Man pages for gerstung-lab/MutationTimeR
Timing somatic point mutations and copy number gains

addMetadataToHeaderAdd sample metadata entries to the VCF header
addMutTimeAdd mutation timing information to vcf object
classifyMutationsClassify Mutations
classWgdHeuristic to classify WGD based on CN profile
getAltCountGet alt alleles counts
getClusterPowerGet mutation cluster power from VCF metadata
getHomozygousityExtract the average homozygousity from copy number
getMetaEntryConvenience function to fetch info from metadata
getPloidyExtract the average ploidy from copy number
getPurityGet sample purity from VCF metadata
getSexGet donor sex from VCF metadata
getSubclonalArchitectureGet sample subclonal architecture from VCF metadata
getTumorDepthExtract tumour depth
getWGDstatusGet sample whole genome doubling status from VCF metadata
mutationTimeCompute mutation time from copy number gains and point...
MutationTimeRTiming of point mutations and copy number gains from deep...
plotSamplePlot timing
readVcfRead a VCF file
refLengthsReference lengths for hg37d5
writeVcfWrite a VCF file
gerstung-lab/MutationTimeR documentation built on Dec. 12, 2020, 9:29 p.m.