
Defines functions ll_get_nuts_eu

Documented in ll_get_nuts_eu

#' Gets NUTS as sf object from Eurostat's website
#' Source: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/reference-data/administrative-units-statistical-units/nuts#nuts16
#' @param nuts_id NUTS id. Must correspond to the level given. e.g. "DE149" for the NUTS3 regionion of Sigmaringen in Germany.
#' @param nuts_name Name of the NUTS region. Run `ll_get_nuts_eu()` to check valid values in `NUTS_NAME` column.
#' @param level Defaults to 3, corresponding to nuts3. Available values are: 0, 1, 2, and 3.
#' @param resolution Defaults to "60", for 1:60 Million. Available values: are 20, 10, 3, 1 (1 is highest quality available).
#' @param year Defaults to 2021 Available values: 2021, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2006, 2003
#' @return NUTS in sf format
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ll_get_nuts_eu()
ll_get_nuts_eu <- function(nuts_id = NULL,
                           nuts_name = NULL,
                           level = 3,
                           resolution = 60,
                           year = 2021,
                           silent = FALSE) {
  resolution <- stringr::str_pad(string = resolution,
                                 width = 2,
                                 side = "left",
                                 pad = 0)

  if (silent == FALSE) {
    usethis::ui_info("© EuroGeographics for the administrative boundaries")
    usethis::ui_info("Source: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/reference-data/administrative-units-statistical-units/countries")

    geo = "eu",
    level = level,
    resolution = resolution,
    year = year

    geo = "eu",
    level = "all_levels",
    resolution = resolution,
    year = year

  rds_file <- ll_find_file(
    geo = "eu",
    level = level,
    resolution = resolution,
    year = year,
    name = "abl",
    file_type = "rds"

  if (is.null(nuts_id)==FALSE) {
    rds_file_location <- ll_find_file(
      geo = "eu",
      level = level,
      resolution = resolution,
      year = year,
      name = nuts_id,
      file_type = "rds"
    if (fs::file_exists(rds_file_location)) {
      return(readRDS(file = rds_file_location))
  } else if (is.null(nuts_name) == FALSE) {
    rds_file_location <- ll_find_file(
      geo = "eu",
      level = level,
      resolution = resolution,
      year = year,
      name = paste0(level, "-", stringr::str_replace_all(string = nuts_name, pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = "_")),
      file_type = "rds"

    if (fs::file_exists(rds_file_location)) {
      return(readRDS(file = rds_file_location))

  if (fs::file_exists(rds_file)) {
    sf <- readRDS(file = rds_file)
  } else {
    shp_folder <- ll_find_file(
      geo = "eu",
      level = "all_levels",
      resolution = resolution,
      year = year,
      name = "abl",
      file_type = "shp"

    shp_folder_level <- fs::path(shp_folder, paste0("NUTS_RG_", resolution, "M_", year, "_4326_LEVL_", level, ".shp"))

    if (fs::file_exists(shp_folder_level) == FALSE) {
      zip_file <- ll_find_file(
        geo = "eu",
        level = "all_levels",
        resolution = resolution,
        year = year,
        name = "abl",
        file_type = "zip"
      source_url <- paste0("https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/GISCO/distribution/v2/nuts/download/ref-nuts-", year, "-", resolution, "m.shp.zip")

      if (fs::file_exists(zip_file) == FALSE) {
          url = source_url,
          destfile = zip_file
        zipfile = zip_file,
        exdir = shp_folder
        zipfile = paste0(shp_folder_level, ".zip"),
        exdir = fs::path(shp_folder, paste0("4326-nuts", level))
    sf <- sf::read_sf(fs::path(shp_folder, paste0("4326-nuts", level)))
      object = sf,
      file = rds_file
  if (is.null(nuts_id)==FALSE) {
    sf <- sf %>%
      dplyr::filter(NUTS_ID == nuts_id)
    saveRDS(object = sf,
            file = rds_file_location)
  } else if (is.null(nuts_name) == FALSE) {
    sf <- sf %>%
      dplyr::filter(NUTS_NAME == nuts_name)
    saveRDS(object = sf,
            file = rds_file_location)
giocomai/latlon2map documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 12:52 a.m.