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The bettermc package provides a wrapper around the parallel::mclapply function for better performance, error handling, seeding and UX.

Installation of the Development Version

# install.packages("devtools")

Supported Platforms

bettermc was originally developed for 64-bit Linux. By now it should also compile and run on 32-bit systems, and on macOS and Solaris. However, as stated in the respective help pages, not all features are supported on macOS. Porting to other POSIX-compliant Unix flavors should be fairly straightforward. The Windows support is very limited and mainly provided for compatibility reasons only, i.e. to allow the serial execution of code using bettermc::mclapply, which was originally developed for Linux or macOS.


Here is a short overview on its main features …

Progress Bar

progress bar

Error Handling, Tracebacks and Crashdumps

By default, crashdumps and full tracebacks are generated on errors in child processes:

g <- function(x) x + 1
f <- function(x) g(as.character(x))
bettermc::mclapply(1:2, f)
## Error in bettermc::mclapply(1:2, f): error(s) occured during mclapply; first original message:
## Error: non-numeric argument to binary operator
## Traceback:
## 51: g(as.character(x)) at <text>#2
## 50: FUN(X, ...)
## 49: withCallingHandlers(list(FUN(X, ...)), warning = whandler, message = mhandler, 
##         condition = chandler) at etry.R#38
## 48: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {
# in a non-interactive session a file "last.dump.rds" is created
last.dump <- readRDS("last.dump.rds")

# in an interactive session use debugger() instead of print() for actual debugging
print(attr(last.dump[[1L]], "dump.frames"))
## $`etry(withCallingHandlers(list(FUN(X, ...)), warning = whandler, message = m`
## <environment: 0x560a32da2f88>
## $`etry.R#38: tryCatch(withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {\n    if `
## <environment: 0x560a32da2f18>
## $`tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)`
## <environment: 0x560a32dd2bf0>
## $`tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])`
## <environment: 0x560a32dd5808>
## $`doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)`
## <environment: 0x560a32dec420>
## $`etry.R#38: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {\n    if ("max.lin`
## <environment: 0x560a32df7798>
## $`etry.R#38: withCallingHandlers(list(FUN(X, ...)), warning = whandler, messa`
## <environment: 0x560a32e2deb0>
## $`FUN(X, ...)`
## <environment: 0x560a32ef71c0>
## $`<text>#2: g(as.character(x))`
## <environment: 0x560a32ef7000>
## attr(,"error.message")
## [1] "non-numeric argument to binary operator\n\n"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "dump.frames"

As shown in the example above, bettermc by default fails if there are errors in child processes. This behavior can be changed to merely warn about both fatal and non-fatal error:

ret <- bettermc::mclapply(1:4, function(i) {
  if (i == 1L)
  else if (i == 4L)
    system(paste0("kill ", Sys.getpid()))
}, mc.allow.fatal = TRUE, mc.allow.error = TRUE, mc.preschedule = FALSE)
## Warning in bettermc::mclapply(1:4, function(i) {: at least one scheduled
## core did not return results; maybe it was killed (by the Linux Out of Memory
## Killer ?) or there was a fatal error in the forked process(es)

## Warning in bettermc::mclapply(1:4, function(i) {: error(s) occured during mclapply; first original message:
## Error: 1
## Traceback:
## 48: stop(i) at <text>#2
## 47: FUN(X, ...)
## 46: withCallingHandlers(list(FUN(X, ...)), warning = whandler, message = mhandler, 
##         condition = chandler) at etry.R#38
## 45: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {

Also in this case, full tracebacks and crash dumps are available:

stopifnot(inherits(ret[[1]], "try-error"))
## [1] "class"       "condition"   "traceback"   "dump.frames"

Additionally, results affected by fatal errors are clearly indicated and can be differentiated from legitimate NULL values:

lapply(ret, class)
## [[1]]
## [1] "etry-error" "try-error" 
## [[2]]
## [1] "NULL"
## [[3]]
## [1] "NULL"
## [[4]]
## [1] "fatal-error" "try-error"

You can use mc.allow.fatal = NULL to instead return NULL on fatal errors as does parallel::mclapply.

Output, Messages and Warnings

In contrast to parallel::mclapply, neither output nor messages nor warnings from the child processes are lost. All of these can be forwarded to the parent process and are prefixed with the index of the function invocation from which they originate:

f <- function(i) {
  if (i == 1) message(letters[i])
  else if (i == 2) warning(letters[i])
  else print(letters[i])

ret <- bettermc::mclapply(1:4, f)
##     3: [1] "c"
##     4: [1] "d"

## Warning in FUN(X, ...): 2: b

##     1: a

Similarly, other conditions can also be re-signaled in the parent process.

Reproducible Seeding

By default, bettermc reproducibly seeds all function calls:

a <- bettermc::mclapply(1:4, function(i) runif(1), mc.cores = 3)
b <- bettermc::mclapply(1:4, function(i) runif(1), mc.cores = 1)
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.02134061
## [[2]]
## [1] 0.7456995
## [[3]]
## [1] 0.4223595
## [[4]]
## [1] 0.6265811
stopifnot(identical(a, b))

Compare with parallel:

a <- parallel::mclapply(1:4, function(i) runif(1), mc.cores = 3)
b <- parallel::mclapply(1:4, function(i) runif(1), mc.cores = 3)
stopifnot(identical(a, b))
## Error: identical(a, b) is not TRUE

POSIX Shared Memory

Many types of objects can be returned from the child processes using POSIX shared memory. This includes e.g. logical, numeric, complex and raw vectors and arrays as well as factors. In doing so, the overhead of getting larger results back into the parent R process is reduced:

X <- data.frame(
  x = runif(3e7),
  y = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 3e7, TRUE),
  z = 1:3e7
f <- function(i) X

  bettermc1 = bettermc::mclapply(1:2, f, mc.share.copy = FALSE),
  bettermc2 = bettermc::mclapply(1:2, f),
  bettermc3 = bettermc::mclapply(1:2, f, mc.share.vectors = FALSE),
  bettermc4 = bettermc::mclapply(1:2, f, mc.share.vectors = FALSE, mc.shm.ipc = FALSE),
  parallel = parallel::mclapply(1:2, f),
  times = 10, setup = gc()
## Unit: milliseconds
##       expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
##  bettermc1  291.2821  316.8932  321.9454  323.3619  328.6756  342.8789    10
##  bettermc2  572.2924  592.4564  640.5121  604.8961  613.9334 1002.5760    10
##  bettermc3 1047.5861 1069.7110 1120.4034 1102.8991 1153.8105 1311.9648    10
##  bettermc4  930.2634 1168.5147 1428.0177 1385.1090 1616.7027 2294.9783    10
##   parallel  961.2617 1020.4822 1275.7263 1211.5029 1315.1250 2113.2437    10

In examples bettermc1 and bettermc2, the child processes place the columns of the return value X in shared memory. The object which needs to be serialized for transfer from child to parent processes hence becomes:

X_shm <- bettermc:::vectors2shm(X, name_prefix = "/bettermc_README_")
## 'data.frame':    30000000 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ x:List of 6
##   ..$ name      : chr "/bettermc_README_1"
##   ..$ type      : int 14
##   ..$ length    : num 3e+07
##   ..$ size      : num 2.4e+08
##   ..$ attributes: NULL
##   ..$ copy      : logi TRUE
##   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "shm_obj"
##  $ y:List of 6
##   ..$ name      : chr "/bettermc_README_2"
##   ..$ type      : int 10
##   ..$ length    : num 3e+07
##   ..$ size      : num 1.2e+08
##   ..$ attributes: NULL
##   ..$ copy      : logi TRUE
##   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "shm_obj"
##  $ z: int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...

Column z is an ALTREP and, because it can be serialized efficiently, is left alone by default. The parent process can recover the original object from X_shm:

Y <- bettermc:::shm2vectors(X_shm)
stopifnot(identical(X, Y))

The internal functions vectors2shm() and shm2vectors() recursively walk the return value and apply the exported functions copy2shm() and allocate_from_shm(), respectively.

In bettermc1, the shared memory objects are used directly by the parent process. In bettermc2, which is the default, new vectors are allocated in the parent process and the data is merely copied from the shared memory objects, which are freed afterwards. See ?copy2shm for more details on this topic and why the slower mc.share.copy = TRUE might be a sensible default.

In bettermc3, the original X is serialized and the resulting raw vector is placed in shared memory, from where it is deserialized in the parent process.

bettermc4 does not involve any POSIX shared memory and hence is equivalent to parallel, i.e. the original X is serialized and transferred to the parent process using pipes.

Character Compression

In practice, character vectors often contain a substantial amount of duplicated values. This is exploited by bettermc to speed up the returning of larger character vectors from child processes:

X <- rep(as.character(runif(1e6)), 30)
f <- function(i) X
  bettermc1 = bettermc::mclapply(1:2, f),
  parallel =  parallel::mclapply(1:2, f),
  times = 1, setup = gc()
## Unit: seconds
##       expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
##  bettermc1  4.972368  4.972368  4.972368  4.972368  4.972368  4.972368     1
##   parallel 29.875469 29.875469 29.875469 29.875469 29.875469 29.875469     1

By default, bettermc replaces character vectors with objects of type char_map before returning them to the parent process:

X_comp <- bettermc::compress_chars(X)
## List of 3
##  $ chars     : chr [1:999882] "0.132475900929421" "0.843039438594133" "0.448472284711897" "0.656558645190671" ...
##  $ idx       : int [1:30000000] 394557 394558 394559 394560 394561 394562 394563 394564 394565 394566 ...
##  $ attributes: NULL
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr "char_map"

The important detail here is the length of the chars vector, which just contains the unique elements of X and hence is significantly faster to (de)serialize than the original vector. The parent process can recover the original character vectors:

Y <- bettermc::uncompress_chars(X_comp)
stopifnot(identical(X, Y))

The functions compress_chars() and uncompress_chars() recursively walk the return value and apply the functions char_map() and map2char(), respectively.

char_map() is implemented using a radix sort, which makes it very efficient:

  char_map = bettermc::char_map(X),
  match = {chars <- unique(X); idx <- match(X, chars)},
  times = 3, setup = gc()
## Unit: seconds
##      expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
##  char_map 1.751307 1.768194 1.774945 1.785081 1.786765 1.788449     3
##     match 4.025391 4.055226 4.107061 4.085061 4.147896 4.210731     3


bettermc supports automatic retries on both fatal and non-fatal errors. mc.force.fork ensures that FUN is called in a child process, even if X is of length 1. This is useful if FUN might encounter a fatal error and we want to protect the parent process against it. With retires, length(X) might drop to 1 if all other values could already be processed. This is also why we need mc.force.fork in the following example:

res <-
  bettermc::mclapply(1:20, function(i) {
    r <- runif(1)
    if (r < 0.25)
      system(paste0("kill ", Sys.getpid()))
    else if (r < 0.5)
  }, mc.retry = 50, mc.cores = 10, mc.force.fork = TRUE)
## at least one scheduled core did not return results; maybe it was killed (by the Linux Out of Memory Killer ?) or there was a fatal error in the forked process(es)

## error(s) occured during mclapply; first original message:
## Error: 5
## Traceback:
## 46: stop(i) at <text>#5
## 45: FUN(X, ...)
## 44: withCallingHandlers(list(FUN(X, ...)), warning = whandler, message = mhandler, 
##         condition = chandler) at etry.R#38
## 43: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {

## at least one scheduled core did not return results; maybe it was killed (by the Linux Out of Memory Killer ?) or there was a fatal error in the forked process(es)

## error(s) occured during mclapply; first original message:
## Error: 20
## Traceback:
## 46: stop(i) at <text>#5
## 45: FUN(X, ...)
## 44: withCallingHandlers(list(FUN(X, ...)), warning = whandler, message = mhandler, 
##         condition = chandler) at etry.R#38
## 43: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {

## error(s) occured during mclapply; first original message:
## Error: 2
## Traceback:
## 46: stop(i) at <text>#5
## 45: FUN(X, ...)
## 44: withCallingHandlers(list(FUN(X, ...)), warning = whandler, message = mhandler, 
##         condition = chandler) at etry.R#38
## 43: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {

## error(s) occured during mclapply; first original message:
## Error: 12
## Traceback:
## 46: stop(i) at <text>#5
## 45: FUN(X, ...)
## 44: withCallingHandlers(list(FUN(X, ...)), warning = whandler, message = mhandler, 
##         condition = chandler) at etry.R#38
## 43: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {
stopifnot(identical(res, as.list(1:20)))

Additionally, it is possible to automatically decrease the number of cores with every retry by specifying a negative value for mc.retry. This is useful if we expect failures to be caused simply by too many concurrent processes, e.g. if system load or the size of input data is unpredictable and might lead to the Linux Out Of Memory Killer stepping in. In such a case it makes sense to retry using fewer concurrent processes:

ppid <- Sys.getpid()
res <-
  bettermc::mclapply(1:20, function(i) {
    Sys.sleep(0.25)  # wait for the other child processes
    number_of_child_processes <- length(system(paste0("pgrep -P ", ppid), intern = TRUE))
    if (number_of_child_processes >= 5) system(paste0("kill ", Sys.getpid()))
  }, mc.retry = -3, mc.cores = 10, mc.force.fork = TRUE)
## at least one scheduled core did not return results; maybe it was killed (by the Linux Out of Memory Killer ?) or there was a fatal error in the forked process(es)
## at least one scheduled core did not return results; maybe it was killed (by the Linux Out of Memory Killer ?) or there was a fatal error in the forked process(es)
stopifnot(identical(res, as.list(1:20)))

If there are still errors after the retries, we regularly fail:

res <-
  bettermc::mclapply(1:20, function(i) {
    r <- runif(1)
    if (r < 0.25)
      system(paste0("kill ", Sys.getpid()))
    else if (r < 0.5)
  }, mc.retry = 1, mc.cores = 10, mc.force.fork = TRUE)
## at least one scheduled core did not return results; maybe it was killed (by the Linux Out of Memory Killer ?) or there was a fatal error in the forked process(es)

## error(s) occured during mclapply; first original message:
## Error: 3
## Traceback:
## 51: stop(i) at <text>#5
## 50: FUN(X, ...)
## 49: withCallingHandlers(list(FUN(X, ...)), warning = whandler, message = mhandler, 
##         condition = chandler) at etry.R#38
## 48: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {

## Error in bettermc::mclapply(1:20, function(i) {: at least one scheduled core did not return results; maybe it was killed (by the Linux Out of Memory Killer ?) or there was a fatal error in the forked process(es)
## --- AND ---
## error(s) occured during mclapply; first original message:
## Error: 3
## Traceback:
## 51: stop(i) at <text>#5

gfkse/bettermc documentation built on April 23, 2023, 6:51 a.m.