
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom sf st_read st_as_text
#' @useDynLib  mandeR


#' @title Get an example shapefile
#' @description
#'        Returns the path of an example shapefile of the electoral districts of 
#'        Massachusetts.
#' @return A string representing the path to the example shapefile
#' @examples
#' file.exists(mass_cd())
#' @export
mass_cd <- function(){
  file.path(find.package('mandeR'), "extdata", "CONGRESSMA_POLY.shp")

#' @title Retrieve a list of available scores
#' @description
#'        mandeR, through compactnesslib, has access to a growing number of
#'        compactness scores. This function provides a list of them. Subsets of
#'        this list can be passed to other functions to restrict which scores
#'        are calculated. Descriptions of scores may be found in the vignettes.
#' @return A list of scores names, which are represented by character strings.
#' @examples
#' mandeR::getListOfScores()
#' @export
getListOfScores <- function(){

#' @title Augment an existing shapefile by adding scores
#' @description
#'        Since analysis often happens at a high level, after scores have been
#"        calculated, it is often easiest to add scores to the underlying
#'        shapefile itself. This function does this. The shapefile's projection
#'        must be appropriate: latlong cannot be used.
#' @param filename Filename of the shapefile to be altered.
#' @param scores   List of scores to include, a subset of `getListOfScores()`
#' @return The filename of the modified shapefile.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(mandeR)
#' mandeR::augmentShapefileWithScores("path/to/myshapefile.shp", c("Reock", "area"))
#' }
#' @export
augmentShapefileWithScores <- function(filename, scores=c('all')){
  cl_augmentShapefileWithScores(filename, scores)

#' @title Augment an existing shapefile by adding scores
#' @description
#'        Since analysis often happens at a high level, after scores have been
#"        calculated, it is often easiest to add scores to the underlying
#'        shapefile itself. This function does this. The shapefile's projection
#'        must be appropriate: latlong cannot be used.
#' @param in_filename  Filename of the shapefile to be scored.
#' @param out_filename Filename of the shapefile that will hold the results.
#' @param scores       List of scores to include, a subset of `getListOfScores()`
#' @return The filename of the new shapefile.
#' @examples
#' library(mandeR)
#' newname <- tempfile()
#' mandeR::addScoresToNewShapefile(mass_cd(), newname)
#' @export
addScoresToNewShapefile <- function(in_filename, out_filename, scores=c('all')){
  cl_addScoresToNewShapefile(in_filename, out_filename, scores)

#' @title Get a dataframe of scores from a WKT input
#' @description
#'        WKT is used to pass information between compactnesslib and its
#'        higher level interfaces. This function takes a WKT string of a polygon
#'        or a multipolygons and returns its scores as a data frame. The
#'        coordinates must be appropriate: latlong cannot be used.
#' @param wkt_str      WKT representing feature to be scored.
#' @param scores       List of scores to include, a subset of `getListOfScores()`
#' @return A data frame with scores as columns, including the id column.
#' @examples
#' library(mandeR)
#' dists   <- sf::st_read(mass_cd())
#' wkt_str <- st_as_text(st_geometry(dists)[[1]])
#' mandeR::getScoresForWKT(wkt_str)
#' @export
getScoresForWKT <- function(wkt_str, scores=c('all')){
  gj <- cl_getScoresForWKT(wkt_str, scores)
gerrymandr/mandeR documentation built on May 26, 2019, 6:35 a.m.