numeric or integer
#' @param N numeric or integer
#' @param adjust character:
#' 'closest': Returns the closest multiple of \code{N} \cr
#' 'top'   ': Returns the closest multiple of \code{N} that is greater than \code{x} \cr
#' 'bottom' : Returns the closest multiple of \code{N} that is smaller than \code{x} \cr
#' @return A numeric
#' @examples
#' roundto.multiple(345.45, 1)
#' [1] 345
#' roundto.multiple(345.45, 7)
#' [1] 343
#' roundto.multiple(345.45, 7.2)/7.2
#' [1] 48
#' @export
roundto.multiple = function(x, N, adjust = 'closest'){
  # Check arguments:
  adjust <- tolower(adjust)
  verify(adjust, allowed = 'character', domain = c('closest', 'top', 'bottom'))
  k = x %/% N
         'closest' = {flg    = (x - k*N > 0.5*N)
         'top'     = {k = k + 1})
  return (k*N)

inc = function(v, increment = 1){
  v + increment

#' Terminates the execution with an error message if the given conditional statement is \code{FALSE}
#' @param flag A boolean: Condition to be checked
#' @param err_msg A character string: Message to be displayed
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' x = 1
#' assert(x > 1, "Argument x can not be greater than 1")
#' Error in assert(x > 1, "Argument x can not be greater than 1") :
#'   Argument x can not be greater than 1
#' @export
assert <- function(flag, err_msg = 'Assertion Error !', err_src = paste(deparse(sys.calls()[[max(sys.nframe()-1,1)]]), collapse = "")){

  if (length(flag) > 1){flag = (sum(!flag) == 0)}
  if (!flag) {
    if(is.null(err_src)){err_src = paste(deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe()-1]]), collapse = "")}
    if (typeof(err_src) == "language"){err_src = as.character(as.expression(err_src))}
    if (!is.null(err_src)){err_msg %<>% make.err.msg(err_src)}
    stop(err_msg, call. = F)}

#' @export
warnif <- function(flag, wrn_msg, wrn_src = NULL){
  if (flag){cat(paste('Warning:', wrn_src, '\n \n', wrn_msg, '\n \n'))}

#' Makes a pretty error message to be displayed on the console
#' @param err_msg A character string: Message to be displayed
#' @param err_src A character string: Source from which the error message is issued.
#' @return A character string containing the modified error message
#' @examples
#' stop(make.err.msg(err_msg = "Some error message", err_src = match.call()[[1]]))
#' Error:
#' Error from: match.call:
#' ------------------------
#' Some error message
#' @export
make.err.msg <- function(err_msg = '', err_src = 'rutils::make.err.msg'){
  if (typeof(err_src) == "language"){err_src = as.character(as.expression(err_src))}
  paste0('\n from ', err_src, ':', '\n', '\n',
         #repeat.char('-',9 + nchar(err_src)),'\n', '\n',
         err_msg, '\n', '\n')

# Returns the name of the calling function. Useful when you want to know which function has called the function you are in
#' @export
getCallingFunctionName <- function(){
  calling_fcn <- deparse(sys.call(-1))
  stringr::str_replace_all(calling_fcn, pattern = "([a-z0-9_]*)(.*)",
                           replacement = "\\1")

#' @export
contrastColors = function(colors)
  colors %>% sapply(contrastColor)

contrastColor = function(color)
  rgb_colors <- ((grDevices::col2rgb(color) %>% as.numeric())/255)^2.2
  luminance  <- (0.2126 * rgb_colors[1]) + (0.7152 * rgb_colors[2]) + (0.0722 * rgb_colors[3])
  saturation <- (max(rgb_colors) - min(rgb_colors) + 1e-05)/(max(rgb_colors) + 1e-05)
  if (saturation < 0.35) {
    if (luminance > 0.3) {
      contrasting_color <- "#000000"
    else {contrasting_color <- "#FFFFFF"}
  else {
    contrasting_color <- "#FFFFFF"

# The pipe function creates an environment that keeps track of the chain parts.
# I tried walking up the current execution environments looking for this variable and then use the lhs info stored there to find the symbol at the start of the pipe.
# This isn't well tested.
findChainParts <- function(){
  i <- 1
  while(!("chain_parts" %in% ls(envir=parent.frame(i))) && i < sys.nframe()) {
    i <- i+1

#' Verifies that a given isvariable is valid.
#' @param var Any variable
#' @param allowed Vector of characters containing valid classes. For example: c('numeric', 'integer')
#' @param domain Valid domain for the given variable. If \code{var} is numeric or integer,
#'        \code{domain} must be a numeric vector of two elements specifying the lower and upper bounds.
#'        If \code{var} is character or factor, \code{domain} is a list of valid values.
#'        If \code{domain} is \code{NULL} (default), domain compliance will not be chacked.
#' @param lengths Valid lengths for the given variable. Only used for vectors
#'          or classes for which generic function length() is defined.
#' @param dims Valid dimensions for the given variable. Only used for data.frames and matrices.
#'       or classes for which generic function dim() is defined.
#' @param null_allowed A logical True if NULL values can be passed to argument \code{var}
#' @param names_domain  Vector of characters specifying valid domain for the names of the given variable.
#'               Only used for classes for which generic function names() is defined, like vectors, data.frames and matrices.
#' @param rownames_domain Vector of characters specifying valid domain for the rownames of the given variable.
#'               Only used for classes for which generic function rownames() is defined, like data.frames and matrices.
#' @param names_include  Vector of characters specifying names that the given variable must include.
#'               Only used for classes for which generic function names() is defined, like vectors, data.frames and matrices.
#' @param names_identical  Vector of characters. Names of the given variable is checked to be identical to this vector.
#'               Only used for classes for which generic function names() is defined, like vectors, data.frames and matrices.
#' @param rownames_include  Vector of characters specifying rownames that the given variable must include.
#'               Only used for classes for which generic function rownames() is defined, like data.frames and matrices.
#' @param rownames_identical  Vector of characters. Row names of the given variable is checked to be identical to this vector.
#'               Only used for classes for which generic function rownames() is defined, like data.frames and matrices.
#' @param err_src A character string specifying the source generating the error if verification fails.
#' @param err_msg A character string specifying the error message if input if the input variable is the result of a failed operation.
#' @export
verify <- function(var, allowed = NULL, domain = NULL, lengths = NULL, dims = NULL, null_allowed = T,
                   names_domain = NULL, rownames_domain = NULL, names_include = NULL, names_identical = NULL,
                   rownames_include = NULL, rownames_identical = NULL, fix = F,
                   err_src = paste(deparse(sys.calls()[[max(sys.nframe()-1,1)]]), collapse = ""), err_msg = 'Error in Operation!', default = NULL, varname = deparse(substitute(var))){

  if (is.null(var)){if(null_allowed){return(default)} else {stop("NULL value is not allowed for argument '" %++% varname  %++% "'", call. = F)}}
  clsv = class(var)
  fail = (clsv == 'try-error')
  if (sum(fail, na.rm = T) != 0){stop(make.err.msg(err_msg, err_src = err_src), call. = F)}
  if (!is.null(allowed)){fail = !inherits(var, allowed)}
  if (sum(fail, na.rm = T) != 0){
    if (is.null(allowed)){s = ""} else {s = "Argument " %++% varname %++% " must be class " %++% paste(allowed, collapse = " or ") %++% "."}
    err.class.fail  = make.err.msg(paste("Class verification failed!", s, " was class", paste(class(var), collapse = " and ")), err_src = err_src)
    stop(err.class.fail, call. = F)
  if (!is.null(lengths)){
    fail = !(length(var) %in% lengths)
    if (sum(fail, na.rm = T) != 0){stop(make.err.msg(paste0("Length verification failed!", " Argument " , varname , " must be of length " , paste(lengths, collapse = " or ") , " was of length " , length(var)), err_src = err_src), call. = F)}
  if (!is.null(names_include)){
    fail  = !(names_include  %in% names(var))
    if (sum(fail, na.rm = T) != 0){
      erstr = paste0("Field inclusion verification failed! Argument ", varname , " must have these fields but it does not: ", paste(names_include[fail], collapse = ", "))
      stop(make.err.msg(erstr, err_src = err_src), call. = F)
  if (!is.null(names_domain)){
    fail = !(names(var) %in% names_domain)
    if (sum(fail, na.rm = T) != 0){
      erstr = paste0("Field domain verification failed! Argument ", varname , " must not have these fields but it does: ", paste(names(var)[fail], collapse = ", "))
      stop(make.err.msg(erstr, err_src = err_src), call. = F)
  if (!is.null(rownames_domain)){
    fail = !(rownames(var) %in% rownames_domain)
    if (sum(fail, na.rm = T) != 0){
      erstr = paste0("Row-name domain verification failed! Argument ", varname, " must not have these row-names but it does: ", paste(rownames(var)[fail], collapse = " , "))
      stop(make.err.msg(erstr, err_src = err_src), call. = F)
      # todo: fix should be done for other arguments as well
  if (!is.null(rownames_include)){
    fail = !rownames_include  %in%  (rownames(var))
    if (sum(fail, na.rm = T) != 0){
      erstr = paste0("Row-name inclusion verification failed! Argument ", varname, " must have these row-names but it does not: ", paste(rownames_include[fail], collapse = " , "))
      stop(make.err.msg(erstr, err_src = err_src), call. = F)
  if (!is.null(names_identical)){
      fail = F
      if(var %>% dim %>% length == 2){
        var = var[, names %^% names_identical]
      } else if (inherits(var, 'list')){
        var %<>% list.extract(names %^% names_identical)
      } else {
        var = var[names %^% names_identical]
      }} else {
        fail = sum(!identical(sort(names(var)) , sort(as.character(names_identical))), na.rm = T) > 0
    if (fail){stop(make.err.msg(paste0("Field verification failed!", "Argument ", varname , " must only have these fields ", paste(names_identical, collapse = ", "), " , but contained these fields: ", paste(names(var), collapse =  ", ")), err_src = err_src))}
  if (!is.null(rownames_identical)){
    if(fix){fail = F; var = var[rownames_identical %^% rownames(var),]} else {
      fail = !identical(rownames(var), rownames_identical)
    if (sum(fail, na.rm = T) != 0){stop(make.err.msg(paste0("Row-name verification failed!"), err_src = err_src), call. = F)}
  if (!is.null(dims)){
    fail = sum(!(dim(var) %in% dims), na.rm = T) > 0
    if (fail){stop(make.err.msg(paste0("Dimension verification failed!", "Argument ", varname ," must be dim ", paste(dims, collapse = " or "), " was dim c(", paste(dim(var), collapse = ','), ")"), err_src = err_src), call. = F)}
  if (!is.null(domain)){
    # assert(class(domain) %in% clsv, "Argument 'domain' should have the same class as argument 'var'!", err_src = "rutils::verify")
    if (inherits(domain, c('character', 'factor', 'logical'))){
      if(fix){fail = F; var = var[which(var %in% domain)]} else {fail = !(var %in% domain)}
    else if (inherits(domain, c('numeric', 'integer', valid.time.classes))){
      if(fix){fail = F; var = ifelse(var < domain[1], domain[1], ifelse(var > domain[2], domain[2], var))}
      else {
        fail = (var < domain[1]) | (var > domain[2])
    else {
      err.domain.class = make.err.msg(paste("Argument 'domain' is of class",class(domain)[1]," which is not supported!"), err_src = err_src)
      stop(err.domain.class, call. = F)
    if (sum(fail, na.rm = T) != 0) {
      err.domain.fail  = make.err.msg(paste("domain verification failed! \n", "Argument ", varname, " must be in domain (", paste(domain, collapse = ' , '), ") \n",
                                            " Item(s): ", paste(var[fail], collapse = ' , ') ," were not in domain!") , err_src = err_src)
      stop(err.domain.fail, call. = F)

verify.new <- function(var, allowed = NULL, domain = NULL, lengths = NULL, dims = NULL,
                       names_domain = NULL, rownames_domain = NULL, names_include = NULL, names_identical = NULL,
                       rownames_include = NULL, rownames_identical = NULL, fix = F, null_allowed = T,
                       err_src = NULL, err_msg = 'Error in Operation!', default = NULL, varname = NULL){
  errcode = 0
  clsv = class(var)
  # Check to see if var is try-error
  if(inherits(var, 'try-error')){
    errcode   = 1
    errprefix = "Operation "
    errsuffix = "failed with error message " %++% as.character(clsv)
  # Check to see if var is NULL
  if (!errcode & is.null(var)){
    else {
      errcode   = 2
      errprefix = "NULL value is not allowed for variable "
      errsuffix = "!"
  # Check to see if var is NULL
  if(!errcode & inherits(allowed, 'character')){
    if(!inherits(var, allowed)){
        var = try(var %>% coerce(allowed[1]), silent = T)
        if(!inherits(var, allowed)){
          errcode   = 4
          errprefix = "Argument "
          errsuffix = " must inherit class " %++%  paste(allowed, collapse = " or ") %++%  " but inherits " %++% paste(clsv, collapse = " --> ") %++% "! Furthermore, the value cannot be coerced to class " %++% allowed[1] %++% "."
      } else {
        errcode   = 3
        errprefix = "Argument "
        errsuffix = " must inherit class " %++%  paste(allowed, collapse = " or ") %++%  " but inherits " %++% paste(clsv, collapse = " --> ") %++% "!"
  # Check to see if var is in domain:
  if(!errcode & !is.null(domain)){
    # assert(class(domain) %in% clsv, "Argument 'domain' should have the same class as argument 'var'!", err_src = "rutils::verify")
    if (inherits(domain, c('character', 'factor', 'logical', 'integer'))){
      if(sum(!(var %in% domain), na.rm = T) > 0){
        if(fix){var = var[which(var %in% domain)]}
          var_domain = var %-% domain
          errcode    = 5
          errprefix  = "Argument "
          errsuffix  = paste0(" must be in domain (",
                              paste(domain, collapse = " , "),
                              "). Element",
                              chif(length(var_domain) > 1, "s ", " "),
                              paste(var_domain, collapse = " and "),
                              chif(length(var_domain) > 1, " are ", " is "),
                              "not in the domain!")
    else if (inherits(domain, c('numeric', valid.time.classes))){
      if(sum((var < domain[1]) | (var > domain[2]), na.rm = T) > 0){
        if(fix){var = ifelse(var < domain[1], domain[1], ifelse(var > domain[2], domain[2], var))}
        else {errcode = 5}
    else {stop(make.err.msg(paste("Argument 'domain' is of class", class(domain)[1], " which is not supported!"), err_src = 'rutils::verify'))}
  # Check to see if var lengths matches requirements:
  if(!errcode & inherits(length, c('numeric', 'integer'))){
    lengths = as.integer(lengths)
    if(!(length(var) %in% lengths)){
        var = try(var %>% extend(lengths[1]), silent = T)
        if(inherits(var, 'try-error')){
          errcode   = 8
          errprefix = 'Length of Variable '
          errsuffix = ' must be ' %++% smartConcat(lengths, " or ") %++% ". Extension attempt failed with error " %++% as.character
      } else {
        errcode   = 7
        errprefix = 'Length of Variable '
        errsuffix = ' must be ' %++% smartConcat(lengths, " or ") %++% ". Given argument has length " %++% length(var) %++% " which is not allowed!"
  # Check to see if var dimension matches requirements:
  if (!errcode & inherits(dims, 'list')){
    dimvar = dim(var)
    pass   = (length(dims) == 0)
    for (e in dims){pass = pass | e == dimvar}
        var = var[dims[[1]][1], dims[[1]][2]]
      } else {
        errcode   = 9
        errprefix = "Dimension verification failed for argument "
        errsuffix = "!"
  # Check to see if names(var) is in names_domain:
  if(!errcode & inherits(names_domain, 'character')){
    namesvar = names(var)
      if(!(namesvar %in% names_domain)){
        if(fix){var = var[names_domain]} else {
          errcode   = 11
          errprefix = "Argument "
          errsuffix = paste0(
            " must not have any of these names but it does: ",
            paste(namesvar %-% names_domain , collapse = ", "),
  # Check to see if rownames(var) is in rownames_domain:
  if(!errcode & inherits(rownames_domain, 'character')){
    rownamesvar = rownames(var)
      if(!(rownamesvar %in% rownames_domain)){
        if(fix){var = var[rownames_domain, ]} else {
          errcode   = 13
          errprefix = "Argument "
          errsuffix = paste0(
            " must not have any of these rownames but it does: ",
            paste(rownamesvar %-% rownames_domain , collapse = ", "),"!")
  # Check to see if names(var) include all elements in names_include:
  if(!errcode & inherits(names_include, 'character')){
    namesvar = names(var)
    if(is.null(namesvar)){errcode = 16} else {
      if(sum(!(names_include  %in% names(var))) > 0){
        errcode   = 15
        errprefix = "Argument "
        errsuffix = paste0(
          " must contain these names but it does not: ",
          paste(names_include %-% namesvar, collapse = ", "), "!")
  # Check to see if names(var) is identical to names_identical:
  if(!errcode & inherits(names_identical, 'character')){
    namesvar = names(var)
    if(!identical(namesvar, names_identical)){
      errcode   = 17
      errprefix = 'Argument '
      errsuffix = paste0(
        " names must be identical to ",
        paste(names_identical, collapse = ", "), "!")
  # Check to see if rownames(var) include all elements in rownames_include:
  if(!errcode & inherits(rownames_include, 'character')){
    rownamesvar = rownames(var)
    if(is.null(rownamesvar)){errcode = 20} else {
      if(sum(!(rownames_include  %in% rownamesvar)) > 0){
        errcode   = 19
        errprefix = "Argument "
        errsuffix = paste0(
          " must contain these rownames but it does not: ",
          paste(rownames_include %-% rownamesvar, collapse = ", "), "!")
  # Check to see if rownames(var) is identical to rownames_identical:
  if(!errcode & inherits(rownames_identical, 'character')){
    rownamesvar = rownames(var)
    if(!identical(rownamesvar, rownames_identical)){
      errcode   = 21
      errprefix = 'Rownames of argument '
      errsuffix = paste0(
        "must be identical to ",
        smartconcat(rownames_identical, ", "), "!")
  # Build proper error message:
  if(errcode > 0){
    # build varname
    if(is.null(varname)){varname = deparse(substitute(var))}
    if(varname == "."){ee <- findChainParts(); varname = deparse(ee$lhs)}
    # build source
    if(inherits(err_src, 'character')){err_src %<>% paste(collapse = ' --> ')} else {
      syscalls = sys.calls()
      err_src  = syscalls[syscalls %>% as.character %>% grep(pattern = varname) %>% min]
    stop(paste0("Error from: ", err_src, "\n", errprefix, varname, errsuffix, "\n"))

# if(2 > 1) {stop(lfeed("No", "This is not a good way", "be careful!"))}
lfeed <- function(...){
  paste('\n', ..., sep = '\n')

#' Replicates the given charachter to make a longer character string
#' @param char a character: Character to be replicated
#' @param N An integer: number of times \code{char} should be repeated
#' @return A character string
#' @examples
#' repeat.char('X', 3)
#' [1] "XXX"
#' @export
repeat.char <- function(char, N){
  if(length(N) > length(char)){char %<>% vect.extend(length(N))} else {N %<>% vect.extend(length(char))}
  N[N < 0] <- 0
  out = character()
  for(i in seq(char)){out = c(out, paste(replicate(N[i], char[i]), collapse = ""))}

#' Maps a given vector into a given range
#' @param x A numeric vector: Vector to be mapped
#' @param minimum A numeric scalar: Specifies the lower bound of the output
#' @param maximum A numeric scalar: Specifies the higher bound of the output
#' @return A numeric vector
#' @examples
#' vect.map(c(1, 2, 3), minimum = 100, maximum = 300)
#' [1] 100 200 300
#' @export
vect.map = function(x, minimum = 0, maximum = 1){
  xl = min(x, na.rm = T)
  xh = max(x, na.rm = T)
  w  = xh - xl
  if (equal(w,0)){return(rep(0.5*(maximum + minimum), length(x)))}
  return(minimum + (maximum - minimum)*(x - xl)/w)

#' Replaces missing values of a vector by a given value
#' @param v vector of any type: Vector containing missing values (\code{NA})
#' @param x Scalar value same type as \code{v}: The value by which the missing values are replaced (default is \code{0})
#' @return Vector same type as \code{v}: in which missing values are replaced by \code{x}
#' @examples
#' vect.clean(c(1, NA, 3), 2)
#' [1] 1 2 3
#' @export
vect.clean <- function(v, x = 0){
  cv = v
  for (i in 1:length(v)){
    if (is.na(v[i])){
      cv[i] = x

#' @export
vect.unclean <- function(v, x = 0){
  cv = v
  for (i in 1:length(v)){
    if (v[i] == x){
      cv[i] = NA

#' @export
mat.clean <- function(M, x = 0){
  apply(M, 2, vect.clean, x = x)

#' @export
mat.unclean <- function(M, x = 0){
  apply(M, 2, vect.unclean, x = x)

# Should be removed
#' @export
cumulative = function(v, by.row = T){
  verify(v, c('matrix', 'data.frame', 'numeric', 'integer', 'logical'), varname = 'v', null_allowed = F)
  if (inherits(v, c('matrix', 'data.frame'))){
    N   = ifelse(by.row, nrow(v), ncol(v))
    s   = ifelse(by.row, rep(as.integer(0), ncol(v)), rep(as.integer(0), nrow(v)))
    cv  = v
    if (by.row){
      for (i in sequence(N)){
        s      = s + v[i,]
        cv[i,] = s
    } else {
      for (i in sequence(N)){
        s      = s + v[,i]
        cv[,i] = s
  } else if (inherits(v, c('numeric', 'integer', 'logical'))){
    N = length(v)
    s  = as.integer(0)
    cv = v
    for (i in sequence(N)){
      s     = s + v[i]
      cv[i] = s

#' @export
tab.cumulative  = function(v){
  ct = c()
  t  = table(v)
  n  = length(t)
  s  = 0
  for (i in 1:n){
    s  = s + t[i]
    ct = c(ct, s)
  names(ct) = names(t)

#' @export
tab.top = function(t, threshold =0.5){
  tp = sort(t/sum(t), decreasing = TRUE)
  return(names(tp)[tp > threshold])

#' @export
tab.top.cumulative = function(t, threshold =0.5){
  if (sum(t) == 0){return (c())}
  if (is.null(names(t))){names(t) = as.character(t)}
  tp = sort(t/sum(t), decreasing = TRUE)
  i  = 1
  s  = tp[i]
  while (s < threshold){
    i = i + 1
    s = s + tp[i]

#' @export
equal = function(x1, x2, tolerance = .Machine$double.eps){
  absdiff = abs(x1 - x2)
  return(absdiff < tolerance)

#' @export
vect.dim.equal <- function(v1,v2){
  #returns TRUE if the two given vectors have the same length
  n1 = length(v1)
  n2 = length(v2)
  return ((n1==n2))

#' @export
mat.dim.equal <- function(m1,m2){
  #returns TRUE if the two given matrices have the same dimensions
  d1 = dim(m1)
  d2 = dim(m2)
  return ((d1[1]==d2[1]) & (d1[2]==d2[2]))

#' Returns mean of a vector where values lower than a given threshold are filtered
#' @param v numeric or integer: Given vector for which the filtered mean is computed
#' @param threshold numeric (scalar): value specifying the filtering threshold (default is \code{0})
#' @param na.rm logical: Should missing values be filtered? (default is TRUE)
#' @return numeric (scalar): Filtered mean computed
#' @examples
#' high.pass.mean(c(1, NA, 3, 2, -1, -2), threshold = 1)
#' [1] 2.5
#' @export
high.pass.mean <- function(v, threshold = 0, na.rm = T){
  x = mean(v[v > threshold], na.rm = na.rm)
  if (is.na(x)){x = 0}

#' @export
mean_narm <- function(v){mean(v, na.rm = T)}

#' @export
sd_narm <- function(v){sd(v, na.rm = T)}

#' @export
sum_narm <- function(v){sum(v, na.rm = T)}

#' @export
prod_narm <- function(v){prod(v, na.rm = T)}

#' @export
rowSums_narm <- function(v){rowSums(v, na.rm = T)}

#' @export
colSums_narm <- function(v){colSums(v, na.rm = T)}

#' @export
high.pass.prod <- function(v, threshold = 0, na.rm = T){
  x = prod(v[v > threshold], na.rm = na.rm)
  if (is.na(x)){x = 0}

#' Returns moving average(mean) of a vector where values lower than a given threshold are filtered
#' @param v numeric or integer: Given vector for which the filtered moving mean is computed
#' @param threshold numeric (scalar): value specifying the filtering threshold (default is \code{0})
#' @param weight integer (scalar): Inclusion window size for computing the moving average
#' @param na.rm logical: Should missing values be filtered? (default is TRUE)
#' @return numeric (scalar): Filtered mean computed
#' @examples
#' high.pass.moving.mean(1:100, weight = 10, threshold = 95)
#' [1] 98
#' # (96 + 97 + 98 + 99 + 100)/5 = 98
#' @export
high.pass.moving.mean <- function(v, threshold = 0, weight = 14, na.rm = T){
  if (na.rm){v = v[!is.na(v)]}
  x = mean(tail(v[v > threshold], n = weight))
  if (is.na(x)){x = 0}

#' @export
high.pass.moving.sd <- function(v, threshold = 0.001, weight = 14, na.rm = T){
  if (na.rm){v = v[!is.na(v)]}
  x = sd(tail(v[v > threshold], n = weight))
  if (is.na(x)){x = 0}

#' @export
high.pass.sd <- function(v, threshold = 0.001, na.rm = T){
  x = sd(v[v > threshold], na.rm = na.rm)
  if (is.na(x)){x = 0}

low.pass.mean <- function(v, threshold, na.rm = T){
  x = mean(v[v < threshold], na.rm = na.rm)
  if (is.na(x)){x = 0}

low.pass.sd <- function(v, threshold, na.rm = T){
  x = sd(v[v < threshold], na.rm = na.rm)
  if (is.na(x)){x = 0}

#' @export
floorto.precision <- function(a, precision = 0.01){

#' @export
clear.workspace <- function(){
  rm(list = ls())

## Returns a matrix of zeros
zeros <- function (m,n){
  return(matrix(rep(0, m*n), m , n))

#' @export
div_mod = function(m, d){
  return(m - (m %/% d)*d)

#' @export
div_mod.seq = function(start, end, num){
  s = start
  v = c()
  for (i in 1:num){
    v = c(v, s)
    s = s + 1
    if (s > end){
      s = 0
  return (v)
# todo: convert it to an action

#' @export
fday <- function(t, base = '2000-01-01', zone = "GMT"){
  t = as.POSIXlt(t, tz = zone)
  b = as.POSIXlt(base, tz = zone)
  ndif = as.integer(difftime(t, b, units = 'day'))
  return(t$wday + 7*((ndif %/% 7) %% 2))

#' Returns the fortnight day of the given time
#' @export
fortday <- function(time, base = '2000-01-01'){
  base = timeDate(base)
  time = as.timeDate(time)
  ndif = as.integer(time - base)
  x    = (ndif %/% 7) %% 2
  return(fdlabel[dayOfWeek(time) %++% '.'  %++% (x + 1)])

#' Extends the given vector \code{v} to length \code{N}
#' @param v Vector of any type
#' @param N An integer
#' @return Vector same type as \code{v}
#' @examples
#' a = c(1, 2, 3)
#' vect.extend(a, 5)
#' [1] 1 2 3 1 2
#' @export
vect.extend <- function(v, N){
  if(N == length(v)){return(v)}
  # in R, concatenating two factors makes an integer!
  if (inherits(v, 'factor')){was.factor = T; v %<>% as.character} else {was.factor = F}
  m = length(v)
  if (m >= N){
  ve = v
  while (N > m + length(ve)){ve = c(ve, v)}
  out = c(ve, v[sequence(N - length(ve))])
  if(was.factor){return (out %>% as.factor)} else {return(out)}

#' @export
list.extract   = function(obj, ...){
  N = c(...)
  l = list()
  if(inherits(N, 'character')){N = which(names(obj) %in% N)}
  for(i in N){
    l = c(l,list(obj[[i]]))
  names(l) <- names(obj)[N]

#' @export
list.extract.field   = function(obj, field_name, ...){
  out = c()
  a   = obj %>% list.extract(...)
  for(i in a){out = c(out, i[[field_name]])}

#' @export
list.remove = function(obj, ...){
  fields = c(...)
  for (fig in fields){obj[[fig]] <- NULL}

#' @export
list.extend <- function(v, N){
  m = length(v)
  if (m >= N){
    return(v  %>% list.extract(sequence(N)))
  ve = v
  while (N > m + length(ve)){ve = c(ve, v)}
  return (c(ve, v %>% list.extract(sequence(N - length(ve)))))

#' @export
date.adjust = function(x, t, zone = "GMT"){
  t = as.POSIXlt(t, tz = zone)
  if (length(x) == 1){return(rep(x, length(t)))} else
    if (length(x) == 7){
      aux = t$wday
      aux[aux == 0] = 7
    } else
      if (length(x) == 14){
        aux = fday(t)
        aux[aux == 0] = 14
      } else
        if (length(x) == length(t)){return(x)} else {stop(make.err.msg("Arguments 'x' and 't' must have the same length", err_src = match.call()[[1]]))}

#' Returns if a given value meets a given feasibility condition. The feasibility condition is specified by
#' a feasibility range and a set of non-feasible values.
#' @param v A numeric or a vector of numerics or integers
#' @param range Vector of two numerics containing the lower and upper bounds of the feasibility range.
#'        If \code{range} is NULL (default), range condition checking is skipped.
#' @param exclude Vector of numerics containing non-feasible values
#'        If \code{exclude} is NULL (default), non-feasibility condition checking is skipped.
#' @return Logical TRUE if the given value is not missing, within the given range and not in \code{exclude},
#'                 FALSE otherwise.
#' @export
feasible = function(v, range = NULL, excludes = NULL){
  index = !is.na(v)
  if (!is.null(range)){index = index & (v <= range[2]) & (v >= range[1])}
  if (!is.null(excludes)){index = index & !(v %in% excludes)}

#' @export
first.feasible <- function(...){
  w = which(feasible(...))
  if (length(w) == 0){return(NA)} else {return(w[1])}

#' @export
last.feasible <- function(...){
  w = which(feasible(...))
  if (length(w) == 0){return(NA)} else {return(w[length(w)])}

#' @export
data.frame.na <- function(nrow, ncol, row_names = c(), col_names = c()){
  M = matrix(NA, nrow, ncol)
  D = as.data.frame(M)
  if (!is.empty(col_names)){
    assert(length(col_names) == ncol, "Argument 'col_names' does not match argument 'ncol'")
    colnames(D) <- col_names
  if (!is.empty(row_names)){
    assert(length(row_names) == nrow, "Argument 'row_names' does not match argument 'nrow'")
    rownames(D) <- row_names

#' @export
make.unique = function(v, char_duplicated = '.', char_non_duplicated = '', add_prefix = F){
  verify(v, allowed = 'character')
  dup.ind = duplicated(v)
  while (sum(dup.ind) > 0){
    if (add_prefix){
      v[dup.ind]  = paste0(char_duplicated, v[dup.ind], char_duplicated)
      v[!dup.ind] = paste0(char_non_duplicated, v[!dup.ind], char_non_duplicated)
    } else {
      v[dup.ind]  = paste0(v[dup.ind], char_duplicated)
      v[!dup.ind] = paste0(v[!dup.ind], char_non_duplicated)
    dup.ind = duplicated(v)

add.equivalent <- function(X, Y){
  # Inputs (X, Y): data.frame with two columns:
  #              Column 1 is any type
  #              Column 2 is numeric contains the values
  # X and Y should not necessarily have the same number of rows
  # adds values from Y to their equivalent values in X.
  # (equivalency is determined by matching values in column 1)
  Ny = dim(Y)[1]
  for (k in sequence(Ny)){
    if (Y[k,2] != 0){
      j      = which(X[,1] == Y[k, 1])
      X[j,2] = X[j,2] + Y[k,2]
  return (X)

#' @export
check = function(...){
  l = list(...)

# Given a time vector and a seasonal effect, this function
# applies the seasonal effect on each time interval accordingly"
#' @export
distribute.seasonality = function(time, season.values, seasonality = 'dow'){
  data.seas = rep(0, length(time))
         'dow' = {
           dow.lbls = dayOfWeek(time)
           for (x in unique(dow.lbls)){data.seas[x == dow.lbls] = season.values[x ,1]}},
         'dof' = {
           dof.lbls = fortday(time)
           for (x in unique(dof.lbls)){data.seas[x == dof.lbls] = season.values[x ,1]}},
         'moy' = {
           moy.lbls = mntlabel[months(time)]
           for (x in unique(moy.lbls)){data.seas[x == moy.lbls] = season.values[x ,1]}},
         'doy' = {
           tt = as.POSIXlt(time)
           # doy.lbls = tt$mon*31 + tt$mday
           doy.lbls = paste(tt$mday, tt$mon)
           for (x in unique(doy.lbls)){data.seas[x == doy.lbls] = season.values[x ,1]}}
  data.seas[is.na(data.seas)] <- 0

#' @export
add_narm = function(x,y){
  if (is.na(x)){x = 0}
  if (is.na(y)){y = 0}

#' @export
repeat.row <- function(v, n){
  # Returns a matrix in which vector v repeats as multiple rows
  R = c()
  for (i in sequence(n)){
    R = rbind(R, v)

#' @export
repeat.col <- function(v, n){
  # Returns a matrix in which vector v repeats as multiple columns
  R = c()
  for (i in sequence(n)){
    R = cbind(R, v)

#' @export
'%++%' = function(obj1, obj2){
  paste0(obj1, obj2)

#' @export
'%-%' = function(obj1, obj2){
  setdiff(obj1, obj2)

# subset
#' @export
'%<%' = function(obj1, obj2){
  sum(!(obj1 %in% obj2)) == 0

#' @export
'%==%' = function(obj1, obj2){
  (obj1 %<% obj2) & (obj2 %<% obj1)

#' @export
'%U%' = function(obj1, obj2){
  if(inherits(obj1, 'factor')){obj1 = as.character(obj1)}
  if(inherits(obj2, 'factor')){obj2 = as.character(obj2)}
  unique(c(obj1, obj2))

#' @export
'%^%' = function(obj1, obj2){
  if(inherits(obj1, 'matrix')){
    obj1 %^% obj2
  } else {
    intersect(obj1, obj2)

#' @export
as.time = function(timeset, target_class = "POSIXct", formats = valid.time.formats, ...){
  if (inherits(timeset, target_class)) {return(timeset)}
  if (inherits(timeset, c('factor', 'character'))){
    tt = timeset %>% as.character %>% char2Time(formats = formats) %>% coerce(target_class, ...)
    if (inherits(tt,target_class) & (sum(is.na(tt)) == 0)){return(tt)}
  if (target_class == 'character'){tt = timeset %>% time2Char}
  else if (target_class == 'factor'){tt = timeset %>% time2Char %>% as.factor}
  else if (target_class == "timeDate"){
    tt <- try(as.timeDate(timeset, ...), silent = T)} else {tt <- try(timeset %>% coerce(target_class, ...), silent = T)}
  if (inherits(tt,target_class)){return(tt)}
  assert(F, "Given timeset can not be converted to a timeDate object. Check the class of timeset and the format!", match.call()[[1]])

as.time.new = function(timeset, target_class = "POSIXct", formats = valid.time.formats, ...){
  if (inherits(timeset, target_class)) {return(timeset)}
  if (inherits(timeset, c('factor', 'character'))){
    tt = timeset %>% as.character %>% char2Time(formats = formats) %>% coerce(target_class, ...)
    if (inherits(tt,target_class)){
      # if (inherits(tt,target_class) & (sum(is.na(tt)) == 0)){return(tt)}
      warnif(sum(is.na(tt)) > 0, 'Could not convert all given timeset!')
  if (target_class == 'character'){tt = timeset %>% time2Char}
  else if (target_class == 'factor'){tt = timeset %>% time2Char %>% as.factor}
  else if (target_class == "timeDate"){
    tt <- try(as.timeDate(timeset, ...), silent = T)} else {tt <- try(timeset %>% coerce(target_class, ...), silent = T)}
  if (inherits(tt,target_class)){return(tt)}
  assert(F, "Given timeset can not be converted to a timeDate object. Check the class of timeset and the format!", match.call()[[1]])

#' @export
extract.seasonality = function(time, data, seasonality = 'dow', centralize = F){
  # Verifications
  assert(seasonality %in% c('dow', 'moy', 'doy'), err_msg = "Unknown value for argument 'seasonality'. Must be in c('dow', 'moy', 'doy')", match.call()[[1]])
  assert(length(time) == length(data), "Arguments 'time' and 'data' must have the same lengths", match.call()[[1]])
  assert(require(timeDate), "Package 'timeDate' is not installed!")
  time = try(as.timeDate(time), silent = T)
  verify(time, err_msg = "Argument 'time' can not be converted to 'timeDate' object")
         'dow' = {
           S   <- aggregate(data, by = list(dayOfWeek(time)), FUN = mean)
           if (centralize){S$x   = S$x - mean(S$x)}
           rownames(S) = S[, 1]
           S           = S[,-1, drop = F]
         'moy' = {
           mlb   = mntlabel[months(time)]
           S     = aggregate(data, by = list(mlb), FUN = mean)
           if (centralize){S$x   = S$x - mean(S$x)}
           rownames(S) = S[, 1]
           S           = S[,-1, drop = F]
         'doy' = {
           tt    = as.POSIXlt(time)
           dylb  = paste(tt$mday, tt$mon)
           # dylb  = tt$mon*31 + tt$mday
           S     = aggregate(data, by = list(dylb), FUN = mean)
           if (centralize){S$x   = S$x - mean(S$x)}
           rownames(S) = S[, 1]
           S   = S[,-1, drop = F]

#' @export
char2Date = function(datechar, formats = valid.date.formats){
  nf    = sequence(length(datechar))
  dates = as.Date(rep(NA, length(nf)))
  datechar %<>% gsub(pattern = '/', replacement = '-')
  i = 1
  while ((length(nf) > 0) & (i <= length(formats))){
    dates[nf] = as.Date(datechar[nf], format = formats[i])
    yearcount = dates[nf] %>% format('%Y') %>% as.integer
    dates[nf][which(yearcount < 100)] <- NA
    nf        = which(is.na(dates))
    i         = i + 1

char2Time.old = function(timechar, formats = valid.time.formats){
  nf    = sequence(length(timechar))
  times = as.POSIXlt(rep(NA, length(nf)))
  i     = 1
  while ((length(nf) > 0) & (i <= length(formats))){
    times[nf] = strptime(timechar[nf], format = formats[i])
    nf        = which(is.na(times))
    i         = i + 1

#' @export
char2Time = function(timechar, formats = valid.time.formats){
  nf    = sequence(length(timechar))
  times = as.POSIXlt(rep(NA, length(nf)))
  timechar %<>% gsub(pattern = '/', replacement = '-')
  i     = 1
  while ((length(nf) > 0) & (i <= length(formats))){
    times[nf] = strptime(timechar[nf], format = formats[i])
    yearcount = times[nf] %>% format('%Y') %>% as.integer
    times[nf][which(yearcount < 100)] <- NA
    nf        = which(is.na(times))
    i         = i + 1
  if(length(nf) > 0){
      times[nf] = timechar[nf] %>% anytime::anytime()
  nf = which(is.na(times))
  warnif(length(nf) > 0, 'Could not convert all given strings!')

# http://statistics.berkeley.edu/computing/r-dates-times
#' @export
time2Char = function(time, format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', omit_zero_time = F, make_unique = F){
  tc     <- as.character.POSIXt(time, format = format)
    change <- substr(tc, 12, 19) == "00:00:00"
    tc[change] <- substr(tc[change], 1, 10)
  if (make_unique){tc = make.unique(tc)}

# as.character.POSIXt('2017/12/01 13:28:32' %>% as.POSIXlt, format = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M')

#' @export
# todo: Should change function name to time2DateChar see where this function is used!
time2Date = function(time, make_unique = F){
  ds <- as.character(as.Date(time))
  if (make_unique){ds = make.unique(ds)}

# Example:
# script.list.fields(list.str = "default.dygraphs.tsline.settings", sublist.str = 'RangeSelector')
#' @export
script.list.fields = function(list.str, sublist.str){
  nms = eval(parse(text = paste0("names(" , list.str , "[['", sublist.str, "']])")))
  lst = nms[length(nms)]
  scr = ""
  for (p in nms){
    scr = paste0(scr , p, " = ", list.str , "$" , sublist.str, "$", p)
    if (p != lst){scr = scr %++% ', '}

#' @export
list2Json = function(L = list(), fields = names(L), fields_remove = c(), quotations = F){
  verify(L, "list")
  verify(fields, 'character', domain = names(L))
  verify(fields_remove, 'character', domain = fields)
  fields = setdiff(fields, fields_remove)
  scr  = "{"
  N    = length(fields)
  for (i in sequence(N)){
    x = fields[i]
    u = L[[x]]
    if (!is.null(u)){
      if (quotations){scr = paste0(scr,"'", x, "': ")} else {scr = paste0(scr, x, ": ")}
      if      (class(u) == 'list')     {scr = scr %++% list2Json(u, quotations = quotations)}
      else if (class(u) == 'character'){scr = paste0(scr, "'", u, "'")}
      else if (class(u) == 'logical')  {scr = scr %++% ifelse(u, 'true', 'false')}
      else                             {scr = scr %++% as.character(u)}
      if (i != N){
        scr = scr %++% ", "
  scr = scr %++% "}"

#' @export
list2Script = function(l, fields = NULL, fields_remove = NULL, arguments = NULL){
  if (is.null(fields)){fields = names(l)}
  if (  is.null(arguments)  |  !identical(names(arguments), fields)){
    assert(sum(!names(arguments) %in% fields) == 0, "fields must include names of argument 'arguments'!")
    args = fields
    names(args) <- fields
    if (! is.null(arguments)){
      for (j in names(arguments)){
        args[[j]] <- arguments[[j]]
    arguments <- args
  fields = setdiff(intersect(fields, names(l)), fields_remove)
  scr = ""
  for (i in fields){
    if (inherits(l[[i]], "character")){
      if (length(l[[i]]) > 1){
        scr <- paste0(scr, arguments[i], " = c(", paste("'" %++% l[[i]] %++% "'", collapse = ', '), "), ")
      } else if (length(l[[i]]) == 1){scr <- paste0(scr, arguments[i], " = '", paste(l[[i]], collapse = ', '), "', ")}
    else if (inherits(l[[i]], "list")){scr = paste0(scr, arguments[i], " = ", 'list(', list2Script(l[[i]]), '), ')}
    else if (class(l[[i]]) %in% c('interger', 'numeric', 'logical')){
      if (length(l[[i]]) > 1){
        scr <- paste0(scr, arguments[i], " = c(", paste(l[[i]], collapse = ', '), "), ")
      } else if (length(l[[i]]) == 1){scr <- paste0(scr, arguments[i], " = ", paste(l[[i]], collapse = ', '), ", ")}
  scr = substr(scr, 1, nchar(scr) - 2)

#' @export
today      = function(){as.Date(timeDate())}

#' @export
yesterday  = function(){as.Date(timeDate()) - 1}

#' @export
today.char = function(){time.to.char(today())}

#' returns TRUE if none of the elements of given argument v is missing
#' @export
no.missing = function(v){
  return(sum(is.na(v)) == 0)

#' @export
prettyDate = function(x){
  if (!inherits(x, 'Date')){x = as.Date(x)}
  # paste(weekdays(x), mday(x), months(x), year(x))
  paste(weekdays(x), as.POSIXlt(x)$mday, months(x), as.numeric(format(x,'%Y')))

#' @title Get numeric column names of a data frame
#' @description Returns numeric column labels of a data frame
#' @field df data.frame: The table for which numeric columns are required
#' @return vector of characters containing numeric column labels of the given table
#' @export
numerics = function(df){
  numer_classes = c('numeric', 'integer', 'double', 'difftime')
  if(inherits(df, 'WIDETABLE')){
    return(df$meta %>% filter(class %in% numer_classes) %>% pull(column))
  } else if(inherits(df, 'data.frame')){
    classes = sapply(df, class)
    return(classes[classes %in% numer_classes] %>% names)

#' Returns nominal(categorical) column labels of a data frame
#' @param df data.frame: The table for which nominal columns are required
#' @return vector of characters containing nominal column labels of the given table
#' @export
nominals = function(df){
  nomin_classes = c('factor', 'character', 'logical', 'ordered', 'integer')
  if(inherits(df, 'WIDETABLE')){
    return(df$meta %>% filter(class %in% nomin_classes) %>% pull(column))
  } else if(inherits(df, 'data.frame')){
    classes = sapply(df, class)
    return(classes[classes %in% nomin_classes] %>% names)

#' Returns labels of the columns of the given data frame containing date-time values
#' @field df data.frame: The table for which date-time columns are required
#' @return vector of characters containing date-time column labels of the given data.frame
#' @export
datetimes = function(df){
  figures = names(df)
  tims = c()
  vtc  = valid.time.classes %-% c('character', 'factor')
  for (k in figures){
    if (inherits(df[, k], vtc)){tims = c(tims, k)}

#' @export
is.clean = function(v){
  sum(is.na(v)) == 0

#' @export
sample.time <- function(from, to, size) {
  dayseq <- seq.Date(as.Date(from),as.Date(to),by="day")
  dayselect <- sample(dayseq,size,replace=TRUE)
  hourselect <- sample(1:24,size,replace=TRUE)
  minselect <- sample(0:59,size,replace=TRUE)
  as.POSIXlt(paste(dayselect, hourselect,":",minselect,sep="") )

#' @export
delib <- function(pkg, character.only = FALSE)
    pkg <- deparse(substitute(pkg))
  search_item <- paste("package", pkg, sep = ":")
  while(search_item %in% search())
    detach(search_item, unload = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)

# If vector x contain outliers (extremely high or low values), then linear mapping will contain those outliers as well.
# smartMap() maps given vector 'x' to range (0,1) but also gives a more uniform distribution by limiting the effect of outliers
# The range [0,1] is divided into segments with lengths weighted as counts of values of x after being binned in 'n' bins
# Each segment of range (0,1) is for one bin
# The values in each bin are then linearly mapped to the range of their segment for which the width depends on the count of values that fall into that bin
#' @export
smartMap = function(x, n = 10){
  y = x - min(x)
  y = as.integer(vect.map(y, 1, n))
  t = tabulate(y, nbins = n)
  s = c(0, cumulative(t/sum(t)))
  z = rep(NA, length(x))
  for (i in 1:n){
    a = which(y == i)
    if (length(a) > 1){z[a] = vect.map(x[a], s[i], s[i + 1])}
    else if (length(a) == 1){z[a] = s[i]}
  assert(sum(is.na(z)) == 0)

#' @export
colorise = function(x, palette){
  nuniques <- length(unique(x))
  palcols <- (grDevices::colorRampPalette(palette))(nuniques)
  if (!is.numeric(x) | nuniques < 10) {
    y <- as.numeric(as.factor(x))
    xcols <- palcols[y]
  else {
    ecum <- ecdf(x)
    xcols <- palcols[ceiling(nuniques * ecum(x))]

# Converts a numeric vector into colors where color density reflects value
#' @export
vec2Col = function(v, base = c(red = 1, green = 1, blue = 1)){
  verify(v, valid.numeric.classes, varname = 'v')
  v = v[!is.na(v)]
  if (inherits(base, 'character')){
    verify(base, 'character', domain = colours(), lengths = 1, varname = 'base')
    base = vect.normalize(as.numeric(col2rgb(base)))
    names(base) = c('red', 'green', 'blue')
  verify(base, 'numeric', domain = c(0, 1), names_identical = c('red', 'green', 'blue'), lengths = 3, varname = 'base')
  vn = vect.normalize(v)
  res = rgb(vn*base['red'], vn*base['green'], vn*base['blue'])
  names(res) <- names(v)

#' @export
color.mean = function(...){
  mn = (try(c(...) %>% col2rgb, silent = T) %>%
          verify(err_msg = 'Invalid colors given! Cannot convert to rgb.', err_src = 'rutils::color.mean') %>%
  rgb(red = mn['red'], green = mn['green'], blue = mn['blue'])

#' @export
appendCol = function(data, columns, column_names = NULL){
  Appends Vector or data.frame or matrix to the data
  - columns Vector or data.frame. length or dim must match
  - column_names [Optional] Vector of character strings containing the column names to be appended
  # todo: add verifications
  old.ns = names(data)
  if(columns %>% inherits(c('data.frame', 'matrix'))){
    N   = nrow(data)
    M   = ncol(columns)
    assert(nrow(columns) == N, 'arguments columns and data must have the same number of rows!')
    column_names %<>% verify('character', lengths = M, default = names(columns), varname = 'column_names')
    if(is.empty(column_names) & M > 0){column_names = 'X' %++% sequence(M)}
    names(columns) <- column_names
    for (fig in column_names){
      data[, fig] = columns[, fig]
  } else {
    # Old Code is now used only for vectors:
    if(ncol(data) == 0){data = data.frame(columns, stringsAsFactors = inherits(columns, 'factor'))}
    else               {data %<>% cbind(columns %>% vect.extend(nrow(data)), stringsAsFactors = inherits(columns, 'factor'))}
    if (!is.null(column_names)){names(data) = c(old.ns, column_names)}

#' @export
chif = function(a, x, y){
  if (is.empty(a)){return(NULL)}
  if (a) return(x) else {return(y)}

#' @export
extend.char = function (s, n, fillChar = ' ', left = T){
  M = nchar(s)
  return(ifelse(M >= n,
                chif(left, substr(s,1,n), substr(s, M - n + 1,M)),
                chif(left, paste0(s, repeat.char(fillChar, n - nchar(s))), paste0(repeat.char(fillChar, n - M), s))))

#' @export
swap = function(L, x = NULL, y = NULL, ..., vf = T){
  if(is.null(x) & is.null(y)){return(L)}
    verify(L, c('list', 'data.frame', 'matrix'), varname = 'L', null_allowed = F)
    verify(x, 'character', varname = 'x', null_allowed = F)
    verify(y, 'character', varname = 'y', null_allowed = F)
  if(inherits(L, 'list')){
    aux    <- L[[x]]
    L[[x]] <- L[[y]]
    L[[y]] <- aux
  } else if (inherits(L, c('data.frame', 'matrix'))){
    wx = which(colnames(L) == x)
    wy = which(colnames(L) == y)
    assert((length(wx) == 1) & (length(wx) == 1), 'Given column labels x and y should refer to a single column')
    aux     <- L[, x]
    L[, x]  <- L[, y]
    L[, y] <- aux
    colnames(L)[wx] <- y
    colnames(L)[wy] <- x
  } else {stop('I should not be here!')}
  return(L %>% swap(...))

#' @export
coerce = function(v, class_name, ...){
  # todo: complete verification: add domain, ...
  verify(class_name, 'character')
  if(is.empty(v) & (class_name %in% valid.classes)){v %<>% as.logical()}
  if(!inherits(v, class_name)){
    errmsg = paste("Given variable", deparse(substitute(v)), "cannot be coerced to class " %++% class_name)
    scr = paste0('as.', class_name, '(v, ...)')
    nms = names(v)
    if(inherits(v, 'POSIXct') & class_name == 'Date'){v %<>% lubridate::force_tz('GMT')}
    out = try(eval(parse(text = scr)), silent = T) %>% verify(err_msg = errmsg, err_src = 'rutils::coerce')
    assert(inherits(out, class_name), err_msg = errmsg, err_src = 'rutils::coerce')
    if(!is.null(nms)){names(out) <- nms}
  } else {return(v)}

#' @export
list.add = function(l = NULL, ...){
  if(is.empty(l)){l = list()}
  return(c(l, list(...)))

# list add
ladd = function(L, ...){
  # todo: write for classes other than list
  LL  = list(...)
  nms = names(LL)
  for (i in seq(LL)){
    item = LL[[i]]
    name = nms[i]
        L = c(L, item)
      } else {
        L[[name]] = item

#' @export
list.clean = function(L){
  i = 1
  for (item in L){
    if(inherits(item, 'list')){item %<>% list.clean}
    if (item %>% is.empty){
      L[[i]] <- NULL
    } else {
      L[[i]] = item
      i = i + 1

# Merging Action:
#' @export
'%<==>%' = function(obj1, obj2){
  # Verifications:
  msg = 'The two objects must be of the same class!'
  src = match.call()[[1]]
  if(is.null(obj1)){if(inherits(obj2, 'list')){obj1 = list()}} # todo: what about other classes?!
  if (inherits(obj1, 'list') | typeof(obj1) == 'list'){
    assert(inherits(obj2, 'list') | typeof(obj2) == 'list', msg, src)
    ns   = names(obj2)
    if(is.null(ns)){return(obj1 %>% c(obj2))}
    w  = (ns %in% names(obj1)) & (ns != '')
    obj1 %<>% c(obj2 %>% list.extract(which(!w)))
    w    %<>% which
    for (i in w){
      if(inherits(obj1[[ns[i]]], 'list')){
        if(inherits(obj2[[i]], 'list')){
          obj1[[ns[i]]] = obj1[[ns[i]]] %<==>% obj2[[i]]
        } else {
          obj1[[ns[i]]] =  c(obj1[[ns[i]]], obj2[[i]])
      else {obj1[[ns[i]]] = obj2[[i]]}
  # todo: write similarly for named vectors & data.frames

#' @export
list.edit = function(lst, edits, inject = F){
  if(is.empty(lst)){lst = list()}
  nms = names(edits)
    for(i in sequence(length(edits))){
      if(inherits(edits[[i]], 'list') & (length(lst) >= i)){
        lst[[i]] %<>% list.edit(edits[[i]])
      } else {
        lst[[i]] <- edits[[i]]
  } else {
    for(itm in nms){
      if(inherits(edits[[itm]], 'list')){
        lst[[itm]] %<>% list.edit(edits[[itm]])
      } else {
          lst[[itm]] <- c(lst[[itm]], edits[[itm]])
        } else {
          lst[[itm]] <- edits[[itm]]

#' @export
aggr = function(df, id_cols = NULL, value_cols = NULL, func = 'mean', vf = T){
  # Verifications:
    verify(df, c('data.frame', 'tibble', 'matrix'))
    id_cols    %<>% verify('character', domain = names(df), default = nominals(df), varname = 'id_cols')
    value_cols %<>% verify('character', domain = names(df), default = numerics(df), varname = 'value_cols')
  grpscr = paste0('dplyr::group_by(', paste(id_cols, collapse = ', '), ')')
  varscr = paste0(value_cols, ' = ', func, '(', value_cols, ')')
  sumscr = paste0('dplyr::summarize(', paste(varscr, collapse = ', '), ')')
  eval(parse(text = paste('df', grpscr, sumscr, sep = ' %>% '))) %>% as.data.frame

reorder.tbc = function(v, new_order){
  if(!inherits(v, 'factor')){v %<>% as.factor}
  verify(new_order, 'character', domain = levels(v), varname = 'new_order')
  a = seq(new_order)
  names(a) <- new_order
  names(a)[a[levels(v)[v %>% as.numeric]]] %>% factor(levels = names(a))
} # todo: check with function reorder() in package stats

rename.items = function(lst, ...){
  to   = c(...) %>% verify('character')
  from = to %>% names
  names(to) <- NULL
  for(i in seq(from)){
    w = which(names(lst) == from[i])
    names(lst)[w] <- to[i]

#' @export
column2Rownames = function(df, colname = NULL, remove = T){
  df %<>% as.data.frame
  nms = names(df)
  colname %<>% verify('character', domain = nms, default = names(df)[1], lengths = 1, varname = 'colname')
  ww = which(nms == colname)
  df = df[!duplicated(df[, colname]),, drop = F] # can add option to summarize(aggregate) later
  rownames(df) <- df[, colname]
  if(remove){return(df[, - ww, drop = F])} else {return(df)}

#' @export
rownames2Column = function(df, colname = 'rownames', colpos = 1){
  nms = colnames(df) %>% verify(default = 'V' %++% as.character(1:ncol(df)))
  verify(colname, 'character', lengths = 1, varname = 'colname')
  df  = df[, nms != colname, drop = F]
  m   = ncol(df)
  assert(colpos <= m + 1, "Maximum value for colpos is " %++% (m + 1))
  df %<>% cbind(rownames(df), stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(df) <- c(nms, colname)
  rownames(df) <- NULL
  if (colpos == m + 1){return(df)}
  if (colpos == 1){return(df[, c(m + 1, 1:m)])}
  else {return(df[c(1:(colpos-1), m + 1, colpose:m)])}

#' @export
zero.omit = function(M, colname = NULL){
  if(inherits(M, c('matrix', 'data.frame'))){
    if(is.null(colname)){colname = M %>% ncol %>% sequence}
    for (col in colname){
      M = M[M[,col] != 0,, drop = F]
  keep = M != 0
  nms = names(M)[keep]
  M = M[keep]
  names(M) <- nms

swapNamesAndContents = function(v){
  nms = names(v)
  names(nms) <- v %>% as.character

#' @export
sandwich = function(v, ss = "'"){
  ss %++% v %++% ss

#' @export
unname = function(v){
  names(v) <- NULL

#' @export
na2value = function(v, val = 0){
  if(inherits(v, 'WIDETABLE')){
  v[is.na(v)] <- val

#' @export
na2zero = function(v){
  if(inherits(v, 'WIDETABLE')){
    v$fill_na_with(0, cols = colnames(v))
  v[is.na(v)] <- as.integer(0)

#' @export
zero2na = function(v){
  v[v == 0] <- NA

#' @export
trim = function(v, lb = 0, ub = Inf){
  verify(v, 'numeric')
  v[(v >= lb) & (v <= ub)]

#' @export
removeRownames = function(v){
  rownames(v) <- NULL

factor2Character = function(df){
  i <- sapply(df, is.factor)
  df[i] <- lapply(df[i], as.character)

offset2GMT = function(tt){
  tt %>% as.character %>% strptime(format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'GMT') %>% as.POSIXct

## converts given integer number to sum of powers of 2
# for example: 7 = 1 + 2 + 4
#' @export
breaksum_p2 = function(x){
  b = 1
  set = c()
  for (i in as.integer(intToBits(x))){
    if(i > 0){
      set = c(set, b)
    b = b*2

#' Converts a data.frame or matrix into a list of named vectors where each column is a named vector
#' @export
toVectorList = function(df){
  lst = list()
  rwnms = rownames(df)
  for(i in df %>% ncol %>% sequence){
    lst[[i]] = df[,i]
    if(!is.null(rwnms)){names(lst[[i]]) <- rwnms}
  names(lst) <- names(df)

# Compares two data.frames and returns a list of data.frames indicating which rows and columns should change from what to what
#' @export
compareTables = function(t1, t2){
  # if number of rows or columns are different, trigger redraw
  nn = nrow(t1)
  mm = ncol(t1)
  notrig = (nrow(t2) == nn) & (ncol(t2) == mm)
  cold = colnames(t1)
    cnew   = colnames(t2)
    notrig = notrig & (cnew %==% cold)
    if(notrig){if(!identical(cnew, cold)){t2 = t2[, cold]}}
  i = 0
  while (notrig & (i < mm)){
    i = i + 1
    if(!inherits(t2[,i], t1[,i] %>% class)){
      t2i = try(coerce(t2[,i], class(t1[,i])), silent = T)
      notrig = notrig & inherits(t2i, t1[, i] %>% class)
      if(notrig){t2[,i] = t2i}
    if(inherits(t1[,i], 'factor')){notrig = notrig & levels(t1[,i]) %==% levels(t2[,i])}
    notrig = notrig & sum(is.na(t1[,i]) >= is.na(t2[,i])) == nn
    changes = list()
    rnew = rownames(t2)
    rold = rownames(t1)
    if(!is.null(rnew) & !is.null(rold)){
      diff = which(rnew != rold)
      if(length(diff) > 0){changes %<>% list.add(data.frame(row = diff, col = 0, from = rold[diff], to = rnew[diff], stringsAsFactors = F))}
    for(i in sequence(ncol(t1))){
      if(inherits(t1[,i], 'numeric')){diff = which(abs(t2[,i] - t1[,i]) > 0.001)}
      else {diff = which(t2[,i] != t1[,i])}
      diff = try(c(diff, which(is.na(t1[,i]) & !is.na(t2[,i]))), silent = T) %>% verify(default = diff)
      if(length(diff) > 0){changes %<>% list.add(data.frame(row = diff, col = i, from = t1[diff,i], to = t2[diff,i], stringsAsFactors = F))}

#' @export
setTZ = function(time, tz){
  time %>% as.character %>% as.POSIXct(tz = tz)
  # look at lubridate::force_tz() and lubridate::with_tz()
  # does not work for time between "2018-10-07 2:00:00" to "2018-10-07 2:59:59"

#' @description Adds a certain number of months to the given character date in \code{%Y-%m-%d} format.
#' @title Add or subtract months to a given date character
#' @param input_date (character): Given date \code{%Y-%m-%d} format as character
#' @param num_months (numeric or integer): Number of months to be added to the given date. It can be a negative number.
#' @return (character): date pointing to the input date with added months
#' @examples
#' add_month('2012-06-01', 3)
#' [1] "2012-09-01"
#' add_month('2010-03-12', -6)
#' [1] "2009-09-12"
#' @export
add_month = function(input_date, num_months = 1){
  dy = input_date %>% substr(9,10)
  mn = input_date %>% substr(6,7) %>% as.integer
  yr = input_date %>% substr(1,4) %>% as.integer
  mn = mn + num_months
  while(mn > 12){mn = mn - 12; yr = yr + 1}
  while(mn < 1 ){mn = mn + 12; yr = yr - 1}
  paste(yr, mn %>% stringr::str_pad(2, pad = "0"), dy, sep = '-')

#' @description Adds a certain number of years to the given character date in \code{%Y-%m-%d} format.
#' @title Add or subtract years to a given date character.
#' @param input_date (charahter): Given date \code{%Y-%m-%d} format as character
#' @param num_years (numeric or integer): Number of years to be added to the given date. It can be a negative number.
#' @return (character): date pointing to the same day and month of the input date with years added
#' @examples
#' add_year('2012-06-11', 3)
#' [1] "2015-06-11"
#' add_month('2010-03-12', -6)
#' [1] "2004-03-12"
#' @export
add_year = function(input_date, num_years = 1){
  paste(input_date %>% substr(1,4) %>% as.integer %>% {. + num_years}, 
        input_date %>% substr(6,7), input_date %>% substr(9,10), sep = '-')

#' @export
list.flatten = function(lst){
  nms = list()
  for (i in lst){
    if(inherits(i, 'list')){nms = c(nms, i %>% list.flatten)} else {nms = c(nms, i)}

# Converts color name to equivalent hex code:
#' @export
col2Hex = function(color){
  col = try(col2rgb(color)) %>% verify
  rgb(red = col['red',], green = col['green',], blue = col['blue',], maxColorValue = 255)

#' @export
is.holiday = function(d, holidays = c()){
  return((format(d, "%u") %in% c("6", "7")) | (d %in% holidays))

# Gives difference between two given dates excluding weekends and list of given holidays
#' @export
diffDate <- function(d1, d2, holidays = c()) {
  mm = max(length(d1), length(d2))
  d1 = try(as.Date(d1), silent = T) %>% verify('Date', err_msg = "Could not convert argument 'd1' to date", err_src = 'rutils::diffDate') %>% vect.extend(mm)
  d2 = try(as.Date(d2), silent = T) %>% verify('Date', err_msg = "Could not convert argument 'd2' to date", err_src = 'rutils::diffDate') %>% vect.extend(mm)
  if(is.empty(d1) | is.empty(d2)){return(numeric(length(d1)))}
  if(!is.empty(holidays)){holidays = try(as.Date(holidays), silent = T) %>% verify('Date', err_msg = "Could not convert argument 'holidays' to date", err_src = 'rutils::diffDate')}
  w1 = which(d1 %>% is.holiday)
  while(length(w1) > 0){
    d1[w1] <- d1[w1] + 1
    w1 = which(d1 %>% is.holiday)
  w2 = which(d2 %>% is.holiday)
  while(length(w2) > 0){
    d2[w2] <- d2[w2] + 1
    w2 = which(d2 %>% is.holiday)
  dl <- min(d1, d2)
  # while (dl %>% is.holiday){dl = dl + 1}
  # d2[d2 < dl] <- dl
  # d1[d1 < dl] <- dl
  dh <- max(d1, d2)
  # while (dh %>% is.holiday){dh = dh + 1}
  d <- seq(dl, dh, 1)
  d <- d[!(d %>% is.holiday)]
  func = function(x){max(which(x >= d))}
  n1 = d1 %>% sapply(func)
  n2 = d2 %>% sapply(func)
  return(n1 - n2)

# Gives difference between two given times excluding weekends and list of given holidays
#' @export
diffTime = function(t1, t2, units = 'hours', holidays = c()){
  units %>% verify('character', domain = c('hours', 'mins', 'secs', 'days'), default = 'hours', varname = 'units', err_src = 'rutils::diffTime')
  unitsPerDay = c(hours = 24, mins = 24*60, secs = 24*3600, days = 1)
  t1 %<>% as.time(target_class = 'POSIXct') %>% setTZ('GMT')
  t2 %<>% as.time(target_class = 'POSIXct') %>% setTZ('GMT')
  dd1 = as.Date(t1)
  dd2 = as.Date(t2)
  tt1 = ifelse(dd1 %>% is.holiday, 0, 3600*lubridate::hour(t1) +  60*lubridate::minute(t1) + lubridate::second(t1))
  tt2 = ifelse(dd2 %>% is.holiday, 0, 3600*lubridate::hour(t2) +  60*lubridate::minute(t2) + lubridate::second(t2))
  diffDate(dd1, dd2, holidays = holidays)*unitsPerDay[units] +  (tt1 - tt2)*unitsPerDay[units]/(24*3600)

#' @export
addDate <- function(ds, nd, holidays = c()) {
  mm = max(length(ds), length(nd))
  d1 = try(as.Date(ds), silent = T) %>% verify('Date', err_msg = "Could not convert argument 'ds' to date", err_src = 'rutils::addDate') %>% vect.extend(mm)
  nd = try(as.integer(nd), silent = T) %>% verify('integer', err_msg = "Could not convert argument 'nd' to integer", err_src = 'rutils::addDate') %>% vect.extend(mm) %>% na2zero
  if(is.empty(d1) | is.empty(nd)){return(d1)}
  if(!is.empty(holidays)){holidays = try(as.Date(holidays), silent = T) %>% verify('Date', err_msg = "Could not convert argument 'holidays' to date", err_src = 'rutils::addDate')}
  out = d1 + 2*nd - diffDate(d1 + nd, d1, holidays = holidays)
  for (i in sequence(length(out))){
    while ((format(out[i], "%u") %in% c("6", "7")) | (out[i] %in% holidays)){out[i] = out[i] + 1}

#' @export
addTime <- function(ts, nt, units = 'hours', holidays = c()){
  units %>% verify('character', domain = c('hours', 'mins', 'secs', 'days'), default = 'hours', varname = 'units', err_src = 'rutils::diffTime')
  mm = max(length(ts), length(nt))
  ts = try(as.time(ts), silent = T) %>% verify('POSIXct', err_msg = "Could not convert argument 'ts' to time", err_src = 'rutils::addTime') %>% vect.extend(mm)
  nt = try(as.numeric(nt), silent = T) %>% verify('numeric', err_msg = "Could not convert argument 'nt' to numeric", err_src = 'rutils::addTime') %>% vect.extend(mm) %>% na2zero
  if(is.empty(ts) | is.empty(nt)){return(ts)}
  unitsPerDay = c(hours = 24, mins = 24*60, secs = 86400, days = 1)
  t1 = ts %>% as.time(target_class = 'POSIXct')
  t2 = t1 + nt*86400/unitsPerDay[units]
  d1 = t1 %>% format('%Y-%m-%d') %>% as.Date
  d2 = t2 %>% format('%Y-%m-%d') %>% as.Date
  dd = as.numeric(d2 - d1)
  d2 = d1 %>% addDate(as.numeric(d2 - d1), holidays = holidays)
  dd = as.numeric(d2 - d1) - dd
  out = t2 + 86400*dd

#' This function, changes the column names of the given table (data.frame) and checks for the column classes
#' @param dataset A table(data.frame) on which the column names is going to change
#' @param columns A named list of characters indicating which names should change to what.
#' List values should be a subset of original column names and list names are names to which the original column names should change
#' @param classes a named list of characters inducating the required classes of each column.
#' List names should be the new column names and values are classes required for each column
#' @param convert A boolean indicating if columns should be coerced to the required class. Function returns error is coercing is not possible.
#' Defaulted is TRUE. If FALSE, the function verifies the column classes and returns error if don't match.
#' @return A table(data.frame) same class as the input table \code{dataset}
#' @examples
#' Data = data.frame(x = c(1,2,3), y = c('10', '20', '30'), z = c('One', 'two', 'three'), stringsAsFactors = F)
#' Data %>% nameColumns(columns = list(XX = 'x', YY = 'y', ZZ = 'z'), classes = list(XX = 'integer', YY = 'numeric'))
#' @export
nameColumns = function(dataset, columns, classes = NULL, convert = T){
  verify(dataset, 'data.frame')
  verify(classes, 'list')
  nms = names(columns)
  assert(length(nms) == length(columns), "Argument 'column' must be a named list! All elements must be named.")
  for (i in nms){
    e = columns[[i]] %>% verify(c('character', 'factor', 'numeric', 'integer'), lengths = 1)
      if((i %in% names(dataset)) & (e != i)){dataset[, i] <- NULL}
      if (inherits(e, c('character', 'factor'))){
        w = which(names(dataset) == columns[[i]])
        assert(length(w) > 0, 'Column ' %++% e %++% ' does not exist in the dataset!')
        assert(length(w) == 1, 'Column ' %++% e %++% ' appears more than once in the dataset!')
        names(dataset)[w] <- i
      } else if(inherits(e, c('numeric', 'integer'))){
        assert(ncol(dataset) >= e, 'Given dataset does not have ' %++% e %++% ' columns!')
        names(dataset)[e] <- i
  dataset = dataset[, !duplicated(names(dataset)), drop = F]
  # Test classes:
    classes %<>% verify('list') %>% list.extract(names(classes) %^% colnames(dataset))
    for(i in names(classes)){
      e = classes[[i]]
      correct = dataset %>% pull(i) %>% inherits(e)
        ermsg = 'Column ' %++% i %++% ' is expected to be of class ' %++% paste(e, collapse = ' or ') %++% '. Was class ' %++% paste(class(dataset[, i]), collapse = ' --> ') %++% '!'
          dataset[, i] <- try(dataset %>% pull(i) %>% coerce(e[1]), silent = T) %>% verify(e, err_msg = ermsg %++% ' Coerction attempt failed.')
        } else {
          assert(FALSE, ermsg)

# Converts a data.frame to list. Respects rownames and colnames
#' @export
df2List = function(df){
  lll  = list()
  rows = rownames(df)
  # if(is.null(rows)){rows = df %>% nrow %>% sequence}
  for(i in rows){lll[[i]] <- df[i,] %>% as.list}

#' @export
applyFunctionList = function(x, L){y = x; for (fun in L){y = fun(y)}; return(y)}

# secondsFromDayStart = function(time){
#   if(require('lubridate')){
#     return(3600*hour(time) + 60*minute(time) + second(time))
#   } else {}
# }

#' @export
list.default = function(l, ...){
  lst = list(...)
  for(i in names(lst)){
      l[[i]] = lst[[i]]

# todo: add reverse as argument
#' @export
charFilter = function(str, ..., and = T, match_case = F){
  pat = c(...) %>% verify('character')
    strl = str %>% tolower
    patl = pat %>% tolower
  } else {
    strl = str
    patl = pat
  w = chif(and, strl %>% length %>% sequence, c())
  for(p in patl){
    w = chif(and, intersect(w, grep(p, strl)), union(w, grep(p, strl)))

#' @export
partition = function(tbl, ratio = 0.7){
  N   = nrow(tbl)
  ind = N %>% sequence %>% sample(size = floor(ratio*N), replace = F)
  list(part1 = tbl[ind, ], part2 = tbl[- ind, ])

#' @export
fmap = c(normal = 'norm', gaussian = 'norm', 
         beta = 'beta', binomial = 'binom', 
         'chi-squared' = 'chisq', chi = 'chisq', chi_squared = 'chisq', chisquared = 'chisq', 
         exponential = 'exp', 
         geometric = 'geom', hypergeomrtric = 'hyper', hyper_geometric = 'hyper', 'hyper-geometric' = 'hyper',
         logistic = 'logis',
         lognormal = 'lnorm', 'log-normal' = 'lnorm', log_normal = 'lnorm',
         poisson = 'pois', 
         student_t = 't', 'student_t' = 't',
         studentized_range = 'tukey', 'studentized-range' = 'tukey',
         uniform = 'unif', 
         wilcoxon_rank_sum = 'wilcox', wilcoxon = 'wilcox', wilcoxon_signed_rank = 'signrank',
         wilcoxonranksum = 'wilcox', ranksom = 'wilcox', rank_som = 'wilcox',
         wilcoxonsignedrank = 'signrank',signed_rank = 'signrank', signedrank = 'signrank')

#' @export
pdf = function(family, ...){
  family  %<>% tolower 
  if(family %in% names(fmap)){family = fmap[family]}
  parse(text = paste0('d', family, '(...)')) %>% eval

#' @export
cdf = function(family, ...){
  family  %<>% tolower 
  if(family %in% names(fmap)){family = fmap[family]}
  parse(text = paste0('p', family, '(...)')) %>% eval

#' @export
cdf.inv = function(family, ...){
  family  %<>% tolower 
  if(family %in% names(fmap)){family = fmap[family]}
  parse(text = paste0('q', family, '(...)')) %>% eval

#' @export
gen.random = function(family, ...){
  family  %<>% tolower 
  if(family %in% names(fmap)){family = fmap[family]}
  parse(text = paste0('r', family, '(...)')) %>% eval

# Generates random values with given distribution subject to being greater than x0
# If you want to generate N random values with a distribution specified by cdf F(x) given that x > x0,
# F.inv(a*u + 1 - a)
# where a = 1 - F(x0) and u is random values with uniform distribution
#' @export
gen.random.highpass = function(N = 1, x0 = -Inf, family = 'normal', ...){
  family = family %>% tolower %>% match.arg(family)
  a   = 1 - cdf(x0, family = family, ...)
  u   = runif(N)
  v   = a*u + 1 - a
  # Values exactly equal to 1 lead to Inf in the inverse cumulative density function, so subtract an infinitesinal value
  v[v == 1.0] = 1.0 - .Machine$double.eps
  out = cdf.inv(v, family = family, ...) %>% na2zero
  # In rare cases due to machine precision error , values lower than x0 might be generated.
  # In this case we will trim them to x0.
  out[out < x0] <- x0[out < x0]

#' @export  
string2factor = function(df){
  cls = colnames(df) %>% sapply(function(i) class(df[,i])[1])
  for(i in which(cls == 'character')) df[,i] %<>% as.factor 

#' @export
factor2integer = function(df){
  cls = colnames(df) %>% sapply(function(i) class(df[,i])[1])
  for(i in which(cls == 'factor')) df[,i] %<>% as.integer 

#' @export
numeric2time = function(df){
  cls = colnames(df) %>% sapply(function(i) class(df[,i])[1])
  for(i in which(cls %in% c('integer', 'numeric'))) df[,i] %<>% as.POSIXct(origin = '1970-01-01')

#' @export
integer2numeric = function(df){
  cls = colnames(df) %>% sapply(function(i) class(df[,i])[1])
  for(i in which(cls %in% c('integer'))) df[,i] %<>% as.numeric

#' @export
logical2integer = function(df){
  cls = colnames(df) %>% sapply(function(i) class(df[,i])[1])
  for(i in which(cls == 'logical')) df[,i] %<>% as.integer 

#' @export
as_date = function(x){
  x %>% as.character %>% substr(1, 10)

#' @export
table.unlist = function(df){
  colnames(df) %>% sapply(function(x) df[,x] %>% class) %>% unlist -> classes
  ctc = names(classes)[which(classes == 'list')] # ctc: columns to convert
  for(col in ctc){
    df %>% pull(col) %>% sapply(function(x) length(x)) -> l_col
    rtc = which(l_col != 1)
    if(length(rtc) > 0){
      df$newcol   <- NA
      df$newcol[- rtc] <- df %>% pull(col) %>% unlist
      df[, col] <- df$newcol
      df %<>% select(- newcol)
    } else {
      df[, col] %<>%  unlist

rize = function(df){
  df %>% ncol %>% sequence %>% sapply(function(i) class(df %>% pull(i))) -> classes
  for(i in which(classes == 'integer64')){
    df[,i] <- df %>% pull(i) %>% as.integer
  for(i in which(classes == 'float64')){
    df[,i] <- df %>% pull(i) %>% as.numeric
  return(df %>% table.unlist)

#' @export
list.pull = function(lst, field, do_unlist = T, aggregator = function(x){x}){
  lst %>% lapply(function(i) i[[field]] %>% aggregator) -> out
  if(do_unlist) return(out %>% unlist) else return(out)

#' @export
pick = function(weights){
  weights %<>% vect.normalise %>% cumulative
  choices = names(weights)
  choices[which(weights > runif(1)) %>% first]
# not tested  
column_classes = function(df){
  colnames(df) %>% sapply(function(i) class(i)[1])
dplyr.aggregate = function(x, id.cols, measure.cols, aggregator = 'mean') {
  args_1 = id.cols %>% paste(collapse = ',')
  args_2 = "%s = %s(%s, na.rm = T)" %>% sprintf(measure.cols, aggregator, measure.cols) %>% paste(collapse = ',')
  parse(text = "dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(x, %s) , %s)" %>% sprintf(args_1, args_2)) %>% eval

# Returns the most frequent item (best to be used for nominals)
#' Returns the most frequent element of given vector \code{v}
#' @param v Vector
#' @param na.rm Logical Should missing values be removed?
#' @return The most frequent element of given vector \code{v}
#' @export
most_frequent <- function(v, na.rm = F) {
  if(na.rm) v %<>% na.omit 
  uv <- unique(v)
  uv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uv)))]
argscr = function(arg){
  if (inherits(arg, 'list')){arg %<>% unlist}
  nms = names(arg)
  if (is.null(nms)){nms = rep("", length(arg))}
  assert(length(nms) == length(arg), "Impossible")
  act = rep(" = ", length(arg))
  act[which(nms == "")] <- ""
  paste0(nms, act, arg) %>% paste(collapse = ', ')

#' @export
operate = function(input, config){
  list('input') %>% 
    c(config %>% lapply(function(item) paste0(item$fun, '(', argscr(item$arg), ')'))) %>% 
    unlist %>% paste(collapse = " %>% ") -> script
  parse(text = script) %>% eval

#' @export
divisors <- function(x){
  #  Vector of numberes to test against
  y <- seq_len(x)
  #  Modulo division. If remainder is 0 that number is a divisor of x so return it
  y[ x%%y == 0 ]

#' @export
setup_multicore = function(n_jobs = 4){
  cl = makeCluster(n_jobs)
  actual_njobs = getDoParWorkers()
  warnif(actual_njobs < n_jobs, 
         sprintf('Parallel run is working with %s cores rather than %s. It may take longer than expected!', actual_njobs, n_jobs))

# Converts a data.frame to the block of text for RMarkdown
# left alignment is always used. If you need it differently, 
# you should modify manually later in the text.
table2text = function(df){
  names(df) %>% sapply(function(u) df[,u] %>% as.character %>% nchar %>% max) %>% 
    sapply(rep, x = "-") %>% sapply(paste, collapse = "") -> alignment

  alignment = paste0("|:", alignment) %>% paste(collapse = "") %>% paste0("|")
  df %>% names %>% paste(collapse = ' | ') -> header
  header = paste("|", header, "|")
  contents = df %>% as.matrix %>% apply(1, paste, collapse = ' | ')
  contents = paste("|", contents, "|")
  return(paste(header, alignment, contents %>% paste(collapse = " \n"), sep = " \n"))

#' @export
expmean = function(x){
  y  = x
  nx = length(x)
  if(nx > 1){
    a  = 2/nx
    for (k in 2:nx) y[k] <- a * x[k] + (1 - a) * y[k - 1]

#' @export
list.replace = function(input, pattern, replacement){
  if(inherits(input, 'character')){
    return(input %>% stringr::str_replace(pattern = pattern, replacement = replacement))
  } else if (inherits(input, 'list')){
    for(i in sequence(length(input))){
      input[[i]] = list.replace(input[[i]], pattern = pattern, replacement = replacement)
genpack/gener documentation built on March 14, 2023, 9:52 a.m.