# =============================================================================
#' @title Unfozen water in soil
#' @description Computes the proportion of unfozen water and ice in soil as
#' well as the temperature derivative of liquid water content.
#' @details This function applies invariant freezing parameters with depth and
#' assumes saturated conditions without movement of water.
#' @param mat Data frame with relevant ground properties.
#' @param unfrozen.type Character string indicating the type of function to be
#' used; the standard is "INTERVAL". The full options are:
#' "DALLAMICO": Dall’Amico, M., Endrizzi, S., Gruber, S.,
#' & Rigon, R. (2011). A robust and energy-conserving
#' model of freezing variably-saturated soil. The
#' Cryosphere, 5(2), 469–484. doi:10.5194/tc-5-469-2011
#' Typical values of van Genuchten parameters are found
#' in Table 2 of Gubler, S., Endrizzi, S., Gruber, S.,
#' & Purves, R. S. (2013). Sensitivities and uncertainties
#' of modeled ground temperatures in mountain environments.
#' Geoscientific Model Development, 6(4), 1319–1336.
#' doi:10.5194/gmd-6-1319-2013
#' "MOTTAGHY": Mottaghy, D., & Rath, V. (2006). Latent heat
#' effects in subsurface heat transport modelling and their
#' impact on palaeotemperature reconstructions. Geophysical
#' Journal International, 164(1), 236-245.
#' "INTERVAL": Phase change takes place in an interval of
#' specified with (unfrozen.par) below 0C and at a
#' constant rate.
#' @param unfrozen.par Parameter set for the chosen unfrozen water function.
#' "DALLAMICO": unfrozen.par[1]: van Genuchten alpha [mm-1],
#' unfrozen.par[2]: van Genuchten n [-], unfrozen.par[3]:
#' residual water content [m3/m3]. The saturated water
#' content is given by the input (mat$wat) and can thus
#' vary with depth.
#' "MOTTAGHY": unfrozen.par[1]: width of freezing
#' interval [K], unfrozen.par[2]: omega.
#' "INTERVAL" unfrozen.par[1]: width of freezing
#' interval [K].
#' @return Returns the input data frame with three columns updated: liq [m3/m3]
#' (liquid water content, relative to soil volume), ice [m3/m3] (ice
#' content, relative to soil volume), and dice [m3/C] (change in ice
#' content, relative to soil volume per degree Celsius). If these columns
#' do not exist in the input data frame, they are created.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mat <- data.frame(Tj = (-500:200)/100,
#' wat = rep(0.5,701))
#' #Mottahgy and Rath (2006) example
#' mat <- Unfrozen(mat, unfrozen.type = "MOTTAGHY", unfrozen.par = c(0, 0.5))
#' plot(mat$Tj, mat$dice, type="l", lty = 1, col = "black", ylim =c(0,2),
#' xlab = "Temperature [C]",
#' ylab = "Liquid water content (solid), derivation (dashed)")
#' lines(mat$Tj, mat$liq, lty = 2, col = "black")
#' #interval function example
#' mat <- Unfrozen(mat, unfrozen.type = "INTERVAL", unfrozen.par = 1)
#' lines(mat$Tj, mat$dice, lty = 1, col = "blue")
#' lines(mat$Tj, mat$liq, lty = 2, col = "blue")
#' #Dall'Amico et al. (2011) example, assuming saturated conditions.
#' mat <- Unfrozen(mat, unfrozen.type = "DALLAMICO",
#' unfrozen.par = c(0.001, 1.4, 0.05))
#' lines(mat$Tj, mat$dice, lty = 1, col = "red")
#' lines(mat$Tj, mat$liq, lty = 2, col = "red")
#' @author Stephan Gruber <stephan.gruber@@carleton.ca>
# =============================================================================
Unfrozen <- function(mat, unfrozen.type = "INTERVAL", unfrozen.par = 0.5) {
unfrozen.ok <- FALSE
#--- Interval function ------------------------------------------------------
if (toupper(unfrozen.type) == "INTERVAL") {
#simple freezing interval
#derivative of fractional volumetric ice content
inrange <- (mat$Tj < 0) * (mat$Tj > (-unfrozen.par))
mat$dice <- mat$wat / unfrozen.par * inrange
#fractional volumetric ice content
mat$ice <- mat$Tj/-unfrozen.par
mat$ice <- ifelse(mat$ice < 0, 0, mat$ice)
mat$ice <- ifelse(mat$ice > 1, 1, mat$ice)
mat$ice <- mat$wat * mat$ice
mat$liq <- mat$wat - mat$ice
unfrozen.ok <- TRUE
#--- Mottaghy and Rath (2006) -----------------------------------------------
if (toupper(unfrozen.type) == "MOTTAGHY") {
#Mottaghy, D., & Rath, V. (2006). Latent heat effects in subsurface heat
#transport modelling and their impact on palaeotemperature reconstructions.
#Geophysical Journal International, 164(1), 236-245.
#Equations 3 and 8; unfrozen.par[1]: TL, unfrozen.par[2]: omega
#fractional volumetric ice content, Eq. 3
mat$liq <- exp(-((mat$Tj - unfrozen.par[1]) / unfrozen.par[2])^2)
mat$liq <- ifelse(mat$Tj > unfrozen.par[1], 1, mat$liq)
mat$liq <- mat$wat * mat$liq
mat$ice <- mat$wat - mat$liq
#derivative of fractional volumetric ice content, Eq 8
mat$dice <- exp(-((mat$Tj-unfrozen.par[1])/unfrozen.par[2])^2)
mat$dice <- mat$dice * -2 * (mat$Tj-unfrozen.par[1]) / unfrozen.par[2]
mat$dice <- ifelse(mat$Tj > unfrozen.par[1], 0, mat$dice)
unfrozen.ok <- TRUE
#--- Dall'Amico et al. (2011) -----------------------------------------------
if (toupper(unfrozen.type) == "DALLAMICO") {
#Dall’Amico, M., Endrizzi, S., Gruber, S., & Rigon, R. (2011). A robust and
#energy-conserving model of freezing variably-saturated soil. The
#Cryosphere, 5(2), 469–484. doi:10.5194/tc-5-469-2011
#We assume saturated conditions here.
alpha <- rep(unfrozen.par[1], length(mat$Tj))
n <- rep(unfrozen.par[2], length(mat$Tj))
theta.sat <- mat$wat
theta.res <- rep(unfrozen.par[3], length(mat$Tj))
#catch zero water content problems
theta.res <- ifelse(theta.res > theta.sat, theta.sat, theta.res)
res0 <- DallAmico(alpha, n, theta.sat, theta.res, mat$Tj+273, 273, mat$Tj*0)
res1 <- DallAmico(alpha, n, theta.sat, theta.res, mat$Tj+273.001, 273, mat$Tj*0)
#fractional volumetric ice/water content
mat$ice <- res0$theta.i
mat$liq <- res0$theta.w
mat$dice<- (res1$theta.w - res0$theta.w) * 1000
unfrozen.ok <- TRUE
#feedback if function type was not recognized
if (unfrozen.ok == FALSE) stop("unfrozen.type not recognized")
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