Man pages for ghuiber/bicycle
Design a bicycle frame

add_steering_axisAdd steering axis, adjusted fork and rake triangle
add_the_ett_to_the_drawingAdd the effective top tube to a frame drawing
add_the_fork_rake_to_the_drawingAdd the fork rake to a frame drawing
add_the_fork_trailAdd the fork trail to a frame drawing
add_the_steering_axis_to_the_drawingAdd the steering axis to a frame drawing
add_the_tube_extensions_to_the_drawingAdd any tube extensions to the frame drawing
add_the_wheelsAdd the wheels to a frame drawing
add_tube_extensionAdd extension to top of the head or seat tube
bicyclebicycle: A package for designing bicycle frames
big_bicycleGet all the things
calculate_fork_trailCalculate fork trail
draw_the_bicycleDraw a fresh frame onto a blank sheet
draw_the_true_forkAdd the true fork to a frame drawing
find_ht_extension_and_add_true_forkAdd the true fork
get_all_the_metricsGet some useful frame metrics
get_bb_dropGet the bottom bracket drop
get_bbsc_offsetGet the bottom bracket shell offset 'bbsc_offset'
get_bb_tt_diagonalGet the length of the front triangle diagonal
get_cs_lengthGet the chain stay length
get_front_triangle_dimsGet front triangle dimensions
get_old_spacingGet the over-locknuts-dimension (OLD) spacing
get_rear_triangle_dimsGet rear triangle dimensions
get_st_to_rear_tire_clearanceGet seat tube to rear tire clearance
overlay_the_bicycleOverlay a new bicycle frame onto an existing plot
wrap_frame_dimsGet the dimensions of the bicycle frame
ghuiber/bicycle documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 10:46 a.m.