Tropical-Atmosphere-Ocean: Tropical Atmosphere Ocean data

Tropical Atmosphere OceanR Documentation

Tropical Atmosphere Ocean data


This is a subset of data taken from the NOAA web site The data is generated from recording instruments on a grid of buoys laid out over the Pacific Ocean. The grid was setup to monitor El Nino and La Nina events. This subset contains measurements from 5 locations (0deg/110W, 2S/110W, 0deg/95W,2S/95W,5S/95W) and two time points Nov-Jan 1993 (normal), 1997 (El Nino). There are missing values in this data set, which need to be removed, or imputed before running a tour.


A 736 x 8 numeric array


ggobi/tourr documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 1:25 a.m.