
#' Common meta data structure in cranvas
#' A meta data is created with reference classes
#' (\code{\link[methods]{setRefClass}}) in the \pkg{methods} and signaling
#' fields in the \pkg{objectProperties} package
#' (\code{\link[objectProperties]{properties}}). It is used to make several
#' plotting routines more modularized (e.g. the axes and background layers).
#' This object only provides a template for the common meta data, we have to
#' call \code{\link[objectProperties]{properties}} in order to \emph{really}
#' create a meta object.
#' We can use \code{Meta.template$new()} to generate an object, which is
#' essentially an environment. This environment object is dynamic in the sense
#' that no matter where we copy it to or how we modify the components in it, all
#' its copies can sync with each other. This free us from considering lexical
#' scopes frequently when we do interactive graphics, which often involves with
#' global or local changes of variables.
#' Another advantage is that we can attach events on this object. When a
#' component is changed, an event can be triggered (see examples below).
#' The common meta structure contains the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{alpha}{the alpha transparency}
#' \item{main}{the main title}
#' \item{xlim, ylim}{the real x- and y-axis limits calculated from original
#' data}
#' \item{xat, yat}{the tickmarks locations on the x and y axis}
#' \item{xlab, ylab}{x and y axis titles}
#' \item{xlabels, ylabels}{the tickmarks labels}
#' \item{minor}{possible values are \code{''}, \code{'x'}, \code{'y'} and
#' \code{'xy'}, indicating which axis to draw minor grid lines}
#' \item{limits}{the limits of the main plot layer (it is often the case that
#' some other layers need to sync with the main plot layer in limits, so this
#' component is very important)}
#' \item{color, border, size}{the real color, border and size vectors used to
#' draw the graphical elements, which can be different from the corresponding
#' columns in the original data}
#' \item{start, pos}{the starting position and the current position of the
#' cursor}
#' \item{brush.move}{indicating if the brush is in the move mode (if not, the
#' brush will be resized when mouse moves}
#' \item{brush.size}{the size of the brush rectangle (a numeric vector of length
#' 2)}
#' \item{brush.adj}{the amount of x and y adjustment for the brush rectangle to
#' capture a graphical element without having to cover its center}
#' \item{manual.brush}{a function to manually brush the plot given the mouse
#' position}
#' \item{identified, identify.labels}{the identified indices and the text label
#' to draw in the plot for the identified cases}
#' \item{handlers}{a list of event handlers (functions of two arguments: layer
#' and event)}
#' \item{active}{logical: if the current plot window is active}}
#' @examples library(objectSignals)
#' My.meta = setRefClass("My_meta", fields = objectProperties::properties(c(Common.meta,
#' list(horizontal = 'logical', xleft = 'numeric'))))
#' meta = My.meta$new(alpha = 1); meta$alpha; meta$xat = 1:5
#' meta$pos = c(1, 4); meta$horizontal = FALSE
#' meta2 = meta; meta2$xat = 2:6; meta$xat  # meta is changed too
#' meta$posChanged$connect(function() {
#' message('the mouse position is (', paste(meta$pos, collapse = ','), ') now')
#' })
#' meta$pos = c(2, 0)
#' ls(meta)  # list all the objects in it
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
Common.meta = list(
  alpha = 'numeric', main = 'character', xlim = 'numeric', ylim = 'numeric',
  xat = 'numeric', yat = 'numeric', xlab = 'character', ylab = 'character',
  xlabels = 'character', ylabels = 'character', limits = 'matrix',
  color = 'character', border = 'character', size = 'numeric',
  start = 'numeric', pos = 'numeric', active = 'logical',
  brush.move = 'logical', brush.size = 'numeric', brush.adj = 'numeric',
  manual.brush = 'function', minor = 'character', keys = 'character',
  identified = 'integer', identify.labels = 'character', handlers = 'list'

setClass("Meta", contains = "VIRTUAL")
## do we have a default?
setRefClass("CommonMeta", contain = "Meta",
            fields = properties(Common.meta))
ggobi/cranvas documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:10 a.m.