# rscripts.R ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Header
# Filename: rscripts.R
# Description: Contains functions generating various R scripts.
# Author: Nicolas Berta
# Email : nicolas.berta@gmail.com
# Start Date: 23 May 2017
# Last Revision: 12 February 2017
# Version: 0.2.3
# Version History:
# Version Date Action
# ----------------------------------
# 0.0.1 23 May 2017 Initial issue for TFD3 syncing observers
# 0.1.0 25 July 2017 Function TFD3.observer.table.S2C.R() modified: supports triggering a replot if sync and report tables have different structures
# 0.1.1 25 July 2017 TFD3.service() modified: re-plots if sync$itemID_trigger changes
# 0.1.2 29 August 2017 TFD3.observer.table.S2C.R() modified: Small bug rectified: Changing cell value to/from NA did not trigger a change and setCellValue() was not called.
# 0.1.3 12 October 2017 Observer function TFD3.observer.column.footer.R() changed. Code protected by isolate to be called only when sync$<itemID>_column.footer changes
# 0.1.5 23 October 2017 Observer function TFD3.observer.table.S2C.R() modified: Table redraw is trigerred if any cell is replaced to/from NA
# 0.1.6 26 October 2017 Observer function TFD3.observer.table.S2C.R() modified: Bug fixed! Column number was shifted for tables with rownames
# 0.1.7 27 October 2017 Observer function TFD3.observer.table.S2C.R() modified: Calls function compareTable() from gener to extract changes to be sent
# 0.1.8 27 November 2017 loginService and loginUIExtraService for loginInput added
# 0.1.9 06 December 2017 'login.srv' and 'logout.srv' modified: Saves/loads session data after logout/login"
# 0.2.0 08 December 2017 'login.srv' and 'logout.srv' modified: saves/loads local objects in userData
# 0.2.1 08 December 2017 'login.srv' and 'logout.srv' modified: user is saved in session$user as well as sync$user
# 0.2.2 15 December 2017 'login.srv' modified: Sends a different fail message for when username is not in the 'loginTable'. usernames are rownames of property 'loginTable'
# 0.2.3 12 February 2018 'login.srv' and 'logout.srv' modified: session data is saved in the path given by settings$savePath rather than the working directory (adding more flexibility to the package user)
# Only server to client!
TFD3.observer.column.footer.R = function(itemID){paste0("
if(is.null(sync$", itemID, "_column.footer)){sync$", itemID, "_column.footer <- items[['", itemID, "']]$config$column.footer}
nms = c('rownames', colnames(sync$", itemID, "))
for (col in names(sync$", itemID, "_column.footer)){
wch = which(nms == col) - 1
if (inherits(sync$", itemID, "_column.footer[[col]], 'function')){val = sapply(list(sync$", itemID, "[report$", itemID, "_filtered, col]), sync$", itemID, "_column.footer[[col]])}
else {val = sync$", itemID, "_column.footer[[col]] %>% as.character}
for (cn in wch){if(!is.empty(val)){setFootCellValue(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', row = 1, col = cn, value = val)}}
# server to client
TFD3.observer.column.editable.R = function(itemID){paste0("
if(is.null(sync$", itemID, "_column.editable)){sync$", itemID, "_column.editable <- items[['", itemID, "']]$config$column.editable}
wrnflag = items[['", itemID, "']]$config$withRowNames
if(wrnflag %>% is.empty){wrnflag = T}
enacols = sync$", itemID, "_column.editable %>% unlist %>% coerce('logical') %>% which %>% names %>% intersect(c('rownames', colnames(sync$", itemID, ")))
discols = c('rownames', colnames(sync$", itemID, ")) %-% enacols
for(col in enacols){
if (col == 'rownames'){
if(wrnflag){enableEdit(session, '", itemID, "', 'col_0')}
} else {
w = which(names(sync$", itemID, ") == col) - !wrnflag
enableEdit(session, '", itemID, "', 'col_' %++% w);
for(col in discols){
if (col == 'rownames'){
if(wrnflag){disableEdit(session, '", itemID, "', 'col_0')}
} else {
w = which(names(sync$", itemID, ") == col) - !wrnflag
disableEdit(session, '", itemID, "', 'col_' %++% w);
#check(x = 'editable', y = sync$", itemID, "_column.editable, z = enacols, t = discols, r = items[['", itemID, "']])
# client to server:
TFD3.observer.edit.R = function(itemID) {paste0("
if(is.null(input$", itemID, "_edit)) return(NULL);
edit <- input$", itemID, "_edit;
# need isolate, otherwise this observer would run twice
# for each edit
id <- edit$id;
row <- as.integer(edit$row);
col <- as.integer(edit$col);
val <- edit$val;
nms <- colnames(sync$", itemID, ")
if(col == 0) {
oldval <- rownames(sync$", itemID, ")[row];
cellClass = 'character'
fltr = items[['", itemID, "']]$config$column.acceptor[['rownames']]}
else {
oldval <- sync$", itemID, "[row, col];
fltr = items[['", itemID, "']]$config$column.acceptor[[nms[col]]]
cellClass = class(sync$", itemID, "[, col])[1]
val0 = val
if (cellClass == 'POSIXct') {val = try(as.POSIXct(val, format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', tz = 'GMT'), silent = T)} else {val = try(coerce(val, cellClass), silent = T)}
accept = inherits(val, cellClass) & !is.empty(val)
if(accept & !is.empty(fltr)){
if( inherits(fltr, 'character')){txt = paste('val', fltr, collapse = ' & ')}
else if (inherits(fltr, 'list')) {txt = rScriptFilter('val', fltr)}
else if (inherits(fltr, 'function')) {txt = 'val %>% sapply(fltr)'}
else {txt = 'TRUE'}
accept = parse(text = txt) %>% eval
if(!inherits(accept, 'logical')){accept = T}
if (accept){
if(col == 0) {
rownames(sync$", itemID, ")[row] <- val;
rownames(report$", itemID, ")[row] <- val;
} else {
shp = items[['", itemID, "']]$config$column.shape[[nms[col]]]
if (!is.null(shp)){
if(shp == 'radioButtons'){
sync$", itemID, "[, col] <- FALSE;
report$", itemID, "[, col] <- FALSE;
# debug(check); check(x = 'Angoolak kardi!', y = input$", itemID, "_edit, z = val, r = row, t = col, s = sync$", itemID, ")
sync$", itemID, "[row, col] <- val;
report$", itemID, "[row, col] <- val;
# confirm edits
confirmEdit(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', row = row, col = col, id = id, value = val);
report$", itemID, "_lastEdits['Success', 'Row'] <- row;
report$", itemID, "_lastEdits['Success', 'Column'] <- col;
report$", itemID, "_lastEdits['Success', 'Value'] <- val;
} else {
# debug(check)
# check(x = accept, y = fltr, z = val, t = val0, r = oldval, s = list(row, col, id))
rejectEdit(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', row = row, col = col, id = id, value = oldval);
report$", itemID, "_lastEdits['Fail', 'Row'] <- row;
report$", itemID, "_lastEdits['Fail', 'Column'] <- col;
report$", itemID, "_lastEdits['Fail', 'Value'] <- val0;
# Use it later for creating the default footer:
# footer = list('Mean', object[[i]] %>% colMeans %>% as.matrix %>% t) %>% as.data.frame
# names(footer) = c('Rownames', colnames(object[[i]]))
# Client 2 Server: FOB1
TFD3.observer.filter.C2S.R = function(itemID){
if(is.null(input$", itemID, "_filter)){return(NULL)}
report$", itemID, "_filtered <- unlist(input$", itemID, "_filter$validRows);
sync$", itemID, "_column.filter = list()
nms = c('rownames', colnames(sync$", itemID, "))
# lapply(input$", itemID, "_filter$filterSettings, function(x) )
for(flt in input$", itemID, "_filter$filterSettings){
colnumb = flt$column %>% substr(5, nchar(flt$column)) %>% as.integer
colname = nms[colnumb]
if(!is.na(colname)){sync$", itemID, "_column.filter[[colname]] = chif(is.empty(flt$value), NULL, flt$value)}
# debug(check)
# check('FOB1', colnumb, colname, input$", itemID, "_filter$filterSettings, flt, sync$", itemID, "_column.filter)
# report$", itemID, "_column.filter = sync$", itemID, "_column.filter
# Server 2 Client: FOB2
TFD3.observer.filter.S2C.R = function(itemID){
if(is.null(sync$", itemID, "_column.filter)){sync$", itemID, "_column.filter = items[['", itemID, "']]$config$column.filter}
for(flt in input$", itemID, "_filter$filterSettings){
nms = c('rownames', colnames(sync$", itemID, "))
colnumb = flt$column %>% substr(5, nchar(flt$column)) %>% as.integer
colname = nms[colnumb]
colnumb = colnumb - 1
if (colname %in% names(sync$", itemID, "_column.filter)){
if (!identical(flt$value, sync$", itemID, "_column.filter[[colname]])){
# set filter
setFilter(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', col = 'col_' %++% colnumb, filterString = sync$", itemID, "_column.filter[[colname]], doFilter = TRUE);
# else {do nothing}
} else {
setFilter(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', col = 'col_' %++% colnumb, filterString = '', doFilter = TRUE);
# debug(check)
# check('FOB2', y = input$", itemID, "_filter$filterSettings, z = colnumb, t = colname, r = flt, s = sync$", itemID, "_column.filter)
# report$", itemID, "_column.filter = sync$", itemID, "_column.filter
# client to server: sob1
TFD3.observer.selected.C2S.R = function(itemID){
if(is.null(input$", itemID, "_select)){return(NULL)}
sync$", itemID, "_selected = input$", itemID, "_select
report$", itemID, "_selected = sync$", itemID, "_selected
# server 2 client: sob2
TFD3.observer.selected.S2C.R = function(itemID){
if(is.null(sync$", itemID, "_selected)){sync$", itemID, "_selected = items[['", itemID, "']]$config$selected}
if(is.null(report$", itemID, "_selected)){report$", itemID, "_selected = items[['", itemID, "']]$config$selected}
if(is.null(sync$", itemID, "_row.color)){sync$", itemID, "_row.color = items[['", itemID, "']]$config$row.color}
sel = sync$", itemID, "_selected %-% report$", itemID, "_selected
desel = report$", itemID, "_selected %-% sync$", itemID, "_selected
for (i in sel){ setRowClass(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', row = i, class = items['", itemID, "']$config$selection.color)}
for (i in desel){setRowClass(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', row = i, class = chif(sync$", itemID, "_row.color[i] == items['", itemID, "']$config$selection.color, '', items[['", itemID, "']]$config$row.color[i]))}
report$", itemID, "_selected = sync$", itemID, "_selected
# server 2 client: for row color: cob2
TFD3.observer.color.S2C.R = function(itemID){
if(is.null(sync$", itemID, "_row.color)){sync$", itemID, "_row.color = items[['", itemID, "']]$config$row.color}
# debug(check)
# check(x = 'cob2', y = sync$", itemID, "_row.color, z = report$", itemID, "_row.color, t = sync$", itemID, ")
if(is.null(report$", itemID, "_row.color)){report$", itemID, "_row.color = items[['", itemID, "']]$config$row.color}
w = which(sync$", itemID, "_row.color != report$", itemID, "_row.color)
for (i in w){setRowClass(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', row = i, class = sync$", itemID, "_row.color[i])}
report$", itemID, "_row.color = sync$", itemID, "_row.color
# server to client: for table contents: tob2
TFD3.observer.table.S2C.R = function(itemID){
if(is.null(sync$", itemID, ")){
sync$", itemID, " = items[['", itemID, "']]$data
if(is.null(report$", itemID, ")){report$", itemID, " <- items[['", itemID, "']]$data}
if(!identical(report$", itemID,", sync$", itemID, ")){
cmp = compareTables(report$", itemID,", sync$", itemID, ")
# if(length(cmp)>0){debug(check); check(x = 'I am editing', y = cmp, z = items[['", itemID, "']]$config, r = report$", itemID,", s = sync$", itemID, ", t = session)}
for(df in cmp){
for(i in sequence(nrow(df))){
setCellValue(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', row = df$row[i], col = df$col[i], value = df$to[i], feedback = FALSE)
# debug(check); check(x = 'I am changing items data', y = cmp, z = items, r = report, s = sync, t = session)
items[['", itemID, "']]$data <<- sync$", itemID, "
report$", itemID, " <- sync$", itemID, "
if(is.null(cmp)){sync$", itemID, "_trigger = T}
# server to client: for table contents: tob2
TFD3.observer.table.S2C.R.old = function(itemID){
if(is.null(sync$", itemID, ")){sync$", itemID, " = items[['", itemID, "']]$data}
if(is.null(report$", itemID, ")){report$", itemID, " <- items[['", itemID, "']]$data}
trig = ncol(sync$", itemID, ") != ncol(report$", itemID,")
trig = trig | nrow(sync$", itemID, ") != nrow(report$", itemID,")
# trig = trig | rownames(sync$", itemID, ") != rownames(report$", itemID,")
# trig = trig | colnames(sync$", itemID, ") != colnames(report$", itemID,")
if(!trig){trig = length(which(is.na(sync$", itemID, ") != is.na(report$", itemID, "))) > 0}
if (trig){
items[['", itemID, "']]$data <<- sync$", itemID, "
report$", itemID, " <- sync$", itemID, "
} else {
for (i in sequence(ncol(sync$", itemID, "))){
# Check for classes of columns 2b identical, otherwise trigger a re-plot
# todo: If you the column type is factor with different levels, an error is caused here! Either use character columns or convert them to character here before comparing
ss = sync$", itemID, "[,i]
rr = report$", itemID, "[,i]
trig = !inherits(ss, rr %>% class)
if(is.factor(ss)){trig = trig | !(levels(ss) %==% levels(rr))}
w = which(ss != rr)
# w = c(w, which((is.na(ss) & !is.na(rr))|(is.na(rr) & !is.na(ss))))
# w = w - chif(items[['", itemID, "']]$config$withRowNames,0,1)
for (j in w) {
setCellValue(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', row = j, col = i, value = sync$", itemID, "[j,i], feedback = TRUE)
report$", itemID, "[j,i] <- sync$", itemID, "[j,i]
rnew = rownames(sync$", itemID, ")
rold = rownames(report$", itemID, ")
w = which(rnew != rold)
for (j in w) {
setCellValue(session, tbl = '", itemID, "', row = j, col = 0, value = rnew[j], feedback = TRUE)
rownames(report$", itemID, ") <- rnew
if(trig){sync$", itemID, "_trigger = T}
TFD3.service = function(itemID){
if(sync[['", itemID, "_trigger']]){
sync[['", itemID, "_trigger']] = F
sync[['", itemID, "']] %>% TFD3.table(config = items[['", itemID, "']]$config)})
D3TableFilter.service = function(itemID){
if(sync[['", itemID, "_trigger']]){
sync[['", itemID, "_trigger']] = F
sync[['", itemID, "']] %>% D3TableFilter.table(config = items[['", itemID, "']]$config)})
loginBox = "div(
textInput('getUser', 'Username'),
passwordInput('getPass', 'Password'),
actionButton('login', 'Log in')
logoutBox =
' Logged in as:', strong(session$user),
actionLink('logout', label = 'Log out', icon = shiny::icon('sign-out'))
loginUIService = paste0("if(sync$user %>% is.null){", loginBox, "} else {", logoutBox, "}")
login.srv = "if(!is.empty(input$getUser) & !is.empty(input$getPass)){
res = loginTable %>% loginVerify(input$getUser, input$getPass, settings$passEncryption)
if(inherits(res, 'character')){sync$message = messages['loginSuccess']; sync$user = input$getUser; session$user = input$getUser; if(settings$saveSession){flnm = settings$savePath %++% session$user %++% '.rds'; if(file.exists(flnm)){sessiondata = readRDS(flnm);for(i in names(sessiondata$local)){session$userData[[i]] = sessiondata$local[[i]]}; for (i in names(sessiondata$sync)){sync[[i]] <- sessiondata$sync[[i]]}}}} else {session$user = NULL; if(res == 1){sync$message = messages['loginFail']} else if(res == 2){sync$message = messages['usernameNotFound']} else {sync$message = 'This should not happen!!'} }
logout.srv = "if(settings$saveSession){lc = list(); for (i in names(session$userData)){lc[[i]] <- session$userData[[i]]}; ss = list(); for (i in names(sync)){ss[[i]] <- sync[[i]]}; sessiondata = list(local = lc, sync = ss); saveRDS(sessiondata, settings$savePath %++% session$user %++% '.rds')}; session$user = NULL; sync$user = NULL"
loginUIExtraService = paste("observeEvent(input$login, {", login.srv, "})", "observeEvent(input$logout, {", logout.srv, "})", sep = '\n')
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