A protein-centric approach for exome variant aggregation enables sensitive association analysis with clinical outcomes

1 Installation and Data Formating

GPD can be downloaded and installed in R. Installation of GPD requires devtools as a prerequisite:


The package 'qvalue' from Bioconductor should also be installed

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


Next, install GPD by:


Input files for GPD analysis include

The mutation data should be formatted similar to Mutation Annotation File (MAF) format:

Hugo_Symbol Gene    Chromosome  Start_Position  End_Position    Variant_Classification  Variant_Type    HGVSc   HGVSp   Tumor_Sample_Barcode
GFRA1   ENSG00000151892 10  117884831   117884831   Missense_Mutation   SNP c.671G>A    p.Arg224Gln example-35
LRP6    ENSG00000070018 12  12301919    12301919    Missense_Mutation   SNP c.3163G>A   p.Glu1055Lys    example-35
KIF5A   ENSG00000155980 12  57957244    57957244    Missense_Mutation   SNP c.152G>A    p.Arg51His  example-35
BBS10   ENSG00000179941 12  76741456    76741459    Frame_Shift_Del DEL c.306_309delCAGA    p.Asp102GlufsTer6   example-35
SUGT1   ENSG00000165416 13  53237236    53237236    Nonsense_Mutation   SNP c.484G>T    p.Glu162Ter example-35
HECTD1  ENSG00000092148 14  31598273    31598273    Missense_Mutation   SNP c.4304T>A   p.Val1435Asp    example-35
TLN2    ENSG00000171914 15  63017231    63017231    Silent  SNP c.3183G>A   p.%3D   example-35
PDE8A   ENSG00000073417 15  85664025    85664025    Intron  SNP c.1735-3C>A .   example-35
ANKS3   ENSG00000168096 16  4747041 4747041 Missense_Mutation   SNP c.1959G>C   p.Trp653Cys example-35
CCL11   ENSG00000172156 17  32614719    32614719    3'UTR   SNP c.*10A>G    .   example-35
TP53    ENSG00000141510 17  7578415 7578428 Frame_Shift_Del DEL c.502_515delCACATGACGGAGGT  p.His168CysfsTer8   example-35
LAMA3   ENSG00000053747 18  21464756    21464756    Missense_Mutation   SNP c.5242G>T   p.Val1748Leu    example-35
ZNF230  ENSG00000159882 19  44515611    44515611    Missense_Mutation   SNP c.1420A>T   p.Met474Leu example-35
IZUMO1  ENSG00000182264 19  49245556    49245556    Silent  SNP c.510G>A    p.%3D   example-35
PTCHD2  ENSG00000204624 1   11561189    11561189    Missense_Mutation   SNP c.140G>A    p.Arg47Gln  example-35
IGSF3   ENSG00000143061 1   117150771   117150771   Missense_Mutation   SNP c.1015G>A   p.Glu339Lys example-35
NEK2    ENSG00000117650 1   211846871   211846871   Missense_Mutation   SNP c.509C>T    p.Thr170Met example-35

The PIU data format looks as follows:

uniprot_accession   start_position  end_position    center_position unit_name   gene_name   gene_id unit_label
Q14D04  211 221 216 py  VEPH1   ENSG00000197415 PTM
Q14D04  375 385 380 ps  VEPH1   ENSG00000197415 PTM
Q14D04  392 402 397 pt  VEPH1   ENSG00000197415 PTM
Q14D04  417 427 422 pt  VEPH1   ENSG00000197415 PTM
Q14D04  425 435 430 ps  VEPH1   ENSG00000197415 PTM
Q14D04  444 454 449 ps  VEPH1   ENSG00000197415 PTM
Q14D04  524 534 529 ps  VEPH1   ENSG00000197415 PTM
Q14D04  717 819 768 PH  VEPH1   ENSG00000197415 Domain
Q14D04  766 776 771 ps  VEPH1   ENSG00000197415 PTM
Q14D04  778 788 783 ps  VEPH1   ENSG00000197415 PTM
Q14D33  50  150 100 zf-3CxxC    RTP5    ENSG00000277949 Domain

The current implementation of GPD requires that user's own mutation data and protein information data follow the formatting shown above, i.e. with exactly the same column names.

Format of clinical information data:

Tumor_Sample_Barcode    type    age gender  race    ajcc_pathologic_tumor_stage clinical_stage  histological_type   histological_grade  initial_pathologic_dx_year  menopause_status    birth_days_to   vital_status    tumor_status    last_contact_days_to    death_days_to   cause_of_death  new_tumor_event_type    new_tumor_event_site    new_tumor_event_site_other  new_tumor_event_dx_days_to  treatment_outcome_first_course  margin_status   residual_tumor  OS  OS.time DSS DSS.time    DFI DFI.time    PFI PFI.time    Redaction
example-1   example 65  FEMALE  WHITE   Stage II    [Not Applicable]    Adrenocortical carcinoma- Usual Type    [Not Available] 2011    [Not Available] -24017  Alive   WITH TUMOR  383 NA  [Not Available] Distant Metastasis  Lung    #N/A    166 [Not Available] NA  NA  0   383 0   383 NA  NA  1   166 NA
example-2   example 42  FEMALE  WHITE   Stage IV    [Not Applicable]    Adrenocortical carcinoma- Usual Type    [Not Available] 1998    [Not Available] -15536  Dead    WITH TUMOR  NA  436 [Not Available] Distant Metastasis  Bone    #N/A    61  Progressive Disease NA  NA  1   436 1   436 NA  NA  1   61  NA
example-3   example 32  FEMALE  WHITE   Stage III   [Not Applicable]    Adrenocortical carcinoma- Usual Type    [Not Available] 2010    [Not Available] -11970  Dead    WITH TUMOR  NA  994 [Not Available] Distant Metastasis  Lung    #N/A    97  Progressive Disease NA  NA  1   994 1   994 NA  NA  1   97  NA
example-4   example 37  FEMALE  [Not Evaluated] Stage II    [Not Applicable]    Adrenocortical carcinoma- Usual Type    [Not Available] 2009    [Not Available] -13574  Alive   TUMOR FREE  1857    NA  [Not Available] #N/A    #N/A    #N/A    NA  Complete Remission/Response NA  NA  0   1857    0   1857    0   1857    0   1857    NA
example-5   example 53  FEMALE  WHITE   Stage IV    [Not Applicable]    Adrenocortical carcinoma- Usual Type    [Not Available] 2011    [Not Available] -19492  Alive   WITH TUMOR  1171    NA  [Not Available] Distant Metastasis  Lung    #N/A    351 Stable Disease  NA  NA  0   1171    0   1171    NA  NA  1   351 NA

Clinical information is an input required for survival analysis. Not all the columns in the above file are required, however these columns are compulsory:


OS refers to the survival status; OS.time refers to survival time. In the manuscript, we did survival analysis with adjustment of two additional potential confounders: total mutation count and stage (when available). These are not adjusted in the function provided in the package. However, we provide the script 'survival_model_adjust_totalMutationStage.R' where model is constructed with these additionall covariables, users may refer to the script if needed.

We provide in our R package the mutation data file and clinical data file for a subset of an example cohort. We also provide PIU data file containing the protein modification sites from the PhosphoSitePlus database and pfam domains. User can access these data after installing the package.


2 Mutation Extraction

The first step is to read in your mutation data, and identify patients you wish to study by specifying their IDs (barcodes).

mutation_df = fread("your_path_to_file/user_mutation.tsv",
                header = T,
                select = c("Hugo_Symbol","Gene","Chromosome","Start_Position","End_Position","Variant_Classification","Variant_Type","HGVSc","HGVSp","Tumor_Sample_Barcode"),
                stringsAsFactors = F)

cancer_barcode = unique(mutation_df$Tumor_Sample_Barcode)  

These objects will be part of the inputs in the extraction_annotation_posfunction.

An example of running a subset of example somatic mutations is the following:

extraction_annotation_pos(mutation_df = sel_example_mutation,
                                  cancer_type = "example",
                                  cancer_barcode = unique(sel_example_mutation$Tumor_Sample_Barcode),
                                  output_dir = "your_output_dir1/")

This will generate two output files that will be used in the subsequent function:

The first file contains extracted mutations in non-protein coding regions. The second file contains extracted mutations in protein coding regions and their annotated corresponding amino acid positions.

3 Mutation Mapping

GPD maps mutations to PIUs, linker region, and non-coding region. Linker region refers to protein-coding sequences that do not correspond to either protein domains or protein modification sites. Users can load their own PIU data file as follows:

piu_df = fread("your_path_to_file/user_piu.tsv", stringsAsFactors = F)

Mapping to the default PIUs provided in the library can be done with the annotated subset of example somatic mutations:

piu_mapping (piu_df =  ptm_pfam_combine,
             pc_data_name  = "your_output_dir1/example_mutation_pc_pos.tsv",
             npc_data_name = "your_output_dir1/example_mutation_npc.tsv",
             cancer_barcode = unique(sel_example_mutation$Tumor_Sample_Barcode),
             output_dir = "your_output_dir2/")

This function will produce three output files:

These files carry mutation mapping results (counts per PIU, linker unit, and non-coding unit), which can be used in subsequent statistical analysis.

4 Survival analysis

After mapping, users can perform survival analysis to study the association between mapped mutation counts on PIU, LU, NCU and patient survival.

Users can upload their clinical data in the following way:

clinical_df = fread("your_path_to_file/user_clinical.tsv", stringsAsFactors = F)

With the subset of example data mapping results and clinical data, we perform the survival analysis.

univariate_cox_model(piu_filename = "your_output_dir2/piu_mapping_count.tsv",
                     lu_filename = "your_output_dir2/lu_summarising_count.tsv",
                     ncu_filename = "your_output_dir2/ncu_summarising_count.tsv",
                     clinical_df = sel_example_cdr,
                     gender_as_covariate = T,
                     race_group_min = 6,
                     min_surv_days = 90,
                     min_surv_people = 5,
                     patient_sum_min = 3,
                     mutation_type = "somatic",
                     output_dir = "your_output_dir3/")

This function will generate the following output files:

ginnyintifa/GPD documentation built on Oct. 23, 2019, 1:52 a.m.