overloading-mclapply: Overload 'parallel::mclapply' With 'bettermc::mclapply'

overloading-mclapplyR Documentation

Overload parallel::mclapply With bettermc::mclapply


Enable the use of bettermc::mclapply by third-party packages originally using mclapply from the parallel package, e.g. doMC or rstan. This is achieved by replacing the mclapply-function in various environments.


This feature violates CRAN policies and is hence only included in the separate package bettermcExt, which you can install e.g. via

remotes::install_github("gfkse/bettermcExt", remotes::github_release())

gfkse/bettermc documentation built on April 23, 2023, 6:51 a.m.