
Defines functions cas_delete_from_db

Documented in cas_delete_from_db

#' Delete rows from selected database table
#' @param table Name of the table from where rows should be deleted.
#' @param id Defaults to NULL. A vector of id. Rows with the given id will be
#'   removed from the database.
#' @param batch  Defaults to NULL. A vector of batch identigiers. Rows with the
#'   given batch id will be removed from the database.
#' @param index_group  Defaults to NULL. A vector of "index_group" names. Rows
#'   with the given "index_group" will be removed from the database.
#' @param ask Defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, it runs a query checking how many rows
#'   would be deleted, and actually deletes them only after confirming.
#' @inheritParams cas_read_from_db
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (interactive) {
#'   cas_delete_from_db(table = "contents_data", id = id_to_delete)
#' }
#' }
cas_delete_from_db <- function(table,
                               id = NULL,
                               batch = NULL,
                               index_group = NULL,
                               ask = TRUE,
                               db_folder = NULL,
                               db_connection = NULL,
                               disconnect_db = FALSE,
                               ...) {
  if (cas_check_use_db(...) == FALSE) {
    cli::cli_abort("Database not set. Set the database connection with `cas_set_options()` or pass database connection with the parameter `db_connection`.")

  db <- cas_connect_to_db(
    db_connection = db_connection,
    read_only = FALSE,

  if (DBI::dbExistsTable(conn = db, name = table) == FALSE) {
    cli::cli_abort(message = "Table {.var {table}} does not exist.")

  if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
    if (ask == TRUE) {
      rows_to_be_deleted_v <- purrr::map_dbl(
        .progress = TRUE,
        .x = glue::glue_sql("SELECT id FROM {`table`} WHERE (id = {id})",
          .con = db
        .f = function(current_statement) {
          result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
            conn = db,
            statement = current_statement
          ) %>%

      confirm <- usethis::ui_yeah(x = glue::glue("A total of {scales::number(sum(rows_to_be_deleted_v))} rows is going to be removed from the table {sQuote(table)}. Do you confirm?"))
    } else {
      confirm <- TRUE

    if (isTRUE(confirm)) {
      rows_deleted_v <- purrr::map_dbl(
        .progress = TRUE,
        .x = glue::glue_sql("DELETE FROM {`table`} WHERE (id = {id})",
          .con = db
        .f = function(current_statement) {
          result <- DBI::dbExecute(
            conn = db,
            statement = current_statement

    } else {
  } else if (is.null(batch) == FALSE) {
    if (ask == TRUE) {
      rows_to_be_deleted_v <- purrr::map_dbl(
        .progress = TRUE,
        .x = glue::glue_sql("SELECT batch FROM {`table`} WHERE (batch = {batch})",
          .con = db
        .f = function(current_statement) {
          result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
            conn = db,
            statement = current_statement
          ) %>%

      confirm <- usethis::ui_yeah(x = glue::glue("A total of {scales::number(sum(rows_to_be_deleted_v))} rows is going to be removed from the table {sQuote(table)}. Do you confirm?"))
    } else {
      confirm <- TRUE

    if (isTRUE(confirm)) {
      rows_deleted_v <- purrr::map_dbl(
        .progress = TRUE,
        .x = glue::glue_sql("DELETE FROM {`table`} WHERE (batch = {batch})",
          .con = db
        .f = function(current_statement) {
          result <- DBI::dbExecute(
            conn = db,
            statement = current_statement

    } else {
  } else if (is.null(index_group) == FALSE) {
    if (ask == TRUE) {
      rows_to_be_deleted_v <- purrr::map_dbl(
        .progress = TRUE,
        .x = glue::glue_sql("SELECT index_group FROM {`table`} WHERE (index_group = {index_group})",
          .con = db
        .f = function(current_statement) {
          result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
            conn = db,
            statement = current_statement
          ) %>%

      confirm <- usethis::ui_yeah(x = glue::glue("A total of {scales::number(sum(rows_to_be_deleted_v))} rows is going to be removed from the table {sQuote(table)}. Do you confirm?"))
    } else {
      confirm <- TRUE

    if (isTRUE(confirm)) {
      rows_deleted_v <- purrr::map_dbl(
        .progress = TRUE,
        .x = glue::glue_sql("DELETE FROM {`table`} WHERE (index_group = {index_group})",
          .con = db
        .f = function(current_statement) {
          result <- DBI::dbExecute(
            conn = db,
            statement = current_statement

    } else {

    db_connection = db,
    disconnect_db = disconnect_db

  cli::cli_inform(message = c(i = "{sum(rows_deleted_v)} rows have been deleted from the table {.var {table}}"))
giocomai/castarter documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 7:25 a.m.